Disclaimer: Sorry in advanced if using Chrome Developer Tools is too technical... there is not a less technical alternative.
Want to see a Creator's stats?
Go to the Creator's page that you want to view stats on.
Open Chrome Developer Tools (or the equivalent for your browser)
Windows keyboard shortcut is
Mac keyboard shortcut is
Option + Command + I
(I don't have a Mac so I can't confirm)
Once Dev Tools is open click on the "Network" tab
Screenshot #1
In the Filter type "user.getCreator" (If there are no results refresh the page while Dev Tools is open)
Screenshot #2
But wait there are still no results? That's because I have a File Type filter applied. Make sure you have "All" selected. Screenshot #3
Now click one of the objects and expand results as shown in screenshot #4
Screenshot #4
If you are only seeing your results then click the other item in left column. Notice I selected the 2nd one. You should always see two results one for the user's page you are on and one for yourself.
And now you can see all sorts of exact stats that aren't normally visible. For example, the Models number displayed on a user's profile only shows number of model pages but the "uploadCountAllTime" field in the Dev Tools result shows how many models/versions are uploaded. For me you can see I have 1001 models on my profile page but actually 1567 uploaded models/versions.
Why do this? It gives you a chance to get precise stats on a given creator. For me, I record my stats about every two days so I can track stats like how many Generations are made a day with my models.
Did you know nochekaiser881 gets over 70k generations a day? He also posts like 20 models a day lol. It would be hard to know those numbers unless I had a precise way of getting that data. ;3
Youtube has lots of interesting engagement stats for creators but CivitAI doesn't make any of this easy to analyze. It would be cool if one day this was on a dashboard.