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Tool for Manual Tagging of Large Datasets: Enhance Data Labeling Efficiency

Tool for Manual Tagging of Large Datasets: Enhance Data Labeling Efficiency

I will now present the following code to create triggers in the old-school way. This program efficiently and conveniently allows you to assign tags to large datasets. Let's take the following example to understand its utility: Suppose you have downloaded a database of images from a complete anime series. The database contains over 20 main characters and 500 images. With this program, you can assign a trigger to each character within a few minutes. This way, you can create a library that stores all the characters from an anime and makes them incredibly easy to invoke. All you need to do is write the trigger, which can be the character's name.

The program offers two modes of operation. In one mode, when it's turned on, the program will create new text files with tags for each image. In the other mode, when it's turned off, the program will add the tags to an existing text file, such as those created by automatic tag generation programs.

Importantly, this program does not require GPU consumption. Therefore, remember to connect to a GPU-free environment to enjoy unlimited use of the program.

Modo Prendido:

Modo Apagado:

#@markdown ### βš”οΈ Indicate if the model will create new .txt files or modify existing ones! πŸ—‘οΈ
#@markdown Ahoy, Captain! Before setting sail on this adventure, we must decide whether the model will create new .txt files or modify existing ones. Choose wisely, as this will affect the fate of the treasures we will discover.

import os
from google.colab import files
from PIL import Image
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
from ipywidgets import widgets, VBox, HBox

# Path of the folder containing the images
EeveelutionsCollection = "EeveelutionsCollection" #@param {type:"string"}
images_folder = f"/content/drive/MyDrive/Dataset/{EeveelutionsCollection}"

# Create a list to store the image labels
labels = []

# Program state (True: on, False: off)
program_state = False  #@param {type:"boolean"} 

# Function to label the current image
def label_image(label):
    if program_state:
        # Add the label to the list
        print(f"Label added: {label}")
        # Hide the labeled image
        # Load the next image
        # Offline mode, save the label to an existing text file
#@markdown ### βš“οΈ Assemble each button to create your favorite tags representing characters or concepts you want to trigger! πŸ—‘οΈ
#@markdown Ahoy, sailor! This is where you can let your imagination run wild and create your own tags. Each button represents a unique character or concept that you can use to label the treasures you find on your journey. Choose wisely and unleash the power of your pirate tags!

# Function to save the label to an existing text file
def save_label_to_existing_file(label):
    if current_image <= len(images):
        image_path = images[current_image - 1]
        image_filename = os.path.basename(image_path)
        txt_filename = os.path.splitext(image_filename)[0] + ".txt"
        txt_filepath = os.path.join(images_folder, txt_filename)
        if os.path.exists(txt_filepath):
            # The text file exists, add the label
            with open(txt_filepath, "r") as f:
                content =
                if content:
                    content += ", " + label
                    content += label
            with open(txt_filepath, "w") as f:
            print(f"Label added to existing file: {txt_filename}")
            print(f"No text file exists for the image: {image_filename}")
    # Load the next image

# Function to load the next image
def load_next_image():
    global current_image, buttons_layout
    # Check if there are remaining images to label
    if current_image < len(images):
        # Load the current image
        image_path = images[current_image]
        image =, 200))
        # Display the image using the IPython.display widget
        current_image += 1
        # Print the remaining image counter
        print(f"Remaining images: {len(images) - current_image}")
        # Update the buttons
        # All images have been labeled
        if program_state:
            # Online mode, save the labels to new text files
        print("All images have been labeled")

# Function to save the labels to new text files
def save_labels():
    for i, label in enumerate(labels):
        image_path = images[i]
        image_filename = os.path.basename(image_path)
        txt_filename = os.path.splitext(image_filename)[0] + ".txt"
        txt_filepath = os.path.join(images_folder, txt_filename)
        with open(txt_filepath, "w") as f:
        print(f"Text file generated: {txt_filename}")

# Get the list of images in the folder
images = [os.path.join(images_folder, filename) for filename in os.listdir(images_folder) if filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".png")]

# Initialize variables
current_image = 0
buttons_layout = None

# Create buttons for the labels (To create another button, add one more, remember that you must assign a tag to each image, but also remember that you can remove a tag with other tools)
Label1 = "Pepo" #@param {type:"string"} 
Label2 = "Pepi" #@param {type:"string"} 
Label3 = "Pepom" #@param {type:"string"} 

button1 = widgets.Button(description=Label1)
button1.on_click(lambda x: label_image(Label1))

button2 = widgets.Button(description=Label2)
button2.on_click(lambda x: label_image(Label2))

button3 = widgets.Button(description=Label3)
button3.on_click(lambda x: label_image(Label3))

# Create the horizontal layout of buttons (If you create another button, verify this)
buttons_layout = HBox([button1, button2, button3])

# Load the first image


  1. The code imports necessary modules like os, google.colab, PIL, IPython.display, and ipywidgets.

  2. The code prompts the user to enter the path of the folder containing the images using the variable EeveelutionsCollection.

