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Late February Update :)

Late February Update :)

Hello Everyone!

As you probably noticed I haven't been focusing on uploading models as much as I would love to (still, there are some uploads and I will make sure to be more consistent from now on, thanks to some tools that I've made :P)

Some good news:

1) I was able to finally fix the Serenity 2.0 model for training. S2 is perfectly fine for generating images (inference) but she was problematic when it came to training (could not use it in kohya nor could we convert it to diffusers). Great news everyone - I have fixed it and tomorrow I will make an upload named 2.1. I will upload the diffusers version (also on huggingface) and safetensors because during the fixing process, I was able to squeeze it to the standard 2 GB filesize :)

I know there will be version 3.0 but no ETA at this point, I'm not ready yet and I am too busy with other stuff, so let's go to point 2 :)

2) I have hinted in the past that I am working on a service that will let you train your models with the quality that I provide (and with ease!). Well, it has been slow till now but now that I have a friend helping me - things have picked up the pace :) This will be more than just a training service, but I think I will start with that one.

So, what is needed for training a model? Dataset of course, but would I burden the users with processing it by themselves? Surely not. I would like to present you with something that might be even better than BIRME :)

Silly codename that I came up with: MCS (Malcolm Cropping Stuff), here is a demo of the functionality:

One thing I forgot to showcase during the recording is the third slider - to rotate the image (there are cases when it is indeed handy).

Please let me know in the comments if this is something you would like to have access to for your own. This cropping is done purely in JavaScript on the client site. I could try hosting this part as a standalone if there are people who would like to use it now :)

I spent on this yesterday evening and today. As someone who considers himself mainly a backend developer - this was a nice surprise that I managed to pull it off in that short amount of time :)

3) I will be uploading several models tomorrow. Here is my page that lists most of the models that I have created:

Feel free to pick some and leave them in the comments, otherwise, I will be picking what to upload :-)


p.s. the music played during the video is called Promentory ( from the great movie The Last of Mohicans

p.s.s. just FYI - you can request models, if you ask here I will add it to the list and make it eventually but you can always request it via my coffee page and that guarantees a swift delivery :)

