hey-o! i have finally settled on a way of doing things and...! it's going to be totally random :p, i don't have the time i used to have when i made these in the beginning that doesn't mean im stopping tho! the opposite actually, i will not post as often as i would like, but they will mostly be in batches of 3-6 (it kinda depends on how many i make at the time), there will be days where sometimes i will post an odd 1 or 2 if i have no time,
SDXL loras will be made at some point, i don't know when, but they will be made, since i can't really train xl on my own pc that well so i have to use the civi trainer, nothing wrong with it of course just means there will be some massive stretches when i can't make any at all,
so yep just a short little update hopefully explaining my erratic randomness over the months since i started! and big thanks again for liking the styles i make!
Big thanks for understanding and being patient while i stumble through all of this xD
and remember to post your images, it actually helps more than you think, plus it's awesome to see what crazy things you can make with the loras too!,
and be sure to check out the announcement banner on my profile! that way you can see if im currently working on stuff or how many I'm working on! or when im on a break.
and once again big thanks! and have fun!