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How Use Stable Diffusion, SDXL, ControlNet, LoRAs For FREE Without A GPU On Kaggle Like Google Colab

How Use Stable Diffusion, SDXL, ControlNet, LoRAs For FREE Without A GPU On Kaggle Like Google Colab

You want to use Stable Diffusion, use image generative #AI models for free, but you can't pay online services or you don't have a strong computer. Then this is the tutorial you were looking for. By watching this tutorial, you will learn how to use Kaggle free cloud service with famous Stable Diffusion #Automatic1111 SD Web UI as easy as it is running on your local computer. I have prepared an amazing Kaggle notebook that even supports SDXL and ControlNet of SDXL and LoRAs and custom models of #SDXL. Of course it supports all of the Stable Diffusion SD 1.5 based models too.

Kaggle Automatic1111 Notebook File ⤵️

Tutorial GitHub Readme File ⤵️

0:00 Introduction to how to use Stable Diffusion for free without a computer or a GPU

2:44 How to register a Free Kaggle Account and activate it

3:28 How to create a new Notebook on Kaggle

3:42 The two very important steps that you need to make before start using Kaggle Notebook

3:52 How to set accelerator (select GPUs) and enable Internet

4:28 What is persistence and should you use it

4:45 How to write code on a Kaggle notebook and use the code shared in the GitHub readme file

4:55 How to manually setup your Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 Web UI notebook if you are not my Patreon supporter

5:08 How to download and import the Automatic1111 SD Web UI notebook used in this tutorial

6:20 Suggested resources before following this tutorial

7:28 How to start your Free Kaggle Dual GPU session

7:39 How to see how many resources you are using in your current session in a Kaggle notebook

8:04 How to install Automatic1111 on a Kaggle notebook

8:43 Explanation of the right section of the Kaggle notebook, working directory

9:00 How to clear the outputs of a Kaggle notebook session

9:10 How to download Stable Diffusion SD 1.5, LoRAs and SDXL models into the correct Kaggle directory

9:39 How to download models manually if you are not my Patreon supporter

10:14 An example of how to download a LoRA model from CivitAI

11:11 An example of how to download a full model checkpoint from CivitAI

11:48 How to start downloading all the model files

13:41 How to install ControlNet extension and download ControlNet models

15:50 How to use custom LoRAs from CivitAI or Hugging Face

16:29 How to start Automatic1111 Web UI instance with correct parameters and settings

18:42 How to understand installation of Automatic1111 Web UI has been completed and ready to use

19:09 First time model loading may be very slow

19:26 How to enable quick VAE selection drop down list

19:50 How to set correct folder scan path for ControlNet

20:29 How to reload UI for extensions and setting changes to be effective

20:51 Automatic1111 Web UI is ready to use on a Free Kaggle notebook

21:22 How to use embedded VAE of the models

21:48 Which image generation sampler is the best one

21:58 Why and how much first image generation is slower

22:57 How to install extensions (e.g. After Detailer) of Automatic1111 on a Free Kaggle notebook

23:35 You need to reload Web UI to see new extensions

23:55 How to use your downloaded LoRA models in Automatic1111 Web UI

25:17 First image generation with SDXL model

26:16 First time image generation speed vs consequent images generation on SDXL

26:54 First image generation with the custom LoRA model from CivitAI

27:20 Image generation speed of SDXL when using LoRA

27:41 How to use your own trained LoRAs, models or LoRAs, models from your computer

29:03 How to import your files, datasets in to your current session on Kaggle

29:21 How to use files imported as data set such as LoRAs or models that you have uploaded as dataset

30:23 How to restart Automatic1111 Web UI on a Kaggle notebook

31:06 How to prompt your own trained LoRA

31:32 How to enable After Detailer (adetailer) extension to improve faces of Stable Diffusion generated images

33:01 Where are the SD generated images are saved on a Kaggle notebook

33:45 SDXL with LoRA image generation speed

34:20 How to use Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) ControlNet models in Automatic1111 Web UI on a free Kaggle

35:05 Where to download SDXL ControlNet models if you are not my Patreon supporter

36:13 Notebook crashes due to insufficient RAM when first time using SDXL ControlNet and how I fix it

37:39 First image generation results of SDXL ControlNet

39:21 SDXL ControlNet development discussion topic

40:22 Possible bug with ControlNet

41:10 How to use Stable Diffusion 1.5 version based ControlNet instead of SDXL ControlNet

43:29 What happens if you exceed your assigned disk space on a free Kaggle notebook

44:35 First time using SD 1.5 ControlNet model on a SD 1.5 based Realistic Vision 5.1 model

44:55 How to fix runtime error when changing SDXL to SD 1.5 based model

46:42 How to use PNG info to get the prompt

47:57 How to download all generated images

