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Quick Guide to "No Person" style Loras

Quick Guide to "No Person" style Loras

Finally re-written at the behest of tormenting Chat GPT, it'll probably get extended with 4o eventually when I stop demanding that i don't pay for things.


As a system living with Dissociative Identity Disorder, we encounter unique challenges in finding representation and accessibility in digital spaces. While platforms like Picrew offer some utility, they often result in shared facial features that fail to capture the diverse identities within our system. Training No Person Loras on our Second Life avatars presents an innovative solution, offering a near-realistic representation that transcends the limitations of traditional avatar creation tools.

For us, it provides a liberating sense of empowerment and validation, allowing us to see ourselves in ways previously unattainable. While the topic of AI in art remains contentious, this article explores the intersection of accessibility and creativity, particularly in training Not a Person or No Person Loras.

While the primary focus is on mental health accessibility, the versatility of No Person Loras extends beyond personal use. They serve as valuable assets for generating quick and diverse artistic content, addressing the limitations of stock photography and contributing to conceptual exploration across various creative spheres.


The possibilities for avatar creation in Second Life are virtually limitless. You can bring to life anything from an adorable waifu with anime-inspired features to fantastical creatures like centipedes, or even embody a bara male character. Beyond that, you can fashion avatars representing everyday people or delve into the realm of the supernatural with vampire personas. Whether you envision yourself as a sci-fi cyborg, a mystical elf, a steampunk adventurer, or a whimsical fairy, Second Life provides the tools and resources to manifest your creative vision in a virtual space. With an array of customizable options for body shape, skin tone, facial features, clothing, and accessories, you can truly tailor your avatar to reflect your unique personality and style preferences.

While there are options for free use of Second Life, it's important to note that the quality and scope of your experience may vary depending on your preferences and budget. Setting up a new avatar can typically range from 30 to 50 USD, catering to general style preferences. Contrary to some claims, it's not necessary to spend over 100 USD; average prices are often dictated by individual preferences and needs. Marketplace offers a plethora of options to enhance your avatar's appearance and functionality within the virtual world.

Article Disclaimer:

We've made some minor edits to this article, including updates regarding Pony XL and highlighting the distinctions between SDXL and Pony XL. However, please note that these changes have not been reflected on our website yet, as we are currently focused on updating its content. Expect a future update with additional screenshots and a more comprehensive tutorial on our website. In the meantime, we aim to provide as much detail and guidance as possible within this article.

A cautionary note: Engaging in avatar creation within Second Life, particularly in the context of crafting "No Person" style avatars, offers a blend of creative exploration and technical intricacies. Should one possess a penchant for artistic expression but find themselves less adept at traditional art forms, this endeavor can prove to be both rewarding and stimulating. It's worth noting that many individuals, including ourselves, undertake this process to cater to the needs of our alters within the Dissociative Identity Disorder system. This pursuit not only accommodates diverse identities but also fosters an enjoyable and immersive experience.

Please note one of the alternatives to this is UNREAL ENGINE'S Metahuman Creator (online) - Article is here:


1. Budget Consideration: While setting up your avatar in Second Life does come with a cost, there are various price points to consider. Generally, you can expect to spend anywhere from 10 to 50 USD, depending on your customization preferences and desired avatar features. It's essential to assess your budget and prioritize your spending accordingly.

2. Compatible Device: Second Life is accessible on a range of devices, including PCs, Macs, and Linux systems. The platform is not particularly resource-intensive, meaning it can run smoothly even on less powerful computers. Whether you're using a high-end gaming rig or a modest laptop, you should be able to enjoy Second Life without significant performance issues.

3. Second Life Viewer: To access Second Life, you'll need a compatible viewer. While the official Second Life viewer from provides all the essential features, you also have the option to explore third-party viewers for additional functionality and customization. Popular third-party viewers like Firestorm and Catznip offer unique features and user interfaces, catering to different preferences and needs.

4. Sense of Humor and Patience: Navigating Second Life can sometimes be an exercise in patience, especially when dealing with server-related issues or technical glitches. Maintaining a sense of humor and a patient attitude can help you navigate any challenges you encounter along the way. After all, part of the Second Life experience is embracing the unexpected and finding joy in the journey.

5. Payment Method: To purchase items for your avatar, you'll need a valid payment method such as PayPal or a debit card. While some items may be available for free, many creators sell their designs on the Second Life Marketplace. Using the Marketplace can be more convenient than visiting in-world events, as it allows you to browse and purchase items from the comfort of your virtual home. Additionally, having a payment method on hand ensures you can quickly and easily acquire the content you desire without delay.

