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Mon Monday!

Mon Monday!


What? Mon Monday is evolving!
Seems like something will happen on Pokemon Day!

Until then please consider listening to this Pokemon Evolution remix on Youtube

I'll post a "Mon" Lora every week on Mondays!

  • Pokemon

  • Digimon

  • Monster


Pokemon Loras will most likely be human characters. I'll post Pokemon creatures too when ever I have success. I'd like to complete a Lora Pokedex someday.


A lot of Digimon "creatures" are humanoid so the Digimon I make could easily be characters or creatures. I tried making a few creature types like Gargomon but they all turned out horrible lol.


Monsters are any monster! I have no specific plans for this but I am reserving the right to post random monsters. I completed some formal education on mythology so I'd like to be able to make mythology and/or cryptid loras.



  • Challenger Approaching! - Zoe the first boss in Palworld (A Pokemon clone with guns) steals Beelstarmon's spot and gets released tomorrow!!

  • Also I reformatted this document

The List

Links with future dates aren't available until the listed date.

01/08 - Candice | スズナ (Pokemon)

01/15 - Female Aether Foundation Employee (Pokemon)

01/22 - Zoe (Palworld)

01/29 - Beelstarmon (Digimon)

