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ENDED - SDXL image Contest!

ENDED - SDXL image Contest!

This Contest has now ended!

SDXL Image Contest

We've listened to your valuable feedback concerning the entry level for the SDXL training contest. In response, we're thrilled to announce an image contest that will level the playing field - the introduction of an SDXL Image Contest, happening simultaneously!

Participation is simple. Add your image to the SDXL resource you used to create it, then add it to the SDXL Image contest collection.

We've outlined the contest's rules and regulations below for your reference.


  1. All submitted resources must be generated exclusively by the participant using SDXL 1.0 or an SDXL 1.0 Resource (there's an SDXL training contest going on right now, check out what's available)

  2. All submitted resources must strictly adhere to SFW (Safe for Work) guidelines.

  3. Unfair voting manipulation, such as vote purchasing, usage of bot accounts, or other dishonest practices, are strictly prohibited. Participants found engaging in such activities will face immediate disqualification and a permanent ban from the website.

  4. Participants are welcome to submit as many qualifying images as they wish.

  5. Additional resources such as SDXL 1.0 checkpoints, LoRAs, or TIs that work with SDXL 1.0 are accepted.

  6. Meta data must be included in your image submissions.

  7. All images must be created solely through AI generation, with no further touch-ups or edits using any art programs. We're eager to see what the community can produce using pure SDXL!

  8. All images submitted must be created after the start of the contest on August 8th.

  9. A single resource can only secure one winning position.

  10. A creator can win only one prize.

  11. The top 100 images receiving the most reactions from the community will then be shortlisted for final judging.

  12. The contest begins on August 8th and ends on August 31st at 23:59 PST.

We can't wait to see your creative entries and wish you the best of luck!

How to Enter

To participate, you will first have to follow the SDXL Image Contest Collection by clicking the +Follow button in the top right of the Collection;

Then you can upload qualifying SDXL 1.0 images to the SDXL Image Collection!

You can upload your entry images by selecting the blue plus (+) at the top right side of the screen.

You will then be presented with a window allowing you to view and add images from your Civitai image library (previously uploaded images), or drag and drop/select images from your computer to upload.

Select images from your library

🚫 Uploaded images won’t be immediately visible in the Collection! All uploaded images will be reviewed and approved by the moderation team.

How to Win

Winners are selected based on the community reactions to the eligible images. The top 100 SDXL images, as determined by these reactions, will be assessed by our team who will choose the final winners. We’ll be evaluating entries based on creativity and the quality of the outputs.

Winners and Prizes

We’re incredibly fortunate to have an active and generous community of Donors and Supporters. Thanks to you we can afford to offer some pretty incredible prizes!

First place: RTX 4090 GPU ($1799 MSRP)

Second place: 16TB External HD ($279 MSRP)

Third place: 2TB NVMe SSD ($159 MSRP)

Fourth place: $50 Steam Gift Card ($50 MSRP)

Fifth, sixth, and Seventh places: 6 months of Civitai Supporter tier ($30 Value)

The Fine Print


Contest Name

Civitai SDXL Training Contest

Contest Website


The host and administrator of this contest is Civit AI INC.

Contest Submission Period: August 8th, 2023 – August 30, 2023 (11:59pm Mountain Time)(the “Contest Submission Period”)

Judging Period: August 8th, 2023 – August 31, 2023 (5:00pm Mountain Time)(the “Contest Submission Period”)

Winners Announced: on or around August 31, 2023 (5:00pm Mountain Time).

The Administrator will be the official timekeeper for the contest.


The Contest IS open to:

Individuals who are at least the age of majority where they reside as of the time of entry (“Eligible Individuals”)

Teams of Eligible Individuals (“Teams”)

Organizations (including corporations, not-for-profit corporations and other nonprofit organizations, limited liability companies, partnerships, and other legal entities) that exist and have been organized or incorporated at the time of entry, and employ no more than 50 people (“Small Organizations”)

Organizations (including corporations, not-for-profit corporations and other nonprofit organizations, limited liability companies, partnerships, and other legal entities) that employ more than 50 people (“Large Organizations”). Please note, however, that Large Organizations will only be eligible to win one of the Large Organization Recognition Awards described in Section 7, which carry no monetary value. Large Organizations will not be eligible to receive any other prize in connection with this Challenge.