Shopping Time!

1. Mesh Head and Body: To achieve a high-quality appearance, investing in a mesh head and body is essential. These components offer superior realism and customization compared to standard avatar options. While many excellent options are available in-world, brands like Lelutka, Catwa, and Genus are renowned for their quality mesh heads. Similarly, popular body brands include Legacy and The Mesh Project, offering a wide range of options to suit various preferences.

2. Matching Skin: When purchasing a mesh head and body, it's crucial to ensure that the skin you choose matches both components seamlessly. Buying a skin designed specifically for your chosen head and body ensures a cohesive and realistic appearance. Attempting to use a skin designed for a different brand may result in mismatched textures and inconsistencies.

3. Hair Selection: Selecting the perfect hairstyle for your avatar is a personal choice. While some hair options are specifically designed for certain mesh heads, others are more versatile and can be used with a variety of head brands. Take your time exploring different styles and textures until you find the perfect hairdo to complement your avatar's look.

4. Makeup and Facial Features: For those opting for a feminine appearance, incorporating makeup and facial enhancements adds depth and character to your avatar. Explore a range of makeup options to find styles that suit your preferences and reflect your unique aesthetic. Additionally, consider adding facial extensions or accessories to further customize your avatar's appearance.

5. Grooming for Men: Male avatars can enhance their appearance with well-crafted beards, available in both Bakes on Mesh and extension formats. Experiment with different beard styles to find one that complements your avatar's features and personal style.

6. Outfit Selection: Building a versatile wardrobe is key to creating a dynamic and stylish avatar. While it's not necessary to splurge on expensive clothing, investing in a few quality outfits can significantly enhance your avatar's appearance. Look for deals on the marketplace, explore in-world events, or hunt for group gifts to expand your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

7. Additional Accessories: Consider adding extra touches to your avatar with accessories like facelights and decorative objects. Facelights can illuminate your avatar's features in dimly lit environments, while fun objects add personality and flair to your virtual space.

8. Beginners' Advice: For those new to Second Life, it's advisable to start with the basics and gradually expand your avatar's wardrobe and accessories over time. Focus on acquiring essential items first, such as a mesh head, body, and basic clothing, before delving into more specialized purchases.

I've done all that now what?

Alright, your next job is to BUILD your "NO PERSON" - I'm not going to walk you through USING Second Life, at least of which not right now (i'm about to go in and actually MAKE data for future loras.). Once you have all of your items UNPACKED, you need to do the following:

  1. Organize Your Inventory: Take some time to organize your inventory to ensure easy access to all your newly acquired items. Create folders or categories to categorize different types of items, such as clothing, accessories, skins, and animations.

  2. Try on Demo Versions: If you haven't already done so before purchasing, try on demo versions of the mesh head, body, skins, and other items to ensure they meet your expectations and fit your avatar properly. Adjust settings and options as needed to achieve your desired look.

  3. Customize Your Avatar: Begin customizing your avatar by applying the purchased skins, adjusting body shape sliders, and experimenting with different facial features. Take your time to achieve a look that reflects your unique style and personality.

  4. Experiment with Hair and Makeup: Explore different hairstyles and makeup options to further personalize your avatar's appearance. Mix and match hair colors, styles, and makeup designs to create a look that suits your preferences.

  5. Select Outfits: Browse through your wardrobe or shop for new outfits to dress up your avatar. Mix and match clothing items to create unique ensembles that showcase your individuality. Don't forget to accessorize with jewelry, hats, or other accessories to complete your look.

  6. Capture Stunning In-Game Photography: Explore the picturesque landscapes and vibrant communities of Second Life through the lens of your camera. Seek out scenic locations, architectural wonders, and hidden gems to capture breathtaking snapshots of your avatar in different settings. Experiment with different camera angles, lighting conditions, and compositions to create visually stunning images that showcase the unique personality of your "No Person" avatar. Whether you're snapping shots in bustling cityscapes, serene nature reserves, or immersive role-playing regions, each photograph adds to the rich tapestry of your avatar's virtual identity.

  7. Joining Groups and Communities: Engage with like-minded individuals by joining groups and communities that share your interests in photography, avatar customization, or specific themes within Second Life. Connect with fellow photographers, exchange tips and tricks, and collaborate on creative projects to enhance your skills and expand your network within the virtual world.

  8. Continuing Learning and Experimenting: Embrace a spirit of continuous learning and experimentation as you refine your photography techniques and avatar customization skills. Stay updated on the latest trends, tools, and technologies in virtual photography, and challenge yourself to push the boundaries of creativity in capturing your avatar's essence. Whether you're mastering advanced editing techniques, exploring new photography genres, or participating in photography contests and exhibitions, the journey of self-improvement and exploration never ends in the dynamic world of Second Life.

