As I am still quite new to creating AI materials, I keep stumbling across terms that do not mean anything to me at first. I am writing this down here to help me. And maybe someone else will find it useful too.
Knowing the meaning of an abbreviation can sometimes be very helpful for a deeper understanding of what the abbreviation is standing for.
Below I list the abbreviations that are either directly or indirectly related to AI image generation. I have looked up some of these and found others in connection with the research. The list is sorted alphabetically.
A.L.I.C.E. β Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
A1111 β AUTOMATIC1111
AdaLoRA β Adaptive LoRA
ADAM β Adaptive Moment Estimation
AdamW β Adam with Decoupled Weight Decay
ADetailer β After Detailer
AE β AutoEncoder
AGI β Artificial General Intelligence
AI β Artificial Intelligence
AIML β Artificial Intelligence Markup Language
AIDA β Artificial Intelligence Digital Assistant
AIDA β Advanced Interactive Digital Assistant
ALP β Abductive Logic Programming
ALU β Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD β Advanced Micro Devices
AmI β Ambient Intelligence
ANFIS β Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System
ANI β Artificial Narrow Intelligence
ANN β Artificial Neural Network
API β Application Programming Interface
APU β Accelerated Processor Unit
ASI β Artificial Superintelligence
ASIC β Accelerator application-specific integrated circuit
ASP β Answer Set Programming
aux β Auxiliary
AWGN β Additive White Gaussian Noise
AWQ β Aware Weight Quantization
AWS β Amazon Web Service
BAT β Batch
BERT β Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
BLIP β Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training
bf16 β BFloat16
BRISQUE β Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator
BSRGAN β Blind Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Network
C3Lier β Conv2d layer with a 3x3 kernel
CAE β Contractive Autoencoder
CARN β Cascading Residual Network (???)
CCA β Canonical Correlation Analysis
CFG β Classifier-Free Guidance
CFM β Coupling Flow Matching
CIFAR β Canadian Institute For Advanced Research
CKPT β Checkpoint
CLIP β Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training
CM β Contiguous Memory
CNN β Convolutional Neural Network
COCO β Common Object in Context
Colab β Colaboratory
conv β Convolutional
CompVis β Computer Vision & Learning
CPU β Central Processing Unit
CSV β Comma-Separated Values
CTMC β Continuous-Time Markov Chain
CUDA β Compute Unified Device Architecture
CVAE β Conditional VAE
DanTagGen β Danbooru Tag Generator
DAdaptAdam β D-Adaptation Adam
DAR β Display Aspect Ratio
DDIM β Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model
DDPM β Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model
DEIS β Diffusion Exponential Integrator Sampler
DFIR β Digital forensics and incident response
DiT β Diffusion Transformer
DIV2K β DIVerse 2K
DL β Description Logic
DLA β Deep Learning Architecture
DLSS β Deep Learning Super Sampling
DM β Diffusion Model
DNN β Deep Neural Network
DoRA β Weight-Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation
DoS β Denial of Service
DPM β Diffusion Probabilistic Model
DPU β Data Processing Unit
DL β Deep Learning
DLL β Dynamic Link Library
DQ β Double Quantization
DSF β Domain-specific Supervised Fine-Tuning
DTMC β Discrete-Time Markov Chain
DyLoRA β Dynamic LoRA
DLWB β Deep Learning Workbench
E2E β End-to-End Learning
ECCV β European Conference on Computer Vision
ECMA β European Computer Manufacturers Association
EDSR β Enhanced Deep Super-Resolution
ELBO β Evidence Lower Bound
ELI5 β Explain Like I'm 5
ELMO β Embeddings from Language Models
ELO β Arpad Elo**
EMA β Exponential Moving Average
ESN β Echo State Network
ESPCN β Efficient Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Network
ESRGAN β Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network
FCN β Fully Convolutional Networks
FDP β Forward Diffusion Process
FFT β Fast Fourier Transform
FID β FrΓ©chet Inception Distance
FL β Federated Learning
FLOPS β Floating point operations per second
FLAX β ???
FLUX β ???
