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Malicious Compliance

Jun 20, 2024
Malicious Compliance

In response to CivitAI's choice to significantly reduce user's ability to gain buzz, as well as a particular attack on NSFW users, I propose as many of us as possible protest through malicious compliance. They want all of our first posts of the day to be SFW? Fine. A 1 step generation of noise is SFW. For every first image post of they day, I, and I hope you as well, will be posting the same prompt. simply the text 'undo the buzz changes' with the number of steps cranked down to 1 and nothing else. They'll get exactly what they asked for, plenty of SFW images as everyone's first post of the day.

UPDATE: They've already reversed the NSFW distinction and added a buzz back per reaction, clearly we're having an effect. Lets keep up the pressure until only the anti-bot measures remain.