Demos Tested NOW WHAT!

Now that you've perfected your avatar's appearance, it's time to immortalize your creation through photography.

1. Explore Backdrop City: Venture to Backdrop City, a renowned destination in Second Life dedicated to providing a diverse array of backdrop options for photography enthusiasts. With its extensive selection of themed environments and picturesque settings, Backdrop City offers the perfect backdrop for capturing stunning images of your avatar. From urban landscapes to fantasy realms, you'll find endless inspiration for your photoshoots.

2. Set the Stage: Once you've arrived at Backdrop City, select a backdrop that complements the aesthetic of your avatar and the mood you wish to convey in your photos. Take advantage of the rezzing capabilities to add additional props or decorations to enhance the scene and bring your vision to life.

3. Choose Your Photography Setup: Decide whether you prefer to use your avatar's built-in animation override or a pose stand pre-loaded with static animations for your photoshoot. Experiment with different poses and expressions to capture the essence of your avatar and convey the desired emotions or narrative in your photographs.

4. Experiment with Lighting: Pay attention to lighting conditions within the virtual environment to ensure optimal visibility and atmosphere in your photos. Adjust the time of day or experiment with Windlight settings to create dramatic lighting effects and enhance the mood of your images. Utilize built-in personal lighting features or explore Windlight packs for additional customization options.

5. Capture Your Shots: Once everything is set up to your liking, begin capturing your shots using the snapshot feature available in most Second Life viewers. Take multiple shots from various angles and perspectives to ensure you capture the best possible images of your avatar. Don't hesitate to experiment with composition, framing, and camera angles to achieve visually compelling results.

6. Review and Edit: After your photoshoot, review your captured images and select the best shots to edit and refine. Use photo editing software or built-in editing tools within Second Life to adjust lighting, color balance, and other parameters to enhance the visual impact of your photos. Fine-tune details to achieve the desired aesthetic and ensure your photos accurately reflect your avatar's unique personality and style.

Photography Mode

As you progress in your Second Life journey, you'll have the opportunity to explore more advanced photography techniques. For now, let's focus on the basics.

1. Snapshot Functionality: Most Second Life viewers come equipped with a built-in "PHOTOGRAPHY" button for taking snapshots. While we won't delve into advanced features at this time, capturing snapshots is a straightforward process that allows you to freeze moments in time and immortalize your avatar's adventures.

2. Resolution and Lighting: When taking snapshots, consider the resolution of your images and the desired quality of your final output. Experiment with different resolutions to find the balance between file size and image clarity. Additionally, take advantage of Second Life's personal lighting feature, available in viewers like Catznip, to enhance the visual appeal of your photographs. You can also explore Windlight packs from the marketplace to customize the atmospheric lighting of your scenes.

3. Time and Location: Choose the time of day and location wisely when setting up your photoshoots. Whether you prefer the soft hues of dawn, the golden glow of sunset, or the dramatic lighting of nighttime, the right lighting can elevate the mood and atmosphere of your photographs. While Backdrop City offers a convenient backdrop for photoshoots, don't hesitate to explore other freebie areas and scenic locations within Second Life for unique photo opportunities.

4. Composition and Variety: When capturing snapshots of your avatar, aim to showcase different angles and perspectives to highlight its features effectively. Capture full-body shots, close-ups of facial expressions, and dynamic poses to add variety to your portfolio. For optimal results, aim to capture at least 50 shots for SD 1.5 datasets, and upwards of 200+ shots for SDXL datasets. Experiment with different poses, expressions, and environments to capture a diverse range of images that reflect your avatar's versatility and personality.

Training Time!

We don't have exact preferential settings here, but this is how we've done it:

Now that you've collected ample data through your photoshoots, it's time to train your Loras. While there are no exact settings cast in stone, here's a general guideline based on our experience:

1. Settings: Stick mostly to default settings, as they provide a solid starting point for training your Loras.

2. Tagging Preferences: When tagging your dataset, ensure you include an activation tag. While the default "PHOTOGRAPHY" tag works well, there's a leaning towards using WD/Waifu tags for broader applicability. While CLIP/Blip tagging can be used, it tends to work better when aiming for universality across different datasets.

3. Repeats and Epochs: Adjust the number of repeats based on the size of your dataset and the training setup you're using. Additionally, be flexible with the number of epochs, especially for SD 1.5 datasets, as certain training platforms may have limitations on the number of steps.

