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Slider Training Guide

Slider Training Guide

Hi! First of all I would recommend you watch the excellent video made by N4Talent here:

He made a great Web UI that makes the process a lot simpler.

TLDR: Short prompts, easy concepts usually works a lot better

So to get started download these files

Watch the video for installation.

Now that you have it installed start up the Web UI and you should see this screen

Now I will go through my usual settings

These are the settings I used to create my latest slider for mouth opening. Now it is really hard to train something that is not very easily recognized as different by Stable Diffusion, so generally if you cant get consistent results with the same prompt it will not work unless you train it for a lot of iterations. I have tried to make Height, character and eye detail sliders without much luck. And if you find that the prompt gets really long it also seems to struggle, keep it as short as possible while still getting consistent results. It's fine if the image is not exactly the same angle or zoom, it just has to have the same change in each generation.

With these settings it takes around 30 minutes on a RTX 4090 per slider for reference.

A good tip is to generate an image with your positive prompt and compare it to how it looks on the negative, the optimal result is that the only change is what you prompted for.

As far as the settings I have not experimented too much as I have tried to create these sliders as I get requests, but the settings above seems to give good results in most cases. I will try to make an update later comparing what the different settings does to the output to find the optimal settings.

Hopefully this can become a page with useful tips in the comments as I'm sure a lot of you have more technical insight on what would be most effective settings and what will give better results.

If anything was unclear or you have any questions I would be happy to respond. And update the post as we gather more useful information.

Check out my sliders if you haven't and send me any suggestions you might have. I would assume the time it takes to generate these is quite long if you have a less powerful GPU.

Thank you for reading, please leave a like if this was helpful for you!

