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Citron News (2024/12/28)

Citron News (2024/12/28)

Its almost New Years! What are your New Years resolutions?

In 2025 I want to complete the Kanto Pokedex and I want to reach 100 Loras for different OCs.

I should probably also learn how to make a private AI Chat server or learn how to make AI videos but I like to choose goals I have a good plan to achieve.

Weekly Competition 10

  1. Christmas Anime Treasure - winner is midnightj with entry

  2. Warhammer 40K Christmas Art! - winner is Daggoth with entry

  3. Art of the Radiant Riju - winner is VernonBennett with entry

  4. Art of Romantic Riju - winner is something108 with entry

Also shout out to Average_cute_girl_enjoyer, ravemry9, phinjo, ikarirh, and forsenScoots for amazing entries that almost won! I sent you 200 Buzz ⚡ each!

Weekly Competition 11

  1. Art of Nami - 1,515 Buzz

  2. Illustrious Ickpot Style Testing - Please post luscious lips - 2,025 Buzz

Weekly Competition 12

If you'd like to see someone new in the Poll please comment!

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