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Worlds Bar 🍷 - Branch IV

Worlds Bar 🍷 - Branch IV

-- [Branch I] -- [Branch II] -- [Branch III] -- [✅Branch IV] -- [Branch V] -- [Branch VI] -- [Branch VII] --


Just had a random idea of starting a drinks pics collection for each world morph, I'll be gradually filling this Worlds Bar 🍷 with beverages be it drinks, cocktails, soda or even simple water!

and if you have made any type of beverage form one the world morphs make sure share a link to the post in comments and i'll add it its respective shelve in the collection 👍

-- due the the limit of images in Civitai being 40 per Article I'm splitting Worlds Bar 🍷 into multiple branches --


Branch IV Storage (5/5 Bars)-(23 Menu items)

  • [5/7 Drinks] Abyssal Tech - World Bar🕳

  • [4/7 Drinks] Demonic tech - World Bar😈

  • [7/7 Drinks] Retrowave tech - World Bar👾

  • [5/7 Drinks] Cosmic Eldritch tech - World Bar🐙

  • [2/7 Drinks] Infra Blackhole tech - World Bar🌌


Latest Additions ➕

-- [+2 Drinks @Retrowave tech - World Bar👾] --



Abyssal Tech - World Bar🕳

AT- Soulbane Elixir (by Sozutorn):

AT- Distilled Resentment (by neilarmstron12):

AT- Banshee's Smile (by OneViolentGentleman):

AT- Refreshing Nothingness (by faustoserone393):

AT- Liquid Void:



Demonic tech - World Bar😈

DT- Heavvy Bargain (by Sozutorn):

DT- Milked Bones (by MasterBates):

DT- Souls nectar (by faustoserone393):

DT- Mortals infusion:



Retrowave tech - World Bar👾

RT- CyberGem (by mageofthesands279):


RT- SynthSea (by mageofthesands279):


RT- AntigraviTea (by OneViolentGentleman):

RT- Flavorwave (by Sozutorn):

RT- Cyber ecstasy :

RT- Simulated Pleasure (by faustoserone393):

RT- Horizon Dream (by neilarmstron12):



Cosmic Eldritch tech - World Bar🐙

CT- Guts Tickler (by Sozutorn):

CT- Brain Predator (by OneViolentGentleman):

CT- Whisperer's Howl (by OneViolentGentleman):

CT- Final Nightmare (by OneViolentGentleman):

CT- Mouth Violator (by OneViolentGentleman):



Infra Blackhole tech - World Bar🌌

IbT- Once More 'Round the Sun (by OneViolentGentleman):

IbT- Devoured Worlds (by faustoserone393):



Awaiting further brews . . .

