The purpose of this tool is to help you quickly sort through files / datasets where an image may have multiple additional files sharing the same name (such as .txt or .caption or more).
The tool shows you an image, and you press a configured button or hotkey to move the image and all the supplementary files into a target output folder.
It's useful for categorizing and sorting files quickly and effortlessly.
Github Link
git clone
Usage Instructions
- Double-click to launch
or run py
from CLI
- Go to the Setup
menu and pick: Select Image Folder
from the menu
- Browse to where you have your images
- It will automatically include images in subfolders recursively
- Go to the Setup
menu and pick: Add Category
from the menu
- Choose a name for your button/category
- Browse to where you want to move files matching this category
- Optional: Add a single-button hotkey (letters and numbers) to this action
- Repeat until you have all categories you need
- Go to the File
menu and pick: Save Project As
from the menu to save your project
- Restart the program after adding or editing your categories. There's a bug where the hotkeys don't load until you restart.
- Click buttons, sort images, profit!