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what have you found to be the best negative prompts? what have you all been using?

what have you found to be the best negative prompts? what have you all been using?

ugly, old, fat, slight, disgusting, Unflattering,  Distorted,  Poorly lit,  Blurry,  Grainy,  Overexposed,  Underexposed,  Cluttered background,  Distracting elements,  Inconsistent theme,  Unfocused,  Harsh shadows,  Glaring highlights,  Mismatched colors,  Unbalanced composition,  Crooked,  Tight framing,  Excessive noise,  Low contrast,  Washed out,  Oversaturated colors,  Undersaturated colors,  Awkward pose,  Forced expression,  Unnatural skin tones,  Red-eye,  Motion blur,  Incorrect white balance,  Uncomplementary background,  Obstructed view,  Uncoordinated color scheme,  Dull lighting,  Unappealing angle,  Lack of depth,  Disproportionate features,  Unsympathetic expression,  Incoherent theme,  Overwhelmed by props,  Lacking focus point,  Disjointed composition,  Inconsistent lighting,  Unharmonious colors,  Overprocessed,  Underprocessed,  Lacks emotion,  Non-engaging,  Stereotypical,  Clichéd,  Predictable,  Uninspired setting,  Misaligned elements,  Disconnected from viewer,  Unoriginal,  Repetitive theme,  Jarring contrasts,  Uncoordinated elements,  Stark lighting,  Excessive editing,  Unnatural enhancements,  Overdone effects,  Lack of authenticity,  Artificial atmosphere,  Forced theme,  Unintentional subject,  Unrelated elements,  Incongruous style,  Misplaced focus,  Inappropriate mood,  Overstated drama,  Exaggerated features,  Lack of subtlety,  Inharmonious composition,  Unnecessary distractions,  Overcrowded,  Simplistic,  Unrefined technique,  Lacking sophistication,  Amateurish,  Inelegant,  Non-artistic,  Lacks narrative,  Unconvincing portrayal,  Unpolished,  Unprofessional,  Inconsistent with theme,  Muddled colors,  Uncomplimentary lighting,  Inadequate exposure,  Imbalanced elements,  Disproportionate composition,  Overlooked details,  Lacks depth of field,  Unremarkable,  Forgettable,  Unimaginative,  Monotonous,  Tiresome,  Uninspiring,  Tedious,  Lackluster,  Unattractive, Aged, Overweight, Underweight, Repulsive, Disheveled, Scarred, Detestable, Unpleasant, Wrinkled, Emaciated, Unflattering, Misshapen, Gaunt, Sickly, Disharmonious, Distorted, Ragged, Disfigured, Haggard, Diseased, Sallow, Withered, Ghastly, Grotesque, Unsightly, Bedraggled, Weathered, Frail, Grizzled, Splotchy, Disordered, Unkempt, Blotched, Mismatched, Pallid, Lackluster, Faded, Jaded, Pockmarked, Creased, Weather-beaten, Worn, Tired, Bleak, Drab, Grim, Shabby, Raggedy, Rundown, Decrepit, Frazzled, Ruffled, Cluttered, Muddled, Unbalanced, Contorted, Lopsided, Crooked, Skewed, Mismatched, Uncoordinated, Inharmonious, Jarring, Clashing, Discordant, Asymmetrical, Uneven, Irregular, Unruly, Chaotic, Disheveled, Tousled, Messy, Disorderly, Tangled, Knotted, Snarled, Matted, Disarrayed, Scattered, Disorganized, Confused, Bewildered, Baffled, Perplexed, Flustered, Agitated, Disturbed, Troubled, Disconcerted, Unsettled, Discomposed, Dismayed, Alarmed, Perturbed, Anxious, Worried, Fretful, Edgy, Nervous, Tense, Strained, Stressed, Overwrought, Frantic, Hysterical, Panicked, Frenzied, Desperate, Fearful, Terrified, Horrified, Apprehensive, Distrustful, Suspicious, Paranoid, Cynical, Skeptical, Doubtful, Incredulous, Unbelieving, Nonbelieving, Disbelieving, Distrustful, Mistrustful, Untrusting, Guarded, Wary, Cautious, Prudent, Circumspect, Vigilant, Watchful, Alert, Attentive, Mindful, Observant, Scrutinizing, Analytical, Inquisitive, Curious, Questioning, Probing, Prying, Intrusive, Interfering, Meddling, Nosey, Snoopy, Intrusive, Overbearing, Domineering, Authoritarian, Tyrannical, Dictatorial, Autocratic, Oppressive, Heavy-handed, Overpowering, Coercive, Forceful, Compelling, Constrained, Restrained, Inhibited, Reserved, Withdrawn, Shy, Timid, Bashful, Reticent, Introverted, Solitary, Reclusive, Hermitic, Secluded, Isolated, Lonely, Lonesome, Forlorn, Abandoned, Deserted, Forsaken, Estranged, Alienated, Detached, Disconnected, Distant, Remote, Apart, Separated, Divided, Split, Disunited, Scattered, Fragmented, Fractured, Shattered, Broken, Cracked, Damaged, Flawed, Defective, Faulty, Imperfect, Deficient, Inadequate, Insufficient, Lacking, Wanting, Short, Missing, Absent, Omitted, Excluded, Left out, Overlooked, Neglected, Ignored, Disregarded, Overpassed, Bypassed, Skipped, Missed, Forgotten, Lost, Misplaced, Disappeared, Vanished, Gone, Erased, Wiped out, Obliterated, Destroyed, Demolished, Ruined, Ravaged, Devastated, Wrecked, Smashed, Shredded, Torn, Ripped, Cut, Slashed, Gashed, Pierced, Stabbed, Lanced, Sliced, Chopped, Severed, Cleft, Split, Divided,

