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Product Photography Relight v3 - With internal Frequency Separation for preserving details

Product Photography Relight v3 - With internal Frequency Separation for preserving details

Huge thanks to u/Powered_JJ on Reddit, who developed a group of nodes for using the Frequency Separation technique inside of comfyUI, thus allowing for complete detail preservation after relight directly inside of comfyUI.

With their help in implementing the Frequency Separation technique natively in comfyUI, we developed a workflow to relight any product shot, even bad iPhone shots, into advertising ready pictures with one click only, in a fully automated workflow.

You can find the workflow in the attachments.

Video tutorial:

and a link to u/Powered_JJ's Reddit thread here:

It's a all in one workflow, where the user can:

- either generate a product, or start from a pre-existing product photo

- segment out the product through a SAM group

- generate a new background

- blend the original product on top of the generated background

- relight through mask (either a pre-existing light mask or by masking the resulting original product + background image in the Preview Bridge node)

- keep finer details (such as text) by using a series of nodes that act as a frequency separation technique

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