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Memberships, Vault, Link, and Generation updates.

Memberships, Vault, Link, and Generation updates.

We've added a slew of new features and changes:


Do you ever wish you had more model storage? Is your hard drive over loaded with waifus? No longer! Members now have access to Vault, cloud storage for your resources. Different membership tiers have different amounts of storage. Vault ensures that even if your favorite resource is deleted from Civitai you retain access* and integrates with Civitai Link V2 to be able to move resources directly into your UI of choice.

r/civitai - New Site Features and generator changes

Civitai Link V2:

Now a standalone app! 1-click add items from Civitai to your stable diffusion folders, and add and remove files directly from Vault.

r/civitai - New Site Features and generator changes

Membership tiers

We've added 3 new tiers of membership, uniquely and creatively named Bronze (10$), Silver ($25), and Gold ($50). Each membership tier comes with its own perks, including more vault storage, unique cosmetics, additional Buzz earned per month, Buzz multipliers on the amount earned, and more in addition to the long standing perks of membership. Current supporters will be grandfathered in at the 5$/month rate or will have $5 off for the first month of any other tier should they choose to upgrade, but the supporter tier will no longer be available for new sign ups.

r/civitai - New Site Features and generator changes

Generation limits removed, generator Buzz cost

Daily cap on the number of images you can make per day has been removed. Instead generation now costs buzz relative to the amount of compute required to create the image. Free users will be given a set amount of buzz per day + whatever they can earn through daily rewards, we tried to tune this so it still came out to roughly the same average number of images we're seeing people generate, but you'll have to participate in the community now if you want to keep making.
r/civitai - New Site Features and generator changesYou can also earn buzz by up voting or down voting the image you recieve in the generator

r/civitai - New Site Features and generator changes

Known issues:

We getting lots of reports of bugs and issues related to generating and signing up to a Membership tier. We're aware of problems there and are working diligently to resolve them, if you're not receiving your membership rewards give it a bit; we'll be rolling out fixes over the next few hours.

