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Calling for Volunteers! (+ Discord Updates)

Calling for Volunteers! (+ Discord Updates)

Calling for Volunteers! (+ Discord Updates)


Earth & Dusk is currently in need of volunteers to assist in various aspects of rebuilding our community website in the coming months. As a non-profit organization with limited financial resources, much of this effort will rely on the generosity of volunteers who are willing to donate their time and skills

Edit: A mirror of this post is now up here:

(Also noted, we don't tolerate hate speech emailed to our platform, we actually print it out and vote on which one's the best for comedic routines down at the local bar. While we don't personally collect nor track your data, Wix probably has your IP address, so be mindful of what you're writing on out platform.)

The Possible Plan:

We're currently transitioning our website from Wix to a more flexible platform that allows for better development capabilities. However, our team lacks coding expertise, especially in web development. Additionally, we're facing the challenge of ensuring that the new website doesn't slow down browser performance. While Civitai isn't responsible for this issue—it's inherent to platforms like node.js—we're avoiding solutions like WordPress due to their susceptibility to hacking and the high costs associated with paid plugins. Many of these plugins offer minimal functionality and are still vulnerable to security breaches.

So what options are there?

We've ruled out Joomla due to its disorganized file structure and lack of maintenance, especially after the unpopular 2.0 update. Like WordPress, Joomla is plagued by expensive corporate plugins and themes, which pose security risks when downloaded from untrustworthy sources. Flat file options have been suggested, but they're generally suitable only for small-scale websites and lack affordability and true open-source availability. After careful consideration, we've identified Drupal as the most viable CMS option.

UGH PHP - Ok now what?

With Drupal, coding skills are not necessary; familiarity with using a CMS suffices to assist in porting content over. This means that volunteers don't need to possess specialized coding knowledge or expertise. Instead, they simply need to understand how to navigate and utilize the features of a CMS like Drupal. This accessibility makes it easier for individuals from various backgrounds to contribute to the website rebuilding process, as they can focus on tasks such as content migration and organization without needing to delve into intricate coding tasks. By emphasizing usability and user-friendly interfaces, Drupal streamlines the content management process, enabling volunteers to play a meaningful role in the project regardless of their technical proficiency.

Do i just say yes?

Due to the unique nature of our project, volunteers will need to undergo a partial vetting process by Earthnicity. This isn't meant to intrude on personal privacy or request sensitive information like home addresses; rather, it serves to ensure that volunteers align with the core values and principles of the concept we're striving to build. By undergoing this vetting process, volunteers demonstrate their commitment to upholding the integrity and ethos of the project. Earthnicity's screening process may involve reviewing volunteer applications and conducting brief interviews to assess individuals' motivations, interests, and alignment with the project's goals. This selective approach helps to foster a cohesive community of like-minded individuals who share a common vision for the project's success. Ultimately, this vetting process aims to safeguard the project's mission and values while promoting inclusivity and collaboration among volunteers.

Core Concepts & About

At the heart of our project lies the vision to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive online community, and to bring this vision to life, we've chosen to leverage the capabilities of Drupal, or a comparable platform. Our goal is to create a digital space that fosters connection, collaboration, and a sense of belonging for all who visit.

This community website will serve as a hub for like-minded individuals to come together, share ideas, and engage in meaningful discourse. With features such as community forums, blogs, and interactive social functions, users will have the opportunity to not only consume content but also actively participate in shaping the conversation.

By harnessing the flexibility and scalability of Drupal, we aim to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience, ensuring that every member feels welcomed and valued. Whether you're seeking support, looking to share your expertise, or simply hoping to connect with others who share your interests, our community website will be the place to be

General About (From Discord):

Earth & DUSK MEDIA - Who Are We?

At Earth & DUSK MEDIA, we're not just your typical content creators – we're two vibrant plural systems on a creative journey. Our diverse content spans across multiple platforms and artistic ventures, making us a dynamic force in the creative world.

Our Creative Universe:

Second Life: Step into our virtual realm, where creativity knows no bounds.

YouTube: Join us on our visual storytelling adventures.

TikTok: Enjoy bite-sized, entertaining content that sparks joy.

Music Production: We create mesmerizing sounds that resonate with your soul.

AI Ventures: Explore the groundbreaking AI creations from Duskfallcrew and Earthnicity. You may have come across their content on renowned platforms like Civit AI, Huggingface, and more. Get ready to experience the world of AI art like never before.

Our journey continues to unfold, and we invite you to be a part of it. Join Earth & DUSK MEDIA to experience a kaleidoscope of creativity and innovation that knows no limits!

That's our about in our discord, and alignment wise the whole Non profit is centered around Advocacy, Entertainment, AI, Gaming and basically just -- Attempting to create space for those like us in the world.

Concepts About (From current website):

Earth And Dusk is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting inclusivity and equality in the art and entertainment industries.


Our mission is to provide a safe and empowering space for creators and enthusiasts alike.


We strive to bring accessibility back into the conversation, and advocating through entertainment

Our Non-profit was founded by two remarkable individuals who share a profound connection to the causes we champion. Both founders themselves live with conditions such as ADHD, Autism, and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).


Their personal experiences fuel their unwavering dedication to our mission, infusing every aspect of our work with authenticity and empathy. Through their leadership, they inspire others to embrace their differences, showcasing that creativity knows no bounds and that living with these conditions can lead to incredible insights and talents.