(the above are collectively, “Creators”)

An Eligible Individual may join more than one Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization and an Eligible Individual who is part of a Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization may also enter the Challenge on an individual basis.

If a Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization is entering the Challenge, they must appoint and authorize one individual (the “Representative”) to represent, act, and enter a Submission, on their behalf. The Representative must meet the eligibility requirements above. By entering a Submission on the Site on behalf of a Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization you represent and warrant that you are the Representative authorized to act on behalf of your Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization.

PLEASE NOTE: It is your sole responsibility to review and understand your employer’s policies regarding your eligibility to participate in trade promotions, including this Challenge. If you are participating in violation of your employer’s policies, you may be disqualified from entering or receiving prizes. Poster and Administrator disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for disputes arising between an employee and their employer related to this matter, and prizes will only be awarded in compliance with the employer’s policies.

The Challenge IS NOT open to:

Individuals who are residents of, or Small Organizations or Large Organizations domiciled in, a country, state, province or territory where the laws of the United States or local law prohibits participating or receiving a prize in the Challenge (including, but not limited to, Brazil, Quebec, Italy, and Cuba, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, Syria and any other country designated by the United States Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control)

Government entities, including sovereign states and all governmental entities as well as quasi-Governmental entities, including but not limited to Government corporations, state-owned or state-controlled enterprises, regional transportation authorities, or state owned universities or hospitals (“Government Entities”). For additional guidance, please consult the State Owned Entity Criteria.

Organizations involved with the design, production, paid promotion, execution, or distribution of this Contest, including the Host and Administrator (“Promotion Entities”)

Any other individual or organization whose participation in the Contest would create, in the sole discretion of the Hoster and/or Administrator, a real or apparent conflict of interest

Additional Prize specific eligibility requirements are stated below in Section 7.


Outlined above.


Creator Rights: Subject to the licenses described below, any applicable intellectual property rights to a Submission will remain with the Creator.

Hoster Rights: By entering the Contest, you grant to the Hoster, Administrator, and any other third parties acting on the Hoster’s behalf, a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide perpetual license to display publicly and use for promotional purposes the Submission, in perpetuity. This license includes, but is not limited to, posting or linking to the Submission on Hoster’s, Administrator’s, and partners’ websites and applications, including the Contest Website, and display and promotion of the Submission in any other media, worldwide.

Submission Display: The Submission images and any other components may be displayed to the public. Other Submission materials may be viewed by the Hoster, Administrator, and Judges for screening and evaluation.

Creators represent and warrant that the Hoster, Administrator, and Contest partners are free to use Creators’ Submission in the manner described above, as provided or as modified by the Administrator, without obtaining permission or license from any third party and without any compensation to Creators.


Judges: Eligible Submissions will be evaluated and voted on via reactions by the user’s peers. The top 100 images will qualify and then placement winners will be picked by Civitai staff.

Tie Breaker: For each Prize, if two or more Submissions are tied, the tied Submission submitted first will be considered the higher scoring Submission. In the event any ties remain they will be judged by Civitai Staff.



Required Forms: Potential winners will be notified using the email address associated with the Civitai user account used to enter the Submission (the submitter is the “Representative” in the case of a Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization). In order to receive a Prize, the potential winner (including all participating team members in the case of a Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization) will be required to sign and return to the Hoster or Administrator, affidavit(s) of eligibility (or a similar verification document) and liability/publicity release(s), and any applicable tax forms (“Required Forms”). Deadline for Returning Required Forms: ten (10) business days after the Required Forms are sent.

Disqualification: The Hoster and/or Administrator may deem a potential winner (or participating team members) ineligible to win if:

the potential winner’s Representative or any participating member does not respond to multiple emails or fails to sign and return the Required Forms by the deadline listed above, or responds and rejects the Prize;

the Prize or Prize notification is returned as undeliverable; or

the Submission or the potential winner, or any member of a potential winner’s Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization, is disqualified for any other reason.

