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What's new this week with Civitai 10/13/2023

What's new this week with Civitai 10/13/2023

What’s new this week with Civitai

  • Legend Board: After some changes to the leaderboard to keep content fresher we still want people who made it to the board to be acknowledged. Now every leaderboard has a legends board associated with it (toggleable in the top right of the board) that awards points for each day a creators is in a top position on the Season leaderboard. The top 10 of every legends board has a new unique onsite cosmetic, currently the most prestigious acknowledgement we can give!

  • Contest End: The Cyberpunk Reimagined contest ends tonight at midnight pacific time. At that point the collection will de-randomize. While reactions and images will still be able to be added, they won’t be counted past that time. Spoiler: the current leaders are awesome!

  • User Filtering: A requested feature! you can now filter your model, image, posts, and articles feeds to just users you’re following. Now it’s easier than ever to keep up with the latest stuff from your favorite creators.

Community Spotlight
Summon forth an age of Gonzo journalism.
From the minds of angsty 20 somethings in the 70s.
More than good.
The original incest-based fanfiction.
You can almost smell the grime.