FM β Foundation Model
FM β Flow Matching
FNN β Feedforward Neural Network
FOR β Frame-of-Reference
FSM β Finite-state machine
FSRCNN β Fast Super-Resolution CNN
FT β Fine-Tuning
fp16 β floating point 16
fp32 β floating point 32
GA β Genetic Algorithm
GAI β Generative AI
GAI β Generative Artificial Intelligence
GAN β Generative Adversarial Networks
GeLU β Gaussian Error Linear Unit
GenAI β Generative AI
GGUF β GPT-Generated Unified Format
GIGO β garbage in, garbage out
GLIGEN β Grounded Language-to-Image Generation
GLUE β General Language Understanding Evaluation
GMM β Gaussian Mixture Model
GP β Generative Pretraining
GPT β Generative Pre-trained Transformer
GPTQ β Generalized Post-Training Quantization
GPU β Graphical Processing Unit
GRU β Gated Recurrent Units
GUI β Graphical User Interface
HAN β Holistic Attention Network
HBM β High Bandwidth Memory
HDF β Hierarchical Data Format
HDR β High Dynamic Range
HED β Holistically-Nested Edge Detection
HITL β Human in the Loop
HMM β Hidden Markov Model
HR β High Resolution
HTML β Hypertext Markup Language
IA3 β Infused Adapter by Inhibiting and Amplifying Inner Activations
IBM β International Business Machines
ID β Identification/Identity/Identifier
IETF β Internet Engineering Task Force
IID β Independent and Identically Distributed
iLECO β instant-LECO
img2img β Image-to-Image
Inf β Infinity
IoT β Internet of Things
IoV β Internet of Vehicles
IPL β Information Processing Language
JAX β Just After eXecution
JEPA β Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture
JPG β Joint Photographic (Experts) Group
JPEG β Joint Photographic Experts Group
JS β JavaScript
JSON β JavaScript Object Notation
KARRAS β (Tero) Karras*
KL-D β KullbackβLeibler Divergence
LAION β Large-scale Artificial Intelligence Open Network
LapSRN β Laplacian Pyramid Super-Resolution Network
LCM β Latent Consistency Model
LDA β Latent Dirichlet Allocation
LDM β Latent Diffusion Model
LDSR β Latent Diffusion Super Resolution
LeCo β Learned Compression
LiDB β Lightweight DreamBooth
LierLa β Linear layers and Conv2d layers with a 1x1 kernel
LIMA β Less Is More for Alignment
Llama β Large Language Model Meta AI
LLaMA β Large Language Model Meta AI
LLD β Large Language Dataset
LLM β Large Language Models
LMS β Linear Multi Step
LN β Layer Norm
LN β Layer Normalization
LoCon β LoRA for convolution network
LoHa β LoRA with Hadamard product representation
LoKR β LoRA with Kronecker product representation
LoRA β Low-Rank Adaptation
LoRA-FA β LoRA with Frozen-A
LR β Learning Rate
LR β Low Resolution
LSTM β Long Short-Term Memory
LyCORIS β Lora beYond Conventional methods, Other Rank adaptation Implementations for Stable diffusion
MAR β Modified aspect ratio
MC β Modified Concept
MDP β Markov Decision Process
MPS β Metal Performance Shaders
MI β Membership Inference
MIA β Membership Inference Attack
MIPS β Mega Instructions Per Second
MIT β Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ML β Machine Learning
MLDC β Machine Learning Data Catalog
MLP β Multi-Layer Perceptron
MMDiT β Multimodal Diffusion Transformer
MMLU β Massive Multitask Language Understanding
MNIST β Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology
MSA β Multi-headed Self Attention
MSE β Mean Square Error
MV β machine vision
MXNet β ???
