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Navi Secret Lab Experiments 😈

Navi Secret Lab Experiments 😈


Now that i got a specific journal for recording lora combos findings imma start using this one to post some interesting dataset pics for potential lora ideas (that might end up being created or not)





Tempest Magic.. exploring dataset possibilities for that kind of magic




Shadow Tech? a potential experiment about training a world morph from shadow and silhouettes pics


Hair Tech? i straight forward tech made out of hair and runs on static electricity, thinking of providing "black, blonde, red" data variants and see how much color range would the lora be able to achieve


anomaly magic? or glitch magic idk the main idea was about a magic that uses digital noise to cast spells (much like what we do today :p)



Kicking hacked tech into overdrive to create malware tech





Ads Tech + Malware = Rouge AIs


Abyssal Tech + Malware = Soul Killer


You're not ready for what to come . . .


Exo Bio Tech + Dread = Swamp Horrors


Kawaii Tech + Dread = Goth Monsters


Cupid Tech + Dread = Savage succubus


Demonic Tech + Dread = Hell spawns


Abyssal Tech + Dread = Nightmare shades


Frag Reality Tech+ Dread =Timeless Husks


Cyberpunk + Dread = Cyberpsychos


that spider is just staring eerily 🀨


when the LoRA takes morphing too seriously ..


Vega Chad


a new electrifying challenger has appeared !


future cupids have moved on from using bow and arrows xD


now testing abyssal tech, its and mixing potential is outstanding!*


abyssal tech + blessed tech


abyssal tech + anatomic tech


abyssal tech + kawaii tech


I've been playing alot of doom lately, so i had to throw the crucible blade into the mix and see what happens, and it actuality resonated pretty well the rest of the dataset xD


I just had to try this as soon as i got the first prototype of Demonic tech


is this with a 0.8 dose of Demonic Tech


is this a girl with a 0.8 dose of Blessed Tech


Now lets start mixing a 0.8 dose of Demonic Tech and a 0.4 dose of Blessed Tech


now a 0.4 dose of Demonic Tech and a 0.8 dose of Blessed Tech


finally , a lethal mix of 0.8 Demonic Tech and a 0.8 Blessed Tech


its been a while since I had this much fun testing a LoRA πŸ€—, here some of its inserting effects


Achieved balance with this one !


its a started as pure curiosity, not long a after i found i've created about a dozen of living weapons 😢


the is the LoRA im cooking, its results on its own are pretty mid πŸ˜‘, but its a beast when its mixed with other World Morphs !


a sugar sweet world πŸ˜‹


nukes anyone ?



it all started with a summer crave πŸ₯΅


a salty forest

was experimenting with salt tech, and this one poped out of nowhere xD


currently experimenting with bits of dark lore, and results feels real mystical !


*plays gigachad theme*

best test subject I worked with so far,cant help but to grin when i view the results XD



this is one of those moments when you actually feel guilt for your ai test subjects πŸ˜₯


trying to blend a lethal dosage of of multiple world morph LoRAs, each one is contains a mix of 3 LoRAs (Buralism WM, Energy Drink WM , ?????) can you guess the last component for any of the pics knowing its a World Morph LoRA that I previously released πŸ˜‰



Hampters armed and ready for takeoff !


Combined EggmanTech + RotoTech and the robots started bringing lil'bro along xD



the pyramid had enough with these test


requested 1 coffee machine, I both the coffee and the machine xD


it was suppose to be full robotic but this guy is stuck mid transformation