4. Steps and Dimensions: For SDXL datasets, aim for a higher number of steps to ensure sufficient model complexity. For SD 1.5 datasets, a minimum of 2000 steps is recommended, but 3k-5k steps can yield better results. Regarding dimensions, defaulting to 32/16 is practical, but 128 dimensions can offer improvements in certain cases. Experiment with dimensionality based on your specific needs and preferences.

5. Lora/Lycoris Preference: Choose between Lora and Lycoris based on personal preference and the intended use case of your Loras.

6. CLIP Skip and Training Dataset: Set CLIP skip to 1 to skip the clip during testing. When training your Loras, it's advisable to use an SD 1.5 base if you want compatibility across a wide range of applications. However, if you're specifically targeting SDXL, train it on an SDXL base for optimal performance.

7. Adaptation to 2024 Trends: Keep in mind that PDXL is particularly adept at capturing the style represented in your Second Life avatars, especially considering the evolving trends in 2024.

8. Tagging Specifics: While WD tagging may classify Second Life content as realistic, be mindful of pruning meme and animification tags to avoid unnecessary clutter. Additionally, double-check your tagging to ensure accurate representation, as WD may misclassify non-bara men as girls.

9. Pony XL Point: Pony XL excels in capturing the essence of Second Life avatars, showcasing their unique characteristics without overly emphasizing perceived flaws. Unlike SDXL, Pony XL provides a more accurate representation of the avatar's style and aesthetics, making it an excellent choice for training Loras based on Second Life data.

10. SDXL Point: While SDXL can be utilized for training Loras based on Second Life avatars, it often magnifies perceived flaws and inaccuracies, particularly treating them as artifacts of "older content." This tendency can result in flattened details and raw representations, which may prove frustrating for users seeking a more faithful depiction. Experimentation with different base models and techniques may mitigate this issue, and any insights or tips from the community are welcome to enhance the training process for SDXL-based Loras.

If you CAN'T GET on SL AT ALL:

  1. Flickr: Utilize platforms like Flickr, which host a vast collection of images, including those of avatars and virtual worlds. While browsing through Flickr may not directly provide access to Second Life avatars, it can serve as a valuable resource for gathering reference images and inspiration for training Loras.

  2. Data Creation Services: If creating a Second Life avatar is not feasible due to time constraints or other reasons, consider outsourcing the data creation process to specialized services or individuals. While this option may involve some cost, it can alleviate the need for personal avatar creation, allowing you to focus solely on training your Loras.

  3. Explore Alternative Games: If accessing Second Life is not an option, consider exploring other virtual worlds or online platforms that offer avatar customization features. While these may not replicate the exact style and aesthetics of Second Life avatars, they can still provide valuable data for training Loras.

  4. Google Images: Use image search engines like Google Images to find a wide range of avatar images from various sources. While this method may require more effort in curating relevant images, it can still serve as a viable option for gathering training data.

  5. Ask a Friend: Reach out to friends or acquaintances who have access to Second Life or similar virtual worlds. They may be willing to assist you by providing images of their avatars or guiding you through the avatar creation process.

  6. Pinterest: Explore platforms like Pinterest, which host a plethora of user-curated content, including virtual world avatars and fashion trends. By browsing through relevant boards and pins, you can discover a wealth of images to use as training data for your Loras.

By considering these alternative options, you can still gather sufficient data for training your Loras, even if direct access to Second Life is not possible. Each method offers its unique advantages and challenges, so feel free to explore multiple avenues to find the best solution for your needs.


SD 1.5:





Rana aka T'pol


Data was the same for SDXL as Pony XL

Differentiating between PDXL and SDXL:

Understanding the disparities in style interpretation between PDXL and SDXL can significantly impact the training process for Loras. While PDXL demonstrates a robust capability to capture and reproduce the nuances of Second Life avatars effectively, SDXL may present challenges in accurately representing the desired aesthetic.

Due to limitations and frustrations with non-onsite training methods, such as those encountered with Colab, the focus has primarily shifted away from SD 1.5 training in recent months. However, ongoing experimentation and exploration of alternative training approaches remain crucial to refining the Lora creation process.

Exploring Dataset Options:

Utilizing and mixing datasets from various sources offer opportunities for customization and experimentation in Lora creation. By freely downloading and combining datasets provided (in certain loras that have it enabled), individuals can tailor their training data to suit their specific preferences and requirements, further enhancing the versatility and adaptability of their Loras.


