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SDXL Image Size Cheat Sheet

SDXL Image Size Cheat Sheet

For SDXL, try to have around 1 million pixels (1024 x 1024 = 1,048,576) with both width and height divisible by 8. I made a handy cheat sheet and Python script for us to calculate ratios that fit this guideline.

Here's the code to generate your own custom resolutions:

ratios = {
    "Portrait (2:3)": 2 / 3,
    "Standard (3:4)": 3 / 4,
    "Large Format (4:5)": 4 / 5, # 
    "Selfie, Social Media Videos (9:16)": 16 / 9,
    "Square (1:1)": 1 / 1,
    "SD TV (4:3)": 1.33 / 1,
    "IMAX (1.43:1)": 1.43/1,
    "European Widescreen (1.66:1)": 1.66/1,
    "Widescreen / HD TV (16:9)": 16 / 9,
    "Standard Widescreen (1.85:1)": 1.85/1,
    "Cinemascope / Panavision (2.35:1)": 2.35/1,
    "Anamorphic Widescreen (2.39:1)": 2.39/1,
    "Older TV and some documentaries (4:3)": 4/3,
    "Golden Ratio (1.618:1)": 1.618 / 1,

target_pixels = 1048576
center_point = 1024

for name, ratio in ratios.items():
    width = int(center_point * (ratio**0.5))
    height = int(target_pixels / width)
    width = width - (width % 8)
    height = height - (height % 8)
    total_pixels = width * height
    print(f"{name}, {width}x{height}")

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Portrait (2:3)..........................832x1248
Standard (3:4)..........................880x1176
Large Format (4:5)......................912x1144
Selfie / Social Media Video (9:16)......1360x768
Square (1:1)............................1024x1024
SD TV (4:3).............................1176x888
IMAX (1.43:1)...........................1224x856
European Widescreen (1.66:1)............1312x792
Widescreen / HD TV (16:9)...............1360x768
Standard Widescreen (1.85:1)............1392x752
Cinemascope / Panavision (2.35:1).......1568x664
Anamorphic Widescreen (2.39:1)..........1576x656
Older TV and some documentaries (4:3)...1176x880
Golden Ratio (1.618:1)..................1296x800
