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My humble open source template+script to deploy SD on EC2 fully handsfree

My humble open source template+script to deploy SD on EC2 fully handsfree

I have recently open-sourced a template+script for deploying SD on EC2 fully automated.

Handsfree-stable-diffusion is a CloudFormation template+script for deploying Stable Diffusion webui - fully hands-free.

I originally created this script because my ancient 2014 laptop is impossible to run stable-diffusion in any meaningful way. This script enables me to explore stable diffusion and keep the cost very low by deploying and removing all the resources anytime.

I believe by open-sourcing this template+script, it can benefit some of you brothers and sisters who are stuck with old laptops but love to explore stable diffusion.

Why this script?

  • Instance configuration to find the right GPU, AMI and driver can be a lengthly process, I have done the chore and figured out the right combination to create this template+script

  • Installing dependencies often requires one to babysit the CLI, the script fully automates the process

The Github link:

This is my first attempt to open source something, please be kind and roast me softly (?) Any feedback is welcome!