In the event of a disqualification, the Hoster and/or Administrator may award the applicable Prize to an alternate potential winner.


Substitutions & Changes: The Hoster has the right to make a Prize substitution of equivalent or greater value based on availability of the prizes or the eligibility of a winner to receive a prize. The Hoster will not award a Prize if there are no eligible Submissions entered in the Contest, or if there are no eligible Creators or Submissions for a specific Prize.

Prize delivery: Prizes will be delivered to the Creator, if an individual, to the Creator’s Representative, if a Team, or to the Small Organization, if the Creator is a Small Organization. It will be the responsibility of the winning Creator’s Representative to allocate the Prize among their Team or Small Organization’s participating members, as the Representative deems appropriate. A monetary Prize will be transferred to the winning Creator’s address (if an individual) or the Representative’s address (if a Team or Small Organization), or wired to the Creator, Creator Representative, or Small Organization’s bank account, only after receipt of the Required Forms. Failure to provide correct information on the Required Forms, or other correct information required for the delivery of a Prize, may result in delayed Prize delivery, disqualification or the Creator, or forfeiture of a Prize.

Prize Delivery Timeframe: Within 45 days of the Hoster or Administrator’s receipt of the Required Forms

Fees & Taxes: Winners (and in the case of Team or Small Organization, all participating members) are responsible for any fees associated with receiving or using a prize, including but not limited to, wiring fees. Winners (and in the case of Team or Small Organization, all participating members) are responsible for reporting and paying all applicable taxes in their jurisdiction of residence (federal, state/provincial/territorial and local). Winners may be required to provide certain information to facilitate receipt of the award, including completing and submitting any tax or other forms necessary for compliance with applicable withholding and reporting requirements. In the event of a monetary prize, United States residents are required to provide a completed form W-9 and residents of other countries are required to provide a completed W-8BEN form. Winners are also responsible for complying with foreign exchange and banking regulations in their respective jurisdictions and reporting the receipt of the Prize to relevant government departments/agencies, if necessary. The Hoster, Administrator, and/or Prize provider reserve the right to withhold a portion of the prize amount to comply with the tax laws of the United States or other Hoster jurisdiction, or those of a winner’s jurisdiction.


By entering the Contest, you (and, if you are entering on behalf of a Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization each participating members) agree(s) to the following:

The relationship between you, the Creator, and the Hoster and Administrator, is not a confidential, fiduciary, or other special relationship.

You will be bound by and comply with these Official Rules and the decisions of the Hoster, Administrator, and/or the Contest Judges which are binding and final in all matters relating to the Contest.

You release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Hoster, Administrator, Promotion Entities, and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, the Prize suppliers and any other organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Contest, and all of their respective past and present officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (hereafter the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), including but not limited to negligence and damages of any kind to persons and property, defamation, slander, libel, violation of right of publicity, infringement of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, property damage, or death or personal injury arising out of or relating to a Creator’s entry, creation of Submission or entry of a Submission, participation in the Contest, acceptance or use or misuse of the Prize (including any travel or activity related thereto) and/or the broadcast, transmission, performance, exploitation or use of the Submission as authorized or licensed by these Official Rules.

Without limiting the foregoing, the Released Parties shall have no liability in connection with:

any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by the Hoster or Administrator’s electronic or printing error, or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest;

technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines, internet connectivity or electronic transmission errors, or network hardware or software or failure of the Contest Website;

unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Contest;

technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Contest or the processing of Submissions; or

any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from the Creator’s participation in the Contest or receipt or use or misuse of any Prize.

The Released Parties are not responsible for incomplete, late, misdirected, damaged, lost, illegible, or incomprehensible Submissions or for address or email address changes of the Creators. Proof of sending or submitting will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by the Hoster or Administrator.

If for any reason any Creator’s Submission is determined to have not been received or been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, the Creator’s sole remedy is to request the opportunity to resubmit its Submission. Such request must be made promptly after the Creator knows or should have known there was a problem, and will be determined at the sole discretion of the Hoster.


