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Poll Time: FFXIV Nerds - Futureproofing -- What are you looking for?

Poll Time: FFXIV Nerds - Futureproofing -- What are you looking for?

First of all: HA HA made you look (yes this is still a poll article lol, scroll down XD)

Poll Time!

Question One:

Heroes of FFXIV, we know i've got Cid and Estinien and Ardbert -- what are we missing otherwise?

Question Two:

If YOU specifically play FFXIV, would you be interested in a photo meet up?

Question Three:

Even without question two: Races of FFXIV: We're missing Thighlander, and Femroe, and we're CLEARLY working on FemHroth.. what else would you like to see?

Question Four:

SPACES. What areas of the game are you specifically interested in for content? - And are they easy enough for me to get into without having to re-do a dungeon? (Raids i don't think count for this, tehre's a specific way to get into do these because I used to do fun shots of Khit'li back in the red-black haired days as a miqote)

Question Five:

How many of you would rather see Khit'li go back to Miqote and yell at my twitch family?

Key point here is: i promised that if i wanted to do this, i have to do one of my alts, which requires JOB SKIP because i'm not going to freaking go through 10+ years of content at record neck breaking speed just to take pretty pics and play on different servers.

Misuo/Yasuo on Materia is maybe getting a job skip but he was my first viera STRAIGHT OFF endwalker's release -and i've already started his ARR journey. Beyond that he's not getting changed to anything else.

Anything else you suggest?

Keep in mind i'm NOT a huge "MOD" player, i only specifically use reshade cause i'm a freaking nerd. Beyond that i don't even use Dalamud, mainly beacuse the LESS I GOT ON THE SCREEN TO DISTRACT ME THE BETTER.

I'm not against modding the game but let's be clear here: It's like fight club, we don't talk about it ;)


The use of FFXIV in AI:

Future proofing means that as players we RESPECT that we're only using the content we train and create as FAN content, and that even THEN we don't own the properties. That won't hold up in court, but let's be real: It's like modifying the game, respect the way it's meant to be done and don't mention it in the middle of a raid and a mod wont' come running

(That being said you can proabbly mention being in AI circles but not training FFXIV lol)

Heated Discourse around FFXIV and AI

Be aware there ARE likely communities now focusing WAY too hard around this (I see you Brian and Chris from W2G lol) - and with respect, we're not here to argue with them. If you see a community doing this, let them have their opinions which are based around copyright and laws rather than anything else. Respect them, and don't go biting faces off (I see you rabid alpha tanks lol).

What if another "DMCA" happens?

The one that anyone talks about is the "TIFAMEENOW" lora, Square is MORE LIKELY TO BITE over FF7 OR Kingdom hearts. Not only that but that lora issue may have been more overseas asian communities trying to cause DMCA's than Square itself. I was there when it happened, I wasn't training loras a lot yet at the time - but i had disabled everything FFXIV in panic... At the time lol.

We're good though, if SQUARE deems it DMCA attack worthy you'll hear it from Square on all social media channels BEFORE they directly go after users or Civitai. Right now it's a matter of "They know it exists, they know it's being used, they're kinda rolling their eyes and it's sort of a... Every time you train a lora YoshiP cries mood"

