如果你的电脑上没有安装pillow,请先打开命令提示符,输入pip install pillow安装pillow,安装完成后再启动脚本
If you haven't installed Pillow, please open the command prompt first and type 'pip install pillow' to install Pillow before run "gui.py"
This update has expanded the model service provider from OpenRouter to all model service providers that support Openai-Compatible API. Now, as long as you have an Openai-Compatible API key, you can use this script.
The GUI interface of the new script is as follows:使用说明:
1.V1.2允许用户填写自定义的API URL,比如说你从OpenRouter那里购买了API服务,那你就需要在API URL输入框中填写:https://openrouter.ai/api/v1/chat/completions(注意:必须要在API URL的末尾添加/v1/chat/completions)
2.之后,你需要在API Key输入框中填写你的API,你购买的哪家服务商的服务,就填写哪家服务商的API
普通版本也进行了相同的更新,具体脚本和使用说明可以去这个页面下载:Automated Tagger with Openai Competible API || 可使用兼容Openai API接口的的自动打标器 | Civitai
Usage instructions:
1. V1.2 allows users to add a customizable API URL, for example, if you purchased API service from OpenRouter, you need to enter: https://openrouter.ai/api/v1/chat/completions
(Note: You must add /v1/chat/completions at the end of the API URL)
2. Then, you need to fill in your API key in the API Key input box.
3. V1.2 has removed the model menu bar, so you need to manually fill in the model name. It's important to note that the model name you fill in should be the standard model name that can be recognized by the service provider. For example, if you're using OpenRouter's API and want to use gpt4o to tag the dataset, you must fill in openai/gpt-4o, not GPT4o, Gpt4o, or GPT4O, which cannot be recognized by the service provider. You can find the standard model names from the service provider where you purchased the API.
4. Other sections have basically not changed, you can refer to the usage method of V1.1.
None-In-context few-shot learning version has the same update. You can download it and read the instructions from here: Automated Tagger with Openai Competible API || 可使用兼容Openai API接口的的自动打标器 | Civitai
Prefece || 前言:
前几天,我写了一篇文章,介绍了如何使用我的自动打标器结合Openrouter API来利用性能强大的闭源多模态大模型给你的数据集进行自动标注。接下来我要讲的内容是这个打标器的一个比较重要的功能更新—短上下文学习功能。因为篇幅较长,所以我将其内容摘取了出来,写成了单独的一篇文章来介绍如何使用新功能—短上下文学习进行数据集的标注。
A few days ago, I wrote an article introducing how to use my OpenRouter API automatic tagger to automatically label your dataset using powerful closed-source multimodal large models. Now, I'm going to talk about an important functional update to that tagger - In-context few-shot learning. Because the content is quite lengthy(for update notes), I extracted the content and wrote this separate article to introduce how to use this new function - In-context few-shot learning to tag your dataset.
这个脚本是我的OpenRouter API自动打标器的变体,所以如果你想使用这个脚本的话,一定要看我的原文,学习自动打标器的基础操作:Automated Tagger with Openrouter API || 使用OpenRouter API的自动打标器 | Civitai
This script is a variant of my OpenRouter API automatic tagger, so if you want to use this script, you'd better read this article of mine to learn the basic operations of my automatic tagger: Automated Tagger with Openrouter API || 使用OpenRouter API的自动打标器 | Civitai
使用说明 || Usage:
This update adds a new feature - In-context few-shot learning, which allows users to select two images as examples, then you can write "output templates" for them based on your instruction, after which the model will learn the format of the "output templates" and label the dataset using this kind of format. In-context few-shot learning can greatly enhance the model's instruction-following ability, making the model's outputs infinitely close to what the users expect. For example, if I want to label my dataset using DanBooru tag format, but many models don't understand how DanBooru tags look, so this is where 'In-context few-shot learning' should come into play. You can first show the model your sample images, then label them using the DanBooru tags, letting the model learn this labeling method. Afterwards, the model will label your dataset using a fairly standard DanBooru tag format with high success rate.
