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Workflow for Colossus Project Flux DEV

Here are two very of my workflows I have created for my new Colossus Project Flux dev model.

You can download it here:

UPDATE 1: I have added a new 2.0 Workflow for V2.0 and V1.0 "All in One"

This updated workflow is adding a nice Stage2 upscale and the Flux Prompt Generator.

There are two workflows:

First the workflow for "All in one" model

Second the workflow for the Unet version.

They will do basically the same thing. The difference is just how the model is loaded. I also added a lot of descriptions inside the workflow. Just download and open Colossus_Project_FLUX_V2.0_ALL_IN_ONE_version1.3.json with Comfy UI.

"All in one model"


Here are some more example images:

