(Note: I just found out that Claude3 Haiku might stop working after processing more than 100 pics. Not sure why yet. Also, Gemini Flash 1.5 might not return any data when dealing with pics that have more than 600k pixels.
我刚刚发现claude3 haiku在连续处理超过100张图片后会有概率被强制中断,目前尚不清楚原因。其次,gemini flash 1.5在处理超过60万像素的图片时,会有概率无法返回任何数据)
如果你的电脑上没有安装pillow,请先打开命令提示符,输入pip install pillow安装pillow,安装完成后再启动脚本
If you haven't installed Pillow, please open the command prompt first and type 'pip install pillow' to install Pillow before run "gui.py"
2.更新了一个新模型:Yi-vision,经过我的测试,它的性能大幅超越gemini pro vision1.0,同时接近甚至超越了gemini flash 1.5,但价格和gemini pro vision1.0相似,并且道德限制相比其他模型要宽松的多。实际使用价格(图像像素60万且输出tokens数量适中)为$0.18/1k图片。
1. I've made a more detailed instruction and updated it in the script. I tested it on Claude 3.5, It enables the models to output detailed but not verbose content.
2. A new model has been updated: Yi-vision. Based on my test, its performance significantly surpasses Gemini Pro Vision 1.0 and approaches or even exceeds Gemini Flash 1.5. However, its price is similar to Gemini Pro Vision 1.0, and its ethical constraints are much more relaxed compared to other models. The actual usage cost (for images with 600,000 pixels and moderate output tokens) is $0.18 per 1,000 images.
3. The random time interval logic has been updated. The new time intervals are now based on a normal distribution.
4. A new checking mechanism has been added. If users manually close the project during script execution, the next run will continue processing unfinished images rather than reprocessing completed ones.
5. Various other modifications and optimizations have been implemented.
UpdateV1.1_In-context few-shot learning_2024.08.10:
本次更新加入了一个新功能—短上下文学习,这个功能可以让大模型通过学习少数示例快速适应用户的需求,极大地增强了使用体验。详细介绍在此页面:OpenRouter自动打标器的重大更新 || The major update of "Automated tagger with openrouter api" | Civitai
This update introduces a new feature - In-context few-shot learning. This function allows large language models to quickly adapt to users' needs by learning from a small number of examples, greatly enhancing the users' experience. Detailed information can be found on this page:OpenRouter自动打标器的重大更新 || The major update of "Automated tagger with openrouter api" | Civitai
本次更新将模型服务提供商从单一的OpenRouter扩展到了所有兼容openai API接口的模型提供商。现在,只要你有兼容openai接口的api,都可以使用这个脚本对数据集进行自动打标。
This update has expanded the model service provider from OpenRouter to all model service providers that support OpenAI competible API. Now, as long as you have an Openai competible API key, you can use this script.
The GUI interface of the new script is as follows:使用说明:
1.V1.2允许用户填写自定义的API URL,比如说你从OpenRouter那里购买了API服务,那你就需要在API URL输入框中填写:https://openrouter.ai/api/v1/chat/completions(注意:必须要在API URL的末尾添加/v1/chat/completions)
2.之后,你需要在API Key输入框中填写你的API,你购买的哪家服务商的服务,就填写哪家服务商的API
短上下文学习版也进行了相同的更新,具体脚本和使用说明可以去这个页面下载:OpenRouter自动打标器的重大更新 || The major update of "Automated tagger with openrouter api" | Civitai
Usage instructions:
1. V1.2 allows users to add a customizable API URL, for example, if you purchased API service from OpenRouter, you need to enter: https://openrouter.ai/api/v1/chat/completions
(Note: You must add /v1/chat/completions at the end of the API URL)
2. Then, you need to fill in your API key in the API Key input box.
3. V1.2 has removed the model menu bar, so you need to manually fill in the model name. It's important to note that the model name you fill in should be the standard model name that can be recognized by the service provider. For example, if you're using OpenRouter's API and want to use gpt4o to tag the dataset, you must fill in openai/gpt-4o, not GPT4o, Gpt4o, or GPT4O, which cannot be recognized by the service provider. Even for the same model, the standard name may be different for each service provider. You can find the standard model names from the service provider where you purchased the API.
