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The Best Image Viewer In My Opinion

The Best Image Viewer In My Opinion

I have gotten this question a lot asking how I sort through my images for my datasets. The easiest way in my opinion is using XnView MP. This FREE, powerful image viewer allows you to look at images quickly without having to wait for each image to load. This is really good if you have many images that are of high resolutions. If you are someone that downloads videos and then turns them into images this may be the best tool for you because of how well this image viewer is optimized. There are also many features that are included that you may find helpful like batch renaming, quick image editing, and a fast and reliable search feature.

Here are some examples of what I mean:

What I do is I put all my images into a folder and then try to find the best frames. This image viewer is very good for quickly finding frames that are blurry or in motion because of the high quality previews. Once you find the frames you don't want, select them and delete them.

Once you have them all sorted, you will be able to easily view your images to easily make a dataset.