An example is as follows:
Sample image:
1. Describe this image;
2. Your description should include the character's pose, appearance (hair color, hairstyle, clothing, etc.), expression, as well as the background where the character is located and all elements contained in the background;
3. You should use DanBooru tags format as the description format;
Output template (Teach large language models how to generate descriptions in this format):
1girl, black hair, messy medium hair, laughing, white long-sleeves t-shirt, blue shorts, standing, indoors, bedroom, messy bedroom, bed, toys, desk, books, computer, window, sunlights, paintings on the wall
Subsequently, the large language model will learn the format from the output template you provided. It will then use this format to label your dataset in the following tasks.
GUI after updating: 如图所示,GUI中的下半部分就是新更新的短上下文学习功能,你必须提供两套模板才能较好的保证大模型的学习效果。点击浏览键就可以选择样板图片,之后你就可以在样板图片下方的"Answer"区域内输入你编写的输出模板。比如说你想让大模型将图片描述以Json格式输出,那么你就必须用Json格式手动编写好样板图片的描述,我提供了两套默认的Json格式的模板,如果你想让大模型输出Json格式的描述,直接使用我的模板就可以。
As shown in the image, the lower half of the GUI is the newly updated In-context few-shot learning function. You must provide two sets of templates to ensure good learning effects for the models. Click the browse button to select two sample images, then you can input your output templates in the "Answer" areas below these two sample images. For example, if you want the model to output the description in JSON format, you must manually write descriptions of the sample images in JSON format. I have already provided two sets of JSON format templates.
一些说明及注意事项 || Some explanations and notes:
1.”Tagger_With_OpenRouter_V1.1_In-context few-shot learning“并不是Tagger_With_OpenRouter_V1.1”的升级版,如果你不想使用短上下文学习功能的话,直接使用Tagger_With_OpenRouter_V1.1就可以了
1."Tagger_With_OpenRouter_V1.1_In-context few-shot learning" is not an upgraded version of "Tagger_With_OpenRouter_V1.1". If you don't want to use the In-context few-shot learning function, just use Tagger_With_OpenRouter_V1.1
2.Enabling In-context few-shot learning function will significantly increase the input tokens. For the same dataset, the cost of Enabling In-context few-shot learning function will be about 2 times that of not enabling it. So, it is best to use it only when necessary.
3.这几天Claude3 haiku很不稳定,经常无法返回数据,请谨慎使用它
3.In recent days, Claude3 haiku has been very unstable, often failing to return data. so use it with caution.
4.The two sample images you choose should be as different as possible. This allows the model to learn better. Additionally, the output templates you write must be as accurate and standardized as possible.
5.Once you have written the output templates and clicked "Run", they will be saved in the script. Therefore, you don't need to rewrite the templates every time you start the script. And the script will automatically load the sample images you chose last time.
6. Try to keep the pixel count of the sample image around 400,000(or under 100KB). If it's too large, it may exceed the model's max input, resulting in no feedback. (To prevent the number of input tokens from exceeding the maximum input limit, I suggest that regardless of which model you choose, fill in 400,000 in the "Image Pixels")
7.Try to set the temperature value below 1. This can enhance the model's ability to follow instructions.
8.我的测试显示,经过短上下文学习后,GPT4o、Claude3.5 sonnet、Gemini 1.5 pro等目前最先进的大模型都可以100%完美输出我需要的Json格式的描述,gemini 1.5 flash、Yi Vision等较弱模型的成功率也达到了98%以上。(但是较弱的模型的指令遵循能力依旧很弱势,所以即使开启了上下文学习功能,它们也不一定能在所有任务中均表现良好,如果你对tags的质量要求很苛刻,那还是推荐你使用诸如gpt4o这样的强大模型)
8.My tests show that after enabling In-context few-shot learning function, cutting-edge models such as GPT4o, Claude3.5 sonnet, and Gemini 1.5 pro can output the JSON format descriptions with 100% perfection. The success rate of weaker models like gemini 1.5 flash and Yi Vision have also reached over 98%. (However, weaker models still have relatively poor instruction-following abilities. Therefore, even with the In-context few-shot learning function enabled, it is unlikely that they will perform excellently in all tasks. If you have very strict requirements for the quality of tags, it's recommended to use powerful models like gpt4o)
9.If the model cannot effectively mimic your "output templates", then lower the temperature. A temperature value around 0.3 is also acceptable.