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"The List"

"The List"

Hello everyone! :)

You probably have seen me adding a name to my list. Some people asked if it is possible to see that list. Well up until this time, that list was pretty much my random notes in some places. But this has changed! :)

Here is a proper list on Google Spreadsheets ->

This is just a start, I will be filling it with more data but so far I've provided the most important ones.

So, how does this work?

Well, the highest priority comes from my BuyMyACoffee page. My dear supporters have first dibs on what I should train. When there are no active requests from my supporters, I go through the list and pick those that seem interesting at the time (and/or pick something that is interesting to me).

The spreadsheet has three sheets right now

  • The List - the wishlist/priority list which guides my future trainings

  • The Legend - F.A.Q. to the list

  • The Queue - the list of already trained models that are waiting for samples/upload

I plan to release everything, but it takes time (samples, upload procedure, etc - and of course, I also don't want to flood with too many models at the same time, quality over quantity :P)

But all the models from The Queue are available to my supporters if needed.

And since I've mentioned my Supporters, I'll just do a shameless plug :-)

But first, I thank everyone who supported me over the recent months (and those who still support me!). This gives me more will to do what I do here (which started as a hobby but now takes quite a lot of my free time, so I wouldn't be doing it if there would be no one downloading and using my models)

Currently, the only way to support me is via this BuyMeACoffee page ->

As mentioned before, not only this gives you the ability to request a model without the queue, but you also get access to already created models that are waiting to be eventually uploaded, and also you make me very very happy :-)

My plans are of course to continue creating models, my focus was mainly LyCORIS but I've got a big backlog of LoRAs that now nicely complement each other (see my previous article for details) to achieve even better results!

I am occasionally uploading some SDXL models. I wanted to do a bit more, but I'm using the RunPod nowadays and for half of the weekend the GPUs on my pod were unavailable so can't really say anything about the frequency of those :)

Most importantly, slowly but surely I'm building a backbone for a service where you could train our own models using my exact infrastructure. I can't say yet what I will provide exactly but I have high hopes so fingers crossed :-)