Their journey is a testament to the power of resilience, creativity, and advocacy, as they work tirelessly to foster understanding and support for those who navigate similar paths

Current website:

The current site is here:

Our current website is built on Wix, a platform we chose due to time constraints and budget limitations during the initial stages of our project's development. With only three weeks to construct the site from the culmination of a year-long dream, Wix offered the quickest and most affordable solution at the time. However, we've encountered frustrations with Wix's performance—it's slower and more cumbersome than dealing with a bad day at Civit. Moreover, we're not keen on sharing server space with platforms like DeviantArt. As we transition to a more robust platform, we're prioritizing performance and flexibility to better meet the evolving needs of our project and community.

Alright- but how does this pertain to AI?

Earth ... Dusk... earthnicity, duskfallcrew -- we're using our AI content creation platform to tackle the challenge of building this website.

But hey, don't think our whole vibe revolves around AI alone! Sure, we're all about pushing the boundaries of technology, but we're also passionate about other stuff. Take Duskfall, for example—we're not just a bunch of AI nerds; we're into making music, dabbling in traditional art now and then, and of course, gaming. And let's not forget Dusk's hardcore FFXIV addiction—that's right, we're BOTH OG degen gamers, and we wear that badge with pride. So yeah, while AI is our jam, we're a diverse pair with interests as varied as the stars in the sky. And that's what makes us awesome!

How do I sign up?

We're excited to announce that sign-ups for volunteering opportunities will be available soon, offering individuals the chance to contribute their time and skills to our community website rebuilding project. In the meantime, if you're eager to get involved or have any questions, feel free to leave a comment on this article or reach out to us through the Earth & Dusk Discord server.

Please note that all volunteers will undergo a partial vetting process to ensure alignment with our project's core values and objectives, as mentioned earlier. Your enthusiasm and support are invaluable to us, and we look forward to welcoming you to our team!

Remember, you don't need to be a web development expert; a keen understanding and perhaps the ability to read documentation are sufficient. Familiarity with PHP or web development, as well as knowledge of Drupal, is advantageous, but not required. We understand that this is voluntary work, and we appreciate any level of expertise or commitment you can offer.

What is the plan if we don't update to Drupal or other?

If we opt out of using the aforementioned DRUPAL platform or any other PHP/flat file platforms, we'll unfortunately resort to sticking with the Wix platform for the website. Even then, we'll still rely on volunteers to maintain certain community features both online and offline.

Duskfallcrew (us) has been accepted into the Civitai Creator program, shifting our focus towards funding the Earth & Dusk platform as a whole. Proceeds from endeavors like this will directly support our non-profit organization.

Should we gather enough volunteers and onboard sufficient individuals before July 2024, this may cease to be a concern. We cannot emphasize enough: volunteers are indispensable to our efforts regardless of the scenario.

While we operate as a non-profit organization, it's important to clarify that we are not a charity. Our mission involves collaborating with charities and similar organizations, but our focus extends beyond charitable activities. In essence, while not all non-profits are charities, most charities operate as non-profits.

Additionally, we're seeking assistance with the following:

Beta Testing:

Assisting with beta testing and rigorously testing trained content (stable diffusion content). Volunteers will receive considerable access to our HuggingFace repositories, utilizing AI generative art skills to thoroughly test and re-test content. If you're on discord that's amazing, you'll get a role in our Discord, and if you're not feel free to use the DM system here on Civitai.

Discord Updates

Our Discord server, an integral part of the Earth & DUSK community, is constantly evolving to better serve our members. One highlight is Eerop's incredible bot, which offers engaging games like 'AI OR NOT' and 'GUESS THE PROMPT', providing endless entertainment and fostering camaraderie among our community. Additionally, Eerop extends its functionality to include Dalle3 Comic Strip integration, adding a creative outlet for our members.

We want to emphasize that our Discord server is a safe space for individuals who are neurodivergent, where they can feel supported and understood. For those who identify as 'plural' or have Dissociative Identity Disorder, we've integrated the 'Plurakit' Discord bot to cater to their specific needs. Furthermore, the layout of our Discord server is ever-changing, as we value input from our volunteers and community members. Suggestions for improvements or new features are always welcome, as we strive to make our Discord server an inclusive and welcoming extension of the Earth & DUSK community.

Recently, we've undertaken the task of overhauling the layout to make it more user-friendly, ensuring that everyone can navigate the server with ease. While we strive to provide various services like 'Onboarding', recent glitches on Discord's end have temporarily ceased these functions. As a result, new members are still encouraged to join and verify via the verification room, then utilize the 'Self Roles' room to pick up self-promotion roles for specific channels in the server.

It's important to note that our Discord server is a multi-age environment, and we strictly adhere to Discord and Earth & Dusk guidelines, which prohibit NSFW/18+ content. Additionally, our server fosters inclusivity and respect for all members, providing a safe space for individuals of all backgrounds and identities.




Cover image is from former "EPIC MIX V1" model version 4, I beleive this is Ice Tea mix or Colorbo.. i dont even remember. I'll find it eventually SORRY ABOUT THAT!


Future volunteering projects may arise, which we'll announce through either Discord or our website, with articles mirrored on Civitai.

