Workflow: Input Image (or prompt) -> captioning with Florence2 to a text prompt -> prompt is used for LTX TEXT to VIDEO (this is a Text to Video workflow, see my other workflow for Image to Video)
(Creates up to 10sec clips in less than 1min. Confirmed working on 8gb VRam)
V4.0: Support for GGUF Models
GGUF Model, VAE and Textencoder can be downloaded here:
(Clip Textencoder):
(includes a GGUF Version and a GGUF+TiledVae Version for low Vram)
V3.1: Support for model 0.9.1
V3.0: GUI Clean up, reduced no. of custom nodes, feature to use your own prompt.
V2.0: Introducing STG (Spatiotemporal Skip Guidance for Enhanced Video Diffusion Sampling).
GUI includes two new nodes in blue:
STG settings, showing CFG, Scale and Rescale. Plus a switch to change between two layers of the model to be skipped (8 or 14 (default), chose "true" for layer 14 or "false" for layer 8)
I copied a note in the workflow with further info and usable values/limits. Feel free to experiment. In my testing, I kept the values within STG settings as default and just used the switch.
Node "Modify LTX Model" will change the model within a session, if you switch to another worklfow, make sure to hit "Free model and node cache" in comfyui to avoid interferences.
V1.0: ComfyUI Workflow: LTX IMAGE-to-TEXT-to-VIDEO Using Florence2 Caption
This workflow transforms the input images into a prompt (Florence2 for captioning) and uses the LTX Text to Video model for video generation (Image -> Prompt -> Video)