NAG β Nesterovβs accelerated gradient
NaN β Not a Number
NC β New Concept
NCSN β Noise Conditional Score Network
NER β Named Entity Recognition
NIST β National Institute of Standards and Technology
NF β NormalFloat
NF4 β 4-bit NormalFloat
NLP β Natural Language Processing
NLU β Natural Language Understanding
NMT β neural machine translation
NPU β Neural Processing Unit
NSFW β Not Safe For Work
OAR β Original aspect ratio
ONNX β Open Neural Network Exchange
ODE β Ordinary Differential Equation
OSS β Open Source Software
P-Tuning β Prompt-Tuning
PaLM β Pathways Language Model
pb β protocol buffer (protobuf)
PCA β Principal Component Analysis
PCTL β Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic
PEFT β Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning
PEP β Python Enhancement Proposal
PIL β Python Image Library
PIRM β Perceptual Image Restoration and Manipulation
PLMS β Pseudo Linear Multi-Step
PNDM β Pseudo Numerical Methods for Diffusion Models
PNG β Portable Network Graphics
PP β Probabilistic Programming
PSO β Particle Swarm Optimization
PSRN β Peak Signal to Noise Ratio
PT β Pickle Tensor
PTH β PyTorcH
PyPA β Python Packaging Authority
QLoRA β Quantized LoRA
QML β Quantum Machine Learning
RAFT β Retrieval-Augmented FineTuning
RAM β Random Access Memory
RBF β Radial Basis Function
RCAN β residual channel attention networks
RDB β Residual Dense Block
RDP β reverse diffusion process
ReLU β Rectified Linear Unit
ResNet β Residual Network
RF β Rectified Flow
RGB β red, green and blue
RIRO β rubbish in, rubbish out
RL β Reinforcement Learning
RLE β Run-Length Encoding
RLHF β Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback
RMSprop β Root Mean Square Propagation
RNN β Recurrent Neural Network
RoBERTa β Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach
ROCm β Radeon Open Compute platform
ROI β Region of interest
ROM β Read Only Memory
RoPE β rotary positional embeddings
RP β Region Proposal
Rprop β Resilient Propagation
RRDB β Residual-in-Residual Dense Block
RSICD β Remote Sensing Image Captioning Dataset
RSTB β Residual Swin Transformer Block
RVRT β Recurrent Video Restoration Transformer
SAI β Stability AI
SAM β ???
SAR β storage aspect ratio
SCUNet β Swin-Conv-UNet
sd β stable diffusion
SD3M β Stable Diffusion 3 Medium
SDE β Stochastic Differential Equation
SDEdit β Stochastic Differential Editing
SDMH β Stable Diffusion Model Hash
SDPA β Scaled Dot Product Attention
SDXL β Stable Diffusion XL
SEG β Semantic Segmentation (???)
SEGM β Segmentation
SEGS β ???
SFW β Safe For Work
SGD β Stochastic Gradient Descent
SGM β Score-Based Generative Model
SI β Synthetic Intelligence
SI β Swarm Intelligence
SID β Single Image Dataset
SNR β Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SoTA β State of The Art
SPMD β Single Program, Multiple Data
SQL β Structured Query Language
SQuAD β Stanford Question Answering Dataset
SRGAN β Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Network
ssβ β Standard Specification
ss β Single Shot
SSD-1B β Segmind Stable Diffusion-1B
sshs β ???
SSIM β Structural Similarity
ssmd β Single Shot Multi-Box
SVM β Support Vector Machine
SVR β Support Vector Regression
SWAG β Situations With Adversarial Generations
SWD β Scheduled Weight Decay
SwiGLU β Swish-Gated Linear Unit
SwinIR β Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer
TAESD β Tiny AutoEncoder for Stable Diffusion
TCS β theoretical computer science
TEnc β Text Encoder
tflite β TensorFlow Lite
TI β Textual Inversion
TL;DR β too long; didn't read
TLDR β too long; didn't read
TML β Trusted Machine Learning
ToMe β Token Merging
TPU β Tensor Processing Unit
TTI β Text-to-Image
txt2img β Text-to-Image
UI β User Interface
unet β U-shaped encoder-decoder network
UniPC β Unified Predictor-Corrector
VAE β Variational Autoencoder
VENV β Virtual ENVironment
VeRA β Vector-based Random Matrix Adaptation
VFX β Visual Effects
VGG β Visual Geometry Group
VGG16 β VGG-16 (network with 16 layers)
VGGNet β Visual Geometry Group Network
vGPU β virtual GPU
ViT β Vision Transformer
VLB β Variational Lower Bound
VPU β Vision Processing Unit
VRAM β Video Random Access Memory
VSM β Value Stream Mapping
W&B β Weights & Biases
WIP β Performance Wizard
XAI β Explainable Artificial Intelligence
XAML β Extensible Application Markup Language
XLA β Accelerated Linear Algebra
XML β Extensible Markup Language
YAML β YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAML β Yet Another Markup Language
YOLO β You Only Look Once
ZSL β Zero-Shot-Learning
The abbreviations I don't know yet or where I'm not sure are with ??? marked.
Final Words
The list of abbreviations does not claim to be exhaustive. If I come across new abbreviations I don't know, I will update the list here.
Have a nice day. Have fun. Be inspired!
Other Resources
* Engineer working for NVIDIA
** Hungarian-American physics professor