4. Other sections have basically not changed, you can refer to the usage method of V1.1.
In-context few-shot learning version has the same update. You can download it and read the instructions from here: OpenRouter自动打标器的重大更新 || The major update of "Automated tagger with openrouter api" | Civitai
前言 || Preface
Just a few days ago, I wrote about how to use MiNiCPM-Llama3 to automatically tag your datasets. Using local LLMs has lots of perks, like better privacy and lower costs. But if your GPU can't handle running LLMs, or you want to use the best closed-source LLMs for accurate tagging, then online LLMs are the way to go. In this article, I'll talk about two things - how to use my Python script with OpenRouter's API (a website with many LLMs) to automatically tag your dataset, and how good these popular closed-source multimodal LLMs are at processing images, plus their value for money.
The Python script I'm about to talk about uses OpenRouter's API. To avoid looking like I'm advertising for OpenRouter, I won't put their website in my article. I'm mainly writing this to help people already using OpenRouter, and I use it because its unified API makes it easy to access various LLMs and the pricing is the same as those LLMs' official sites'. If you're interested in it, you can look it up online yourself.
使用说明 || Usage of the script
First, make sure you have Python 3.8 or newer on your computer. Then, download the Tagger_With_OpenRouter.zip I provided and unzip it. After unzipping, you'll see this:
点击gui.py后就可以启动这个脚本了。首次启动时如果你的电脑上缺少numpy, requests等库,那么就需要保证网络畅通。稍等片刻后,等它们安装完成,你就会看到如下的GUI界面:
Click on gui.py to start the script. If your computer doesn't have libraries like numpy or requests, make sure you're connected to the internet. Wait a bit for them to install, and you'll see this GUI:
2.之后,在“Temperature(0-2)”这一栏填写温度。这个值越低,LLMs的输出就越稳定且越遵循你的命令,但是回答也越死板;这个值越高,LLMs的输出就越不稳定且越不遵循你的命令,但是其回答也会越来越有创意。我一般将其设定为1.0。(根据我的测试,对于gemini flash 1.5来说,0.85的温度值更好)
4.在"API key"这一栏填写你从OpenRouter获取的API,只有第一次使用这个脚本时需要填写API Key。(***建议经常更换新的API key,废弃使用的API key应该去OpenRouter官网将其注销,以保证API key不被窃用)
Here's how to use it:
1. When you open the GUI, first click "Browse" to choose your dataset.
2. Fill in the "Temperature(0-2)" field. Lower values mean more stable and obedient LLM outputs, but less creative. Higher values mean less stable and obedient outputs, but more creative. I usually set it to 1.0.(Based on my testing, a temperature value of 0.85 works better for Gemini Flash 1.5)
3. Choose the model you want to use in the "Model" field. I'll explain how to pick the right model at the end of the article.
4. Enter your OpenRouter API key in the "API key" field. You only need to do this the first time you use the script. (It's a good idea to change your API key often and deactivate old ones on the OpenRouter website to keep them safe.)
5. Most LLMs can only handle images up to 1 million pixels, and the cost depends on the image resolution. If your images are too big, you need to compress them. I use LANCZOS for compression. In the "Image pixels" field, enter the resolution you want to compress to, between 400,000 and 1,000,000 pixels. For GPT4o and Claude3.5, 400,000 pixels is usually enough. The script will give you suggestions based on the model you choose. (I made a temp folder to store compressed images temporarily. So the compression won't affect your dataset)
***If you don't put anything here, the script will just upload the pics from your dataset straight to OpenRouter. If the pics in your dataset are too big (>1000k pixels), you might not get any data back, or you might get wrong data.
6. Lastly, fill in the instruction. This tells the LLM how to describe your images. I've already filled in my usual instruction, but you can change it to your own. You only need to do this the first time you use the script.
7. After filling in all the parameters, click "Run". The script will start automatically labeling the images in your dataset using the model you chose. For each image processed, the script creates a txt file with the same name in your dataset and stores the tags there.
8. To prevent OpenRouter from flagging this as an automated script, I set random time intervals between sending each image. There's a 50% chance it'll be within 3 seconds, and an 80% chance within 6 seconds.
The script runs like this:
At this point, the image tags are stored in the txt file with the same name as the image.
