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100 days thanks

Nov 10, 2023
100 days thanks

Good morning everyone,

It's been some time since I hung out on Civitai, I've learned and grown a lot, finally after having achieved so many personal goals I want to make a post to celebrate with you the 100 days of uninterrupted leadership of the leaderboard generators(mature), I noticed it thanks to the legend rankings, and I wanted to thank you all for the follows, the likes, the comments and the help I have learned!!!

What to expect from the future?

_I'm learning to create now, I hope I can bring out something good

_my merges will be updated and new ones will be created

_tons of pictures and reviews!! they can never be missing.

Thanks to all the creators of checkpoint and loras without whom I wouldn't publish much.

Creators Who, without the support of civitai regarding communities and messages, have created discord servers or always reply to comments under their templates. I won't mention names because I would surely forget someone.

Civitai is growing exponentially and they are doing a great job, sometimes there are hiccups but I think it's normal, lately the tag system is quite zealous but I imagine how complicated is to calibrate everything.

Piccola nota se siete italiani, contattatemi in qualche modo che su telegram abbiamo una piccola community di gente italiana.

Finally here my models, publish your creations and thank you again for all the likes you put on my reviews/creations

Super Ani Invincible

a special thanks to bradcatt without whom I would not have started experimenting with stable diffusion (it's really sad that he no longer brought new models) and to Samael197 who has now become a friend and support me in all my failures and test.

Follow me, like my works and review and post in my merge is appreciated!

Mark War

ps: follow my links, telegram for now is pretty death but i hope to post again something.