  3. The code constructs the images_folder variable by concatenating the base path and the EeveelutionsCollection value.

  4. The code creates an empty list labels to store the image labels.

  5. The code sets the initial state of the program using the program_state variable.

  6. The code defines a function label_image to label the current image based on the button clicked.

  7. The function checks the program_state and adds the label to the labels list if it is on. It then hides the labeled image, loads the next image, and updates the buttons. If the program_state is off, it calls the save_label_to_existing_file function to save the label to an existing text file.

  8. The code defines a function save_label_to_existing_file to save the label to an existing text file associated with the current image. It checks if the text file exists, appends the label to its content, and saves the updated content. If the text file doesn't exist, it prints an appropriate message.

  9. The code defines a function load_next_image to load and display the next image in the folder. It checks if there are remaining images, loads the current image, displays it, updates the counter, and updates the buttons. If all images have been labeled, it calls the save_labels function to save the labels to new text files.

  10. The code defines a function save_labels to save the labels to new text files. It iterates over the labels, gets the corresponding image path, constructs the text file path, and writes the label to the text file. It then prints a message indicating the generated text file.

  11. The code gets a list of images in the specified folder, filtering for files with ".jpg" or ".png" extensions.

  12. The code initializes the current_image and buttons_layout variables.

  13. The code creates buttons for the labels specified by the user, attaches click event handlers that call the label_image function with the corresponding label, and stores them in button1, button2, and button3.

  14. The code creates a horizontal layout (buttons_layout) containing the buttons.

  15. The code calls the load_next_image function to load and display the first image.

Ahora tenemos las imagenes etiquetadas:

Now, only one detail remains. Typically, the most common mode of operation is to use the offline mode, where we utilize another program to apply automatic tags. Then, we execute the code to create triggers, where these triggers will generally be the main keywords. However, there is a slight issue: the program places the last added tag in the last row of tags, while many machine learning codes consider the first tag as the primary one. Therefore, the following code is presented, which moves the last tag to the first position for all text files. (It takes a few long seconds to synchronize, so please be patient.)

import os
#@markdown ### βš”οΈ Sort the Drunkards! πŸ—‘οΈ
#@markdown πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ **Treasure Folder Path**: Enter the path to the folder containing the files to be sorted! βš”οΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ
# Path of the folder containing the text files
EeveelutionsCollection = "EeveelutionsCollection" #@param {type:"string"}
txt_folder = f"/content/drive/MyDrive/Dataset/{EeveelutionsCollection}"

# Get the list of text files in the folder
txt_files = [os.path.join(txt_folder, filename) for filename in os.listdir(txt_folder) if filename.endswith(".txt")]

# Rearrange the labels in each text file
for txt_file in txt_files:
    with open(txt_file, "r") as f:
        content =
        if content:
            # Get the existing labels and convert them into a list
            existing_labels = content.split(", ")
            # Reverse the order of the labels
            reversed_labels = existing_labels[::-1]
            # Convert the list back into a string
            reversed_content = ", ".join(reversed_labels)
            # Save the content with the rearranged labels
            with open(txt_file, "w") as f:
print("The drunkards have been sorted like true pirates! βš“οΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ")


  1. The code imports the "os" module, which provides a way to interact with the operating system.

  2. The code prompts the user to enter the path of the folder containing the files to be sorted, using the variable EeveelutionsCollection to store the input.

  3. The code constructs the txt_folder variable by concatenating the base path and the EeveelutionsCollection value.

  4. The code uses the os.listdir function to get a list of filenames in the txt_folder directory.

  5. The code filters the list of filenames to include only those ending with ".txt" and constructs the txt_files list by joining the txt_folder path with each filename.

  6. The code iterates over each txt_file in the txt_files list.

  7. For each txt_file, the code opens the file in read mode using the open function and reads its content into the content variable.

  8. If the content is not empty (i.e., it has labels), the code splits the content into a list of labels using the split method and assigns it to the existing_labels variable.

  9. The code reverses the order of the labels in the existing_labels list using slicing and assigns it to the reversed_labels variable.

  10. The code converts the reversed_labels list back into a string by joining its elements with ", " using the join method and assigns it to the reversed_content variable.

  11. The code opens the txt_file again, this time in write mode, using the open function.

  12. The code writes the reversed_content into the txt_file to save the content with the rearranged labels.

  13. Finally, the code prints a message to indicate that the drunkards (labels) have been sorted like true pirates.

Open in collab

Open in the cat

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