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Earth & Dusk Offsite Lora & Model Liscencing Rules (+ How to Commission & Sponsor!)

Earth & Dusk Offsite Lora & Model Liscencing Rules (+ How to Commission & Sponsor!)

Earth & Dusk Offsite Lora & Model Liscencing Rules


This largely applies to "DUSKFALLCREW" content, as I myself am in the creator program - however because i've been in this for god knows how long... We know that you can say NO until you're blue in the face, fix your API access and people will still grab it... I'm not complaining, I just think it's time we made a statement about this.

This will cover the "if you can's" not the "if you musts". Most people picking up our content that aren't commercially using it, are largely broke nerds like myself and Earthnicity. Remember kids: we're still supported by Pirate and a few places even if in name itself!

The rules will be as clear as possible based on certain factors of content! I'll be categorizing these based on MODEL TYPE, rather than lisc itself. I will also add a section on how sponsorship would work outside of the creator program for Earth and I - and how you can try and ask nicely for commissions from me? (Earth can't, they're mobile only, and we help them a lot of the time to make sure it's the quality they want)


Stable Diffusion 1.5:

For the absolute most part these are, mostly expected that at some stage someone's yoinked it for merging. MOST places aren't as interested in either of our checkpoints, except for the likes of Pirate Diffusion and other places. If you're an onsite generation place - and you WANT our content (aside from users uploading or suggesting) - feel free to DM.

What may happen is due to international money handling, if you're a chinese based outlet that requires certain tax information that I can't give - (it's a long messy story) - we'll try and come to an agreement... Likely i'll just say credit where credit is due. If you're just looking for one or two items please use our respective ko-fi links.

Stable Diffusion XL:

We haven't really been doing a lot of XL full models, and the lisc on these has largely been Animagine or otherwise. This doesn't include pony on this btw, as though it IS AN XL model - it has a very distinct lineage away from base pretty much. So like 1.5: Check our Ko-Fi/support/sponsorship section in this article.

Stable Diffusion: PONY XL

99.99% of the time the FULL models are largely meant to be lisc'ed for CIVITAI and Huggingface only. If you WANT these for offsite, you need to contact Astralite/Purple Smart Ai. (This doesn't mean local generation, i'm talking about generative sites). This includes Earthnicity's ponyXL merges as well.

That being said if you're enjoying the content, and you're a local generation user ,or on site user -- just feel free if you merge - please if all possible check the kofi/support/sponsorship section!


Credit is amazing if you use our loras, why? BECAUSE then I Get to feel dopamine. Not because of arbitrary legality clauses per se - but more so the dopamine. Stable Diffusion is an open source, share and share alike resource. Sure I don't like it when my stuff ends up somewhere without noticing -- but that's why i've decided to make this article! Sharing, caring and if you can give back in one way or another -- we'll make sure to do the same! (We as in Earth & Dusk, not just "dusk" as in the DID system that never can tell you when they feel like masking for an article or not.. XD)


Please see my contact information in the next section! Before you do that you need to be aware of the following questions before asking!
1. How easy is it to find the dataset.
2. If it's an NSFW dataset, don't make me hunt it down.
3. I don't mind training NSFW support Loras, if i don't have to test/look at the dataset - Happy to train it, happy for you to test it.
4. I don't pull refunds unless the quality went down the toilet (and i'm the one that said so), OR there was an absolute nightmare of a time getting it done. (aka my mental health went down the toilet again).
5. If you're LOOKING for a style: I don't particularly want to do smaller artists and fan art that often, but enquire regardless.
6. IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR OWN BASE MODEL FOR TESTING AND RELEASING you can commission me to do that as well!
7. I don't have direct long term rates, but for large projects I will charge at least US minimum wage per hour. If you're out for a general lora, you will probably get a flat rate depending on what you're looking for.
8. I am in the creator program at civitai - if you're looking to commission me and have you yourself release the lora - i'm OK with this, but make sure you understand that even with paid content, my content will have to come first.
9. Costs + Testing Time = 25$ USD Flat fee for MOST loras. (This is because I won't just use the civitai generator, and you'll get a full range of at least 15-20 pics of outputs). - Advanced rates are uhh -- See 7 lol.

  1. Earthnicity is MOBILE ONLY, but if you want them to be the one to release your lora because you like their aesthetic, the money you pay will go to them. Chances are still good i'll be helping along the way, but you'll be helping their Dreamlight Valley addiction --- (I mean .. >_> they got us into it?)

  2. I am in New Zealand, but i am an expat american - When it's winter it's +12 UTC, when it's summer (and right now it's fall/almost winter) - it's +13 UTC.

  3. I don't do voice calls for commissions or anything, this isn't beacuse i'm afraid of having my voice cloned -- I have Autism & ADHD - Audio processing is a real thing, and while i'll understand MOST of what you need ? I need it written down, or i'll forget. Also make sure to remind me to post it note it to my forehead and the shower doors (kidding on the last two).

  4. REITERATION ON NSFW: If you want an X/XXX rated lora, and you want ME to train it - you make sure YOU have the dataset. I will charge hourly rates if you require me to go on danbooru and look at things that will make me need eye bleach.

  5. Also make sure this is all within the US and NZ legal laws, like I refuse to do anything that's against Civit AI terms of service.

  6. Lora types I don't do: realistic children, lolicon, shotacon, extreme violence, extreme gore, (X/XXX loras i rarely do but they better damn well be legal), anything that's found on the dark web, anything that's found in your grandpa's cigar case from 1984.... whoops?, I would joke that i'd do drug memes, but i can barely prompt cocaine as it is, I don't do realistic X/XXX.

  7. I also don't do incest, proship content, racist content (like willing racist content, we're not talking like - "Oh someone on tumblr said so and so was racist" content), homophobic content, Anything that basically would be a social no-go but not nesscarily illegal xD. (Aka: I won't do anything about the holocaust directly, but yes i'll do an X-men 97 Erik's tiddies lora, c'mon - THAT ASHKENAZI MAN HAS STYLE! XD)

  8. OTHER THAN THAT just -- Yea refusal to read this list, means that if you still pay me before reading all of this and you request something illegal or against the rules -- I'll keep the money.

  9. Oh yea and no charge backs: I'm not made of money, charge backs are understandable in the case of a mistake or something - but I can't afford to replace your money up front due to currency conversion, bank fees and other things.

  10. Your commissions pay for the following : Video game addictions, bills, medication, my need to get off my ass and exercise, Food, water, electricity -- Because neither earthnicity and i are capable of normal hourly wage work. So any of that you do for us is helpful AF <3







Membership / Ko-Fi:


Buy Me A Pizza/Coffee:


(This --- we need to start doing some fun stuff with this one!)



Graphics & Resources for Tumblr & More:

Capsekai Resources:




Hit up our discord, or DM myself or you could get in touch with my fairly public email that most scammers & spammers have!

Email: [email protected] (Not affiliated with google, lmao -- not that I would be XD)



I am not Earthnicity ,Earthnicity is not me. We ARE yes in a Polaymorous, queer platonic partnership. We're both plural in the brain, neurodivergent, fandom nerds and we're just happy to be here and serve the greater community with an artistic vision.

Yes, a lot of the time I'm helping them with their content, so sometimes the models will have a slight DUSKY feel to them..

But i promise you I've got FAR LESS knowledge of Kingdom Hearts than they do.

Whilst i'm sitting here still debating on wether or not i'm allowed to pre order FFXIV.....

