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Computer Animation, Astonishing, Bruegel, A woman with a short natural afro and dressed in a colorful African-inspired out...
External Generator
Computer Animation, Astonishing, Bruegel, A woman with a short natural afro and dressed in a colorful African-inspired outfit, loyal, Asymmetrical, Impressionistic, Aurora, Short, Narrow Chest, Round Face, Dark Skin, Black Hair, Blue Eyes with Green Flecks, Narrow Nose, Full Lips, Sharp Chin, Pointy Ear, Short Hair, Thick Hair, Goatee
Negative prompt
mole, sluggish, okay, downtrodden, unrefined, low quality, disheartened, signature, sorry, somber, bleak, dolorous, disfigured, bad, crappy, abject, unpleasant, awful, morose, messy drawing, desolate, poorly drawn hands, ghastly, children, sorrowful, horrible, gross, fat, ugly, downcast, mediocre, uninspiring, plaintive, heavy-hearted, terrible, joyless, worst, despondent, dismal, lugubrious, nipples,ugly, wretched, childish, tragical, unattractive, blurry, unambitious, worst quality, grieved, heartbroken, disenchanted, hostile, crestfallen, joy-less, (painting by bad-artist-anime)++, disheartening, miserable, artist name, noise,deformed fingers,dust, jpeg artifacts, hopeless, yucky, obese, garbage, tattoos, anguished, shitty, sad, annoying, anime, text, unpleasing, child, decent, depressing, (painting by bad-artist)++, low quality++), dumb, crest-fallen, unsympathetic, pitiable, poorly drawn face, dreadful, error, cursed, discomfited, disgusting, unappealing, abysmal, mutated, username, average, unfortunate, cropped, calamitous, unfriendly, gloomy, surly, uninviting, distressful, frightful, teen, atrocious, useless, watermark, disagreeable, sickening, drab, execrable, unappreciative, woebegone, regretful, dispirited, oppressed, tattoo, woeful, girl, odious, boring, (worst quality, dull, ok, black, horrid, dreary, boy, grievous, down, tearful, sullen, unappetizing, melancholy, unhappy, dejected, silly, listless, unrefreshing, extra limb, unenthusiastic, mournful, cheerless, pitiful, unromantic, painful, ruinous, shoddy, despairing, bad anatomy, regrettable, sick, lame, stupid, deformed, lamentable, discouraged, chubby, mutation, normal quality, doleful, forlorn, baneful, disfavored
CFG scale
Euler a