模型评估 || Models Assessment
Level0: Claude3.5 Sonnet, GPT4o, Gemini pro 1.5
介绍—他们拥有最强大的图像感知能力、最准确的描述能力以及最丰富的语料库,在描述图像时几乎不会犯错,适用于对图片数量较少(500张以下)的数据集标注任务或需要极高精准度的数据集标注任务(Gemini pro1.5的能力相较Claude3.5 Sonnet和GPT4o稍差)。
实际使用价格(输入图像的像素为40万,输出的tokens数量适中)—Claude3.5 Sonnet: 4美元/1k images, GPT4o:6.5美元/ 1k images, Gemini pro 1.5: 2.8美元/1k images
根据我的测试,Claude3.5 Sonnet和GPT4o的图像处理能力大致相同,但根据我的费用清单,GPT4o的价格在Claude3.5 Sonnet和Gemini pro 1.5的1.5倍以上,所以我更推荐Claude3.5 Sonnet和Gemini pro 1.5
Level1:Gemini Flash 1.5
介绍:经过我的测试,Gemini Flash 1.5拥有Gemini pro 1.5大约90%的性能,但价格只有它的1/10,在图片清晰且instruction明确的情况下,它在描述图像时可能仅仅会偶尔犯一些小错误,适用于图片数量较多(500张~5000张)的数据集标注任务或不需要特别高精准度的数据集标注任务,它也是你目前能用到的性价比最高的模型。
实际使用价格(输入图像的像素为40万,输出的tokens数量适中)—0.3美元/1k images
Level2: Claude3 Haiku, Gemini pro vision 1.0
Cluade3 Haiku和Gemini pro vision 1.0大约拥有Claude3.5 Sonnet 70%的性能或Gemini pro 1.5 80%的性能,在图片清晰且instruction明确的情况下,它在描述图像时可能会经常犯一些小错误,适用于图片数量非常多(5000张以上)的数据集标注任务或仅需要一般精准度的数据集标注任务,Gemini pro vision 1.0是你目前能用到的最便宜的模型。(注意:Claude3 Haiku和Gemini pro vision 1.0在输入图像的像素大于60w时才能较好地工作)
实际使用价格(输入图像的像素为60万,输出的tokens数量适中)—Claude3 Haiku:0.35美元/1k images, Gemini pro vision 1.0: 0.15美元/1k images
使用建议:规模较小的数据集(500以下)—Claude3.5 Sonnet;规模适中的数据集(500~5000)—Gemini Flash 1.5;规模庞大的数据集(5000以上)—Gemini pro vision 1.0
Based on the performance of these models, I have categorized them into the following levels with detailed descriptions:
Level 0: Claude3.5 Sonnet, GPT4o, Gemini pro 1.5
Description - They have the strongest image perception capabilities, the most accurate description abilities, and the richest data corpus. They rarely make mistakes when describing images, making them suitable for data annotation tasks with a relatively small number of images (under 500) or those requiring extremely high accuracy (Gemini pro 1.5 is slightly less capable than Claude3.5 Sonnet and GPT4o).
Actual usage cost (for images with 400,000 pixels and a moderate number of output tokens) - Claude3.5 Sonnet: $4/1k images, GPT4o: $6.5/1k images, Gemini pro 1.5: $2.8/1k images.
Based on my tests, Claude3.5 Sonnet and GPT4o have roughly the same image processing capabilities, but GPT4o's price is over 1.5 times that of Claude3.5 Sonnet and Gemini pro 1.5, so I recommend Claude3.5 Sonnet and Gemini pro 1.5.
Level 1: Gemini Flash 1.5
Description: My tests show that Gemini Flash 1.5 has about 90% of the performance of Gemini pro 1.5, but its price is only 1/10 of the latter. In cases where the images are clear and the instructions are explicit, it may occasionally make minor mistakes in describing the images. It is suitable for data annotation tasks with a larger number of images (500 to 5,000) or those that do not require exceptionally high accuracy. It is currently the model with the best cost-performance ratio.
Actual usage cost (for images with 400,000 pixels and a moderate number of output tokens) - $0.3/1k images.
Level 2: Claude3 Haiku, Gemini pro vision 1.0
Claude3 Haiku and Gemini pro vision 1.0 have around 70% of the performance of Claude3.5 Sonnet or 80% of Gemini pro 1.5. In cases where the images are clear and the instructions are explicit, they may frequently make minor mistakes in describing the images. They are suitable for data annotation tasks with a very large number of images (over 5,000) or those that only require moderate accuracy. Gemini pro vision 1.0 is the cheapest model currently available (Note: Claude3 Haiku and Gemini pro vision 1.0 can only work well with input images larger than 600,000 pixels).
Actual usage cost (for images with 600,000 pixels and a moderate number of output tokens) - Claude3 Haiku: $0.35/1k images, Gemini pro vision 1.0: $0.15/1k images.
Small-scale datasets (under 500 images) - Claude3.5 Sonnet;
Medium-scale datasets (500 to 5,000 images) - Gemini Flash 1.5;
Large-scale datasets (over 5,000 images) - Gemini pro vision 1.0.