Memo-Ray Reviews
I wasn't sure about this model but decided to give it a go anyway. 100% no regret. It can be a bit finicky when trying to make it do something it doesn't want to, but is wonderful to work with otherwise.
Found out that it is shockingly good at generating at high resolutions. 1920x1080 with no upscaling works totally fine, great even. I even tried a 2560x1440 for the heck of it and while it was obviously not as good as 1080p, it was not a garbled mess like most other models, just not quite as good.
Incredibly versatile with character shading in more artsy styles and not bad with funky camera angles, assuming you put in the effort to work through the issues. Expect to do so however because it is very unlikely that you will get good results without a hefty prompt. Still 100% worth it.
All the images I posted below were done without any upscaling, including highresFix. Just straight up prompting.