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SDXL Stylized Face Swap

The whole workflow is based on img2img and reactor, aiming to perform stylized portrait face-swap of characters. Please refer to my Youtube channel for the specific principles:


You can also find other workflows I shared in GitHUB:


Basic Setting:

Soiurce Image: Throw a portrait into it

SDXL Empty Latent Image: Set the initial sampling size

Eff. Loader SDXL: SDXL basic setting

LoRA Stacker: Setting LoRA as your wish

Advanced Setting:

Sampler For First Samplering: Obvious as the name suggests

Sampler For Img2img Samplering: Obvious as the name suggests

Optional Upscale Ratio: Optional upscale the image to improve the img2img quality

Upscale Model: Upscale Model Used For Final Upscale

Final Upscale Ratio: Ratio For Final Upscale

Image Chromatic Aberration: Chromatic Aberration Effect For Final Image

Global Seed: Obvious as the name suggests

Basic Prompt:

Positive Prompt: Nothing to say, write as you wish

Negative Prompt: Nothing to say, write as you wish

Styler Mixer & Fianl Prompt:

SDXL Prompt Styler: Mix the styles by these three nodes,"none" for no style


SDXL TUPLE: No need to do with it at all

ControlNet Model:

ControlNet Model: For this workflow,It is recommended to use the depth models for SDXL


Many Nodes:In most cases, no adjustment is necessary. In some cases, you may need to fine-tune the parameters of them


First Reactor With FaceRestore: Just for compare with final image

Final Preview: Just For Preview

Final Image Save: No need to explain

整个流程基于img2img和reactor,旨在进行人物风格化的肖像换脸。 具体原理请参考我的Youtube频道:




Basic Setting:

Soiurce Image: 扔一张肖像进去

SDXL Empty Latent Image: 设置最初的采样画幅大小

Eff. Loader SDXL: 基本的SDXL设置

LoRA Stacker: 按您所需设置LoRA模型

Advanced Setting:

Sampler For First Samplering: 如命名般显而易见

Sampler For Img2img Samplering: 如命名般显而易见

Optional Upscale Ratio: 可选的缩放,旨在提升img2img的画质,并非必须

Upscale Model: 最终放大图片时所用的放大模型

Final Upscale Ratio: 最终放大图片所用的放大比率

Image Chromatic Aberration: 给最终图片加上色散效果

Global Seed: 如命名般显而易见

Basic Prompt:

Positive Prompt: 没什么可说的,按您所需写吧

Negative Prompt: 没什么可说的,按您所需写吧

Styler Mixer & Fianl Prompt:

SDXL Prompt Styler: 用这三个节点混合风格,设定为“none”,既没有风格。


SDXL TUPLE: 不需要做任何改动

ControlNet Model:

ControlNet Model: 在这个工作流中,推荐使用各种SDXL的depth算法模型。


Many Nodes:多数情况下,不用调了吧。某些特定的情况下,您或许需要微调这些节点中的参数。


First Reactor With FaceRestore: 看名字应该能知道了,只是用来跟最终画面做对比用

Final Preview: 最终画面的预览

Final Image Save: 不用解释了

