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Overview/Planned LoRAs

Overview/Planned LoRAs


I want to use this oppurtunity to give an overview of LoRAs I've already created and plan to create. Keep in mind I currently only aim to create style-LoRAs. You can also use this article as a central hub for suggestions. I can and will not promise anything, but I'm always interested to hear what you think is still missing or isn't available at reasonable quality.

See you!

Released LoRA:

Planned LoRA:

  • Aelion Draws

  • Araneesama

  • Archinoer

  • Artgerm

  • Arttoru

  • Ataruman

  • Azto Dio

  • Ban!

  • Bonifasko

  • Cherry-Gig

  • Cromwellb

  • Deathmask

  • DevilHS

  • Dishwasher1910

  • Doxy

  • EnnHentai

  • Fishine (Hirame)

  • Fuya (Tempupupu)

  • Hankuri

  • Hidarikiki

  • Jujunaught

  • Kagami Hirotaka

  • Kunaboto

  • Melon22

  • Melowh

  • Meme50

  • Michiking

  • Mixplin

  • Moisture (chichi)

  • Namaniku Atk

  • Nat the Lich

  • NDC

  • Redrop

  • Rampage

  • Obui

  • Oekakizuki

  • Ohisashiburi

  • Oopartz

  • Pixelsketchter

  • Pop Kyun

  • Sachito

  • SpeedL00ver

  • Speh

  • Suerte

  • Takeda Hiromitsu

  • TinaFate

  • ttrop

  • Tofuubear

  • Toxxy

  • Sela God/Real xxiii

  • YD (Orange Maru)

  • Yellowroom

  • YotsumiShiro

also updates on:

  • Afrobull

  • Asura

  • CuteSexyRobutts

  • Eigaka

  • eu03

  • Houtengeki

  • Modeseven

  • Nia4294

  • Rizdraws

bold are currently being worked on

List last updated on 15th January 2024

