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关于Lora训练和使用的比喻 Analogy about Lora trainning and using

关于Lora训练和使用的比喻 Analogy about Lora trainning and using

I might translate it into English in the future, but it is not that easy.

If trainning loras is like……watching tutorials in a supermarket to learn certain recipes.

  • The pretrained model is like the supermarket.

  • Tutorials are like datasets.

  • Parameter dim is like the thickness of your notebook.

  • Parameter alpha is like how much you can see each time you watch the tutorial.

If your dim and alpha are quite large, then you will lean a lot in a rapid way. But sometimes what you want to learn it is really simple, such as "how to boil water", you do not have to prepare such a big notebook, and learn so seriouly right?

If your alpha is relatively low, while the learning rate is still the same, you will learn slowly, which means you need to set the lr greater and use more epoches.

However, you can still use small dim and alpha, which is like writing a micro cheating notebook full of micro texts.

Overfitting lora is like……you've learnt too much, and take down too many unnecessary details. Originally, you want cook tomatoes with fried eggs, but you even want the same apron and pot! So a bad result is doomed.


  • 底模相当于菜市场。

  • 教程相当于训练集中各种各样的图片。

  • Dim参数相当于你的笔记本厚度。

  • Alpha参数相当于你每次抬头看教程的视野范围。








