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DynamicPrompts Introductory Elementary (ダイナミックプロンプト基礎の基礎)

DynamicPrompts Introductory Elementary (ダイナミックプロンプト基礎の基礎)

※ 半分までスクロールすると日本語版がありまぁす!

Introduction to DynamicPrompts and its use (common to StableDiffusion AUTOMATIC1111 and Forge)

Note: If you like it, please give it a Thumbs UP !

Introduction to SD extensions

 This is a brief introduction to DynamicPrompts ( There may be easier articles to understand, but if you just want to use it for now, this article should be easy enough for you.

 First, install sd-dynamic-prompts from the Extensions tab. After restarting, you can confirm that it has been installed as shown in the reference image. I think that "enabled" is checked just after installation, but I am not sure if I remember it correctly at that time, so please check it beforehand.


About wildcard files

 Now let's create a wildcard. Please refer to the following example to find where to install it.


  • A1111 ( install drive:\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-dynamic-prompts\wildcards )

  • Forge ( install drive:\stable-diffusion-webui-forge\extensions\sd-dynamic-prompts\wildcards )


 Extract the file downloaded from below into your installation path. It will be a bunch of text files and several folders.



 Now that you're done, let's get started. First, let's try a spell to easily generate a gothic style girl. The negative prompt is also a wildcard, so if you have a large number of negative prompts that you normally use, the generation screen may be cleaner.


Input Example 1 and Generation Example

__1girl__, __PlusGothic__

Negative Prompt


 Remember to wrap the text file name with two underscores to load the wildcard file expanded above. You can also copy the file from the Wildcards Manager tab if you don't want to type it in manually.


 Now let's try something else. Now we will try to add poses and facial expressions to generate them, but depending on the model you are using, it may not always turn out the way you want. Well, I guess it is always the same.


Input Example 2 and Generation Example

__1girl__, __PlusSchool__, __RandomSituation__, __facialS__, __Town_shopping__, __lighitingTimezone__
1girl, kid , flat chest , skindentation, serafuku , purple mini pleated skirt, navy vest , pantyhose, loafers , blond backpack , between the legs, looking afar, cowboy shot, happy, :), Bar, daytime, warm light sunset, rays light, sparkles, lens flare, deep shadows, depth of field, peerless, sentimental
Negative prompt: text, error, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, sound_effects, copyright, long body, comic, monochrome, crown, tiara, coral, dog


 This time, the girls in uniform and facial expressions, camera work, shopping in the city, and time will be randomly generated. All that's left to do is pick out the ones you like.

 By the way, I've also included a prompt for the finished illustration. The results will vary depending on your environment, but even if you haven't tried it yet, can you get an idea of the atmosphere? And you may want to try it for yourself.

 If so, please go back to the first step and give it a try. If you are already using wildcards, I would be happy to add my set to your collection.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear from me.

 If you have been generating the same kind of illustrations lately and are feeling stuck in a rut, I especially recommend you give it a try!



ダイナミックプロンプト導入と使用入門 (SD WebUI AUTOMATIC1111、Forge共通)

※ 気に入っていただけたならぜひ「いいね」を押してください!


 DynamicPrompts ( の使い方、初級編ということで簡単に解説してみます。もっとわかりやすい記事があるかもしれませんが、とりあえず使ってみたい場合は当記事で十分お手軽に導入できると思います。

 まずは Extensions タブから sd-dynamic-prompts をインストールします。再起動すると 参考画像のようにインストールできたことが確認できます。恐らくはインストールしただけで enabled にチェックが入っていて有効になってると思いますが、当時の記憶が定かではないので念のため事前に確認しておいてください。



 それでは wildcard を作成していきましょう。インストール先は下記の例を参考に探してください。


  • A1111 ( インストールドライブ:\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-dynamic-prompts\wildcards )

  • Forge ( インストールドライブ:\stable-diffusion-webui-forge\extensions\sd-dynamic-prompts\wildcards )








__1girl__, __PlusGothic__

Negative Prompt


 上記で展開したワイルドカードファイルを読み込ませるため、アンダースコア2つでテキストファイル名をくくることを忘れないで下さい。手入力が面倒なら Wildcards Manager タブからコピーすることも可能です。





__1girl__, __PlusSchool__, __RandomSituation__, __facialS__, __Town_shopping__, __lighitingTimezone__
1girl, kid , flat chest , skindentation, serafuku , purple mini pleated skirt, navy vest , pantyhose, loafers , blond backpack , between the legs, looking afar, cowboy shot, happy, :), Bar, daytime, warm light sunset, rays light, sparkles, lens flare, deep shadows, depth of field, peerless, sentimental
Negative prompt: text, error, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, sound_effects, copyright, long body, comic, monochrome, crown, tiara, coral, dog









Checkpoints used for this sample(今回のサンプルに使用したチェックポイント)




Introduction of Products (製作物紹介)

Wildcard set mainly for random generation of Kawaii girls (主に美少女ランダム生成のためのワイルドカードセット)

Characters LoRA(キャラクターLoRA)

Poses LoRA(ポーズLoRA)



caulkinum Series Checkpoint (caulkinumシリーズ チェックポイント)

XL_caulkinumAnimeLine for SDXL Anime Style

XL_caulkinumRealLine for SDXL Realistic Style


caulkinumV2 series for Anime Style

caulkinumV1_RL series for semi Realistic Style

caulkinumV1_S series for Realistic Style



Support (支援)

 Please post what you generate. It is a great pleasure to see them in use. It is a great pleasure for us to see them in use, because their energy will be the power to create something new.



Coffee will increase work efficiency and motivation.


Dogecoin : D5JK4DX5MPCRsuXRwZLGn3Qa6SkDbKiwgK  

Monacoin : MLFEyNf9JsgzK6vNzty5QxhjKizB3d9nxP  


Thank you for reading to the end.

We hope there is one person who will use it.