By participating in the Contest you consent to the use of personal information about you, if you are a winner, by the Hoster, Administrator, and third parties acting on their behalf. Such personal information includes, but is not limited to, your username. It may be used in any existing or newly created media, worldwide without further payment or consideration or right of review, unless prohibited by law. Authorized use includes advertising and promotional purposes.

The duration of your consent is for a period of three years following the conclusion of the Contest. This consent applies, as applicable, to all members a Creator’s Team, Small Organization or Large Organization that participated in the winning Submission.


Hoster and Administrator reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Contest, or any part of it, in the event of a technical failure, fraud, or any other factor or event that was not anticipated or is not within their control.

Hoster and Administrator reserve the right in their sole discretion to disqualify any individual or Creator it finds to be actually or presenting the appearance of tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or in a manner that is inappropriate, unsportsmanlike, not in the best interests of this Contest, or a violation of any applicable law or regulation.

Any attempt by any person to undermine the proper conduct of the Contest may be a violation of Civitai’s terms of service and potentially criminal and civil law. Should Hoster or Administrator suspect that such an attempt has been made or is threatened, they reserve the right to take appropriate action including but not limited to requiring a Creator to cooperate with an investigation, and the potential removal of a Creators submissions and removal from the platform.

If there is any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of the Official Rules and disclosures or other statements contained in any Contest materials, including but not limited to the Contest Website, advertising (including but not limited to television, print, radio or online ads), the terms and conditions of the Official Rules shall prevail.

The terms and conditions of the Official Rules are subject to change at any time, including the rights or obligations of the Creator, the Hoster and the Administrator. The Hoster and Administrator will post the terms and conditions of the amended Official Rules on the Contest Website. To the fullest extent permitted by law, any amendment will become effective at the time specified in the posting of the amended Official Rules or, if no time is specified, the time of posting.

If at any time prior to the deadline, a Creator or prospective Creator believes that any Official Rule is or may be unclear or ambiguous, they must submit a written request for clarification.

The Hoster or Administrator’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. Should any provision of these Official Rules be or become illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction whose laws or regulations may apply to a Creator, such illegality or unenforceability shall leave the remainder of these Official Rules, including the Rule affected, to the fullest extent permitted by law, unaffected and valid. The illegal or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that comes closest and best reflects the Poster’s intention in a legal and enforceable manner with respect to the invalid or unenforceable provision.

Excluding Submissions, all intellectual property related to this Contest, including but not limited to copyrighted material, trademarks, trade-names, logos, designs, promotional materials, web pages, source codes, drawings, illustrations, slogans and representations are owned or used under license by the Poster and/or Administrator. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized copying or use of any copyrighted material or intellectual property without the express written consent of its owners is strictly prohibited. Any use in a Submission of Hoster or Administrator intellectual property shall be solely to the extent provided for in these Official Rules.


By entering, all Creators (including, in the case of a Team, Small Organization, or Large Organization, all participating members) agree to be bound by the Official Rules and hereby release the Released Parties from any and all liability in connection with the Prizes or Creator’s participation in the Contest. Provided, however, that any liability limitation regarding gross negligence or intentional acts, or events of death or body injury shall not be applicable in jurisdictions where such limitation is not legal.


Creators agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law:

any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest, or any Prizes awarded, other than those concerning the administration of the Contest or the determination of winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action;

any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest or any Prizes awarded, shall be resolved exclusively by the United States District Court of Idaho or the appropriate Idaho State Court and Creators consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts; and

under no circumstances will Creators be entitled to, and Creators hereby waive all rights to claim, any punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.


All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the Creators and the Hoster in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Idaho, USA, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Idaho or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Idaho.


Participation in the Contest constitutes Creator’s full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules. By entering, a Creator agrees that all decisions related to the Contest that are made pursuant to these Official Rules are final and binding, and that all such decisions are at the sole discretion of the Hoster and/or Administrator.

The Administrator collects personal information from you when you enter the Contest. The information collected is subject to the privacy policy located at:


You can contact us at [email protected]

