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Hidden characters and styles locked inside the Pony Diffusion v6 model (Deprectated)

Hidden characters and styles locked inside the Pony Diffusion v6 model (Deprectated)

Announcement: I am working on replacing this guide with a newer version.

One of the limitations of the Pony model is that many popular artists (and some characters) were not trained into the model. Or where they?

With the discovery of the tag "aua" which gives you "Houshou Marine", one of the most popular characters on Danbooru and one that was curiously not included in the model, a mass hunt has begun to find all of the hidden tags. You don't need any loras to activate these hidden tags, just type them in like any other tags.

The transformation is incredible!

Can you guess all these styles?

This is only a small list of the tags that have been found. There are many more. This is a work-in-progress project, so some of the names on these styles and characters may be incorrect.

[Style Tag List]

[fqx | camonome]

[mjm OR kmjm | zankuro]

[aqe | melon22]

[dhg | nyantcha]

[bnp | konpeto]

[zzg | jtveemo]

[zix | sakimichan]

[bkm | maniacpaint]

[jlv | zheng]

[jzg | jcm2]

[fyx | ke-ta]

[qkzf | ubanis]

[muy | houtengeki]

[nda | orushibu]

[aqx | araneesama]

[jmf | artnip]

[thn | xration]

[xeu | anon200million]

[gjem | wamudraws]

[ojv | doxy]

[nev | tekuho]

[oyv | jefflink0113]

[zjw | blue-senpai]

[yzie | dagasi]

[aqm | melon22]

[spe | slugbox]

[rhc | chelodoy]

[saz | abmayo]

[8um or 7x90um | ishikei]

[bjp | sususuigi]

[rkmp | personal ami]

[wihp | afrobull]

[owozj | cham22]

[ohld | saltyxodium]

[remz] | lamb-oic29]

[ccbi | modeseven]

[bhr | uo denim]

[urer | mimonel]

[tnv | mizumizuni]

[Unknown Style Tag List]












[Character Tag List]

[aua | houshou marine]

[pyz | suletta mercury]

[ilxsbk | soraka (league of legends)

[scjd | hatterene]

[pitvinm | gawr gura]

[lanr | hochimachi suisei + anemachi]

[Unknown Character Tag List]


These tags will also work on some merges of Pony, like AutismMix. However, the strength will likely be lowered so increase the tag strength to compensate.

