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Upcoming My LoRa List

Upcoming My LoRa List

This is a list of Upcoming My LoRa

Basically, I will not receive requests for a while, because I have lot of characters that I want to make LoRa.

But, I will add the requested character from this comment form of this article to the below list, if I feel like it.


  1. Charizard - Pokemon [ShinyFocus]


  1. Charizard - Pokemon (Pokken) [trained/not uploaded yet]

  2. Charizard Color Variations - Pokemon (SSB) [trained/not uploaded yet]

  3. Clone Charizard - Pokemon (GO/Movie) [trained/not uploaded yet]

[In preparation (in random order)]

  • Harima - Tamacolle

  • Hizen - Tamacolle [there is a225594566 Ver.]

  • Kai - Tamacolle

  • Kazusa - Tamacolle [there is a225594566 Ver.]

  • Isaribi - Live A Hero

  • Phein - Live A Hero

  • Procy - Live A Hero

  • Anima - AnotherEidos

  • Kancrow - AnotherEidos

  • Patty - AnotherEidos

  • Robin - AnotherEidos

  • Romanes - AnotherEidos

  • Sebek - AnotherEidos

  • Wolfy - Legendz

  • Zuou - Legendz

  • Dandy - Legendz

  • Blue Dragon - Blue Dragon

  • Noi - Blue Dragon

  • Mikhail - Blue Dragon

  • Rudolph - Blue Dragon

  • Hildegard - Blue Dragon

  • Charmander - Pokemon [requested]

  • Charmeleon - Pokemon [requested]

  • Mega Charizard X - Pokemon [requested]

  • Mega Charizard Y - Pokemon [requested]

  • Totodile - Pokemon [requested]

  • Croconaw - Pokemon [requested]

  • Feraligatr - Pokemon [requested]

[Under planning (in random order)]

  • Shima - Tamacolle

  • Musashi - Tamacolle

  • Shimousa - Tamacolle

  • Awa - Tamacolle

  • Hitachi - Tamacolle

  • Tajima - Tamacolle

  • Inaba - Tamacolle

  • Bungo - Tamacolle

  • Fuxi - Housamo

  • Agyo - Housamo

  • Inaba - Housamo

  • Girimekra - Housamo

  • Tadatomo - Housamo

  • Yasuyori - Housamo [there is Orion_12 Ver.]

  • Tanetomo - Housamo

  • Masanori - Housamo

  • Yoshito - Housamo

  • Aegis - Crave Saga

  • Ascalon - Crave Saga

  • Azoth - Crave Saga

  • Banryu - Crave Saga

  • Caladbolg - Crave Saga

  • Craps - Crave Saga

  • Gabu - Crave Saga [there is Urkfang Ver.]

  • Kabutafel - Crave Saga

  • Pong - Crave Saga

  • Sakamata - Crave Saga

  • Shaoren - Crave Saga

  • Yatsukamizu - Crave Saga

  • Bubba - Spyro

  • Magnus - Spyro

  • Bergamo - Dragon Ball [there is CitronLegacy Ver.]

  • Champa - Dragon Ball [there is infamous__fish Ver.]

  • Quitela - Dragon Ball [there is ameganet Ver.]

  • Liquiir - Dragon Ball

  • Sidra - Dragon Ball

  • Rumsshi - Dragon Ball

  • Drum - Dragon Ball

  • Cymbal - Dragon Ball

  • Giran - Dragon Ball [there is WiseMatronAI Ver.]

  • Maraikoh - Dragon Ball [there is adondlin255 Ver.]

  • Flamedramon - Digimon

  • Magnamon - Digimon

  • Allomon - Digimon

  • Build Tiger - Build Tiger [requested]

  • Dr. Butter Toast - Build Tiger

  • Woo Long - Build Tiger [requested]

  • Lemon Sorbet - Build Tiger

  • Rice Cake - Build Tiger

[Requested (in random order)]

  • Cthugha - Housamo

  • Sigvadi - AnotherEidos

  • Chen Stormstout - World of Warcraft

  • Phaedrus - Bakugan

