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AnimateDiff Prompt Travel (Longform)

Nov 20, 2023
generation guide
AnimateDiff Prompt Travel (Longform)

Update (11/23): since so many have asked, I posted one sample set of prompts in the generation data here:

AnimateDiff is able to create interesting longform videos that go beyond the typical 16-24 frames.

Typically, longform videos suffer from warping every 16 frames as the clips that AnimateDiff are trained on are a standard 16 frames, which matches the default context length. This results in weird transitions between each of these 16-frame clips.

However, this limitation can be exploited for dramatic effect by changing the prompts every 16 frames. The clip below ("Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Heart"), for example, was achieved by creating a 80 frame video with 5 sets of prompts:

My prompt format for the above clip is as follows:

<header prompts>
0: <earth-related prompts>,
8: <earth-related prompts>,
16: <fire-related prompts>,
24: <fire-related prompts>,
32: <wind-related prompts>,
40: <wind-related prompts>,
48: <water-related prompts>,
56: <water-related prompts>,
64: <heart-related prompts>,
72: <heart-related prompts>.

I use 80 frames, 16 fps, context batch size 16, overlap 4, and FILM interpolation of 5 in this clip. To make the loop infinite, use closed loop R+P or A.

While not essential, I have found that adding prompts like cloud, smoke, mist, or other fluid and dynamic elements helps to create better transitions while lending a dramatic and artistic/magical feel. I have also used LORAs that help to generate such effects. Some good resources include:

I have experimented with a few checkpoint models and found Dreamshaper to be the most effective and versatile in creating these animations.

I'm impressed by the extent to which AnimateDiff can generate completely original content without the need to refer to any source video or image, and without the use of clunky Controlnets. It avoids the ethical issues with taking someone else's content and claiming them as your own after applying multi-ControlNet and batch img2img.

(PS: Several people have asked for me to share my exact prompts. I would prefer to share methods that help generate original creations, rather than seeing very similar videos everywhere.)