Lora Creation Anecdotes:

"DUSK WHY DIDN'T TORI GET PORTED TO SDXL SHE SMEXY" - Unfortunately, Tori's absence in the SDXL realm can be attributed to her dataset's inadequacy. Remember, we've been training primarily on our alters, and if they haven't received updates in the past decade (or let's be real, 15 years... send help), our dataset might lack the necessary breadth.

We're far from being the ultimate authority on LORA training; we prefer to adopt a "FUDGE IT SEE WHAT HAPPENS" approach, and, yes, we're occasionally plagued by bouts of laziness.

Ultimately, it all boils down to personal preference.

"DUSK YOU FORGOT TO TELL ME WHERE I ATTACH MY HEAD" - Ahem... I'll refrain from elaborating on that one.

For those craving more in-depth tutorials on navigating the intricacies of Second Life, fear not! We plan to roll out a comprehensive guide on our website soon. We didn't anticipate drafting this before diving into more data collection, but here we are!

If you're seeking guidance or companionship within Second Life, join our Discord community. You can find us under the aliases Tokyo Enyo and Starlordx1983, and we're always up for in-world hangouts!

Expanding the Scope:


This tutorial isn't just confined to Second Life; it can be adapted for in-game shots in other games and software as well.

For instance, we frequently utilize this approach in games like FFXIV, although I must warn you, FFXIV can be quite the headache without reshade/gshade for lighting control.

Additionally, if you're familiar with Unreal Engine and have access to its assets, consider this tutorial as a rough guide. Admittedly, it's not yet complete; there's no "HEY TURN YOUR HEAD THIS WAY" prompt included.

Questions? Feel free to ask in the comments.


When engaging in dataset creation, it's imperative to consider the ethical implications surrounding the process. Dataset creation involves using virtual assets and content created by individuals within virtual worlds like Second Life. These creators invest significant time and effort into crafting their creations, much like real-life fashion designers do with their creations. Therefore, it's essential to approach dataset creation with respect for these creators and their intellectual property.

First and foremost, it's crucial to appreciate and acknowledge all the creators whose products you are using in your dataset. Take the time to research and identify the creators of the mesh heads, bodies, skins, clothing, and other items you are incorporating into your avatar in Second Life. By doing so, you not only show gratitude for their work but also acknowledge their contribution to your dataset creation process.

AI remains a contentious topic, and some creators may have reservations about their creations being used in AI applications. While it's understandable that creators may feel uneasy about their products being used in this manner, there are steps you can take to mitigate these concerns. One approach is to support the creators financially by purchasing their products and contributing to their livelihoods. Many creators have platforms such as Ko-Fi or Patreon where you can directly support them. By supporting these creators, you help sustain the virtual economy and ensure that they continue to produce high-quality content.

Furthermore, it's essential to adhere to ethical principles when creating datasets. Avoid engaging in any activities that could harm or exploit creators or their work. This includes refraining from using unauthorized copies of content or violating creators' terms of service. Always respect the rights and wishes of creators regarding the use of their intellectual property.

In summary, ethical dataset creation involves showing appreciation for creators' work, supporting them financially, and adhering to ethical principles throughout the process. By doing so, you contribute to a positive and respectful environment within virtual worlds like Second Life while also ensuring the sustainability of the virtual economy.

About & Sponsored

Curious to explore more? We're excited to unveil exclusive content through our Patreon page: EarthnDusk on Patreon.

For those who prefer a one-time show of support, you can buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi:

Dusk's About:

When we say "we," we're referring to our Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) system, which comprises over 200 alters. Our system embraces diversity, including individuals with ADHD, Autism, and CPTSD. We recognize the potential of AI in breaking down barriers within mental health, but we also acknowledge its limitations and potential hindrances.

Earth's About:

As a diagnosed flavorful UDD system with a variety of additional conditions like BPD, ADHD, Autism, and PTSD, we proudly identify as a system of over 80 headmates. We navigate our journey without shame, embracing our differences and strengths. It was our collective effort that introduced Dusk to AI training and creation. We firmly believe in the power of AI to overcome artistic barriers.

Earth & Dusk Links:

Our website, End Media, invites you to join our forums and share your creative endeavors.

Dusk's real-life photography is accessible for free via Unsplash, offering a treasure trove of imagery for use in Lora or modeling projects.

We're honored to have the support of Pirate Diffusion, a platform that champions creativity and innovation.

Join our Discord community to engage in discussions about the tutorial and explore other gaming adventures: Discord Server.

Connect with us on DeviantArt: DiffusionAI DeviantArt Group.

For Reddit enthusiasts, join our subreddit: r/earthndusk.

