This XXX fantasy tale features tentacles, female pleasure, and intoxication by flower. Enjoy!
The Discovery
Biology Research in the Jungle
Aimee, a passionate female biologist from a prominent university, is on her second trip to this research camp in a tropical jungle. She's in search of new species for her PhD thesis.
The night before her first day in the field, she meets with the local team. She hears intriguing tales of a hidden valley, where few have ventured. They speak of unusual flowers and plants in the unique ecosystem, only recently discovered.
And there are hints of something more. She detects an air of secrecy reflected in the eyes of the women in the group, exchanging knowing glances.As Aimee stands to leave, a pretty fellow student, Claire, approaches her quietly, a sultry look in her dark eyes.
Aimee meets her gaze. "Hey, Claire. Good to see you again."
"Definitely... same." Claire rests a warm hand on Aimee's shoulder.
Claire glances around to be sure they won't be heard, then, leaning in closer, whispers:
"So, you really need to find those flowers. You'll smell them before you see them. They will... guide you, one could say. And they're so pretty. Like you."
Aimee watches as Claire's eyes drift down, tracing the curves of her body.
"Mm hm... You're going to love it. Whatever happens, enjoy."
Claire takes a step back with a sly smile. "Come find me after. We can, ya know, compare notes? My cabin?"
Claire turns to walk away, then blows a kiss over her shoulder.
Aimee blushes and responds with a shy smile and wave, feeling flushed, a bit confused, but mostly, excited.
Into the Jungle
After a fitful night of unusual dreams, Aimee wakes early. Her phone shows 6 a.m. She collects her gear, quietly leaves camp, and makes her way to the trailhead in the twilight.
Her encounter with Claire is fresh in her mind. Her intentions were very clear. Aimee is anxious to see her again, feeling her cheeks flush at the thought.
Her focus back on the day ahead, she navigates confidently down familiar trails, the light gradually increasing.
She enjoys the cool moist air on her skin, and hearing bird calls and jungle sounds as creatures wake and stir.
Few venture to this pristine area. She is alone with nature, and relishes the opportunity.
Guided by the GPS on her phone, she reaches her first destination, an unremarkable bend in the trail near a stream.
"No sign, no mark... but this has to be it. 90 minutes in. Right on time."
Her senses heighten as she leaves the worn path, veering into native jungle and the unknown.
The Valley
Despite the lush undergrowth, Aimee easily winds her way under vines, around crystal clear pools, and through huge stands of immense trees.
She crests the top of a hill, and now sees a dark valley stretching out below.
She begins the descent into the lush, mist-shrouded jungle, navigating around boulders and huge wet leaves. The light dims the deeper she goes.
Moments later, she knows she is there. A subtle odor, pungent but yet sweet, hovers in the damp air.
In the distance, through the trees, she can see a wash of bright red color amidst the green.
She quickens her pace.
Soon they come into full view, the unusual flowers spread across the jungle floor. They are gorgeous, crimson red, wide firm petals, kissed with dew, long stout stems stretching for the sun above the jungle canopy.
"Oh, yes. You are indeed beautiful. So pretty..." she coos to them.
Aimee becomes focused on one flower in particular that seems to beckon her.
Smiling, she kneels, leans over and nestles her nose into its soft moist petals. She inhales deeply, taking in the scent.
Her nose tingles.
The fragrance is unlike anything she has experienced. Spicy, musky, exotic.
And then... the tingles spread.
She sits upright in surprise.
Aimee is suddenly very aware of her body. Every inch of it.
A feeling. It feels...good. Really good. A rush. She giggles quietly.
"Wow... " She feels lightheaded.
She looks back at the flower.
"You sexy little thing! So what might you be? Claire was right." she smirks.
Just then, the feeling intensifies with a force.
The thump of a low vibration, a pulse, in the middle of her head.
Her jaw drops, she gasps, lips wet.
In a raspy voice she utters:
"What...the fuck... "
The sensation expands, envelopes her.
She feels warm, flushed, as tingly waves trace over her skin.
Her heart beats in her chest.
In moments she goes from thinking about the flowers, their taxonomies and species, to a laser focus on urges that crosswire her usually logical, scientific brain.
She drops her backpack, and shakily stands, spreading her feet for balance.
Her eyes drift and roll back, her breathing deepens.
Her breasts, feeling suddenly fuller, rise and fall on her chest.
She sucks in a breath as an electric shiver sweeps down her spine.
"Oh... oh god..." Goosebumps spread over her skin.
Involuntarily her back arches, pointing her taut breasts upward, her perky ass curving higher, her exaggerated profile accentuating her sexuality.
She grabs her breasts with both hands, and feels her nipples rapidly harden and rise, pushing at the fabric.
"So damn hard..." she whispers.
She strokes her fingertips over them, and instantly feels her clit flutter and her pussy contract.
The sensations wash over her and hijack her mind.
A primal, urgent arousal unlike anything she's ever felt.
She senses a tickle on her inner thigh. She reaches down - warm slick fluids.
She can't believe what is happening.
"That's... me? I've never... it's never been.... so...wet! Mmmmm..."
She lets out an involuntary moan, her body's raw sexual reactions drive her to say things she'd only ever imagined.
"Fuck! So hot, god it's just... flowing! My sweet, tight, delicious little pussy! What are you doing?!"
Recognizing what's happening to her body heightens her excitement.
She can feel her labia swell and expand.
Her clit throbs and aches under her thong.
Aimee has an uncontrollable urge to feel the air on her skin.
She tears her blouse open, releasing her taut breasts. She looks down at them, as if for the first time.
She gets an erotic rush seeing her own perky, flushed breasts exposed.
"Just look at them. I do have... amazing tits. These perfect breasts, hard nipples... such firm, hot fucking tits..."
She is in rapturous love with her own body in this moment. It feels right to expose her beauty amidst the natural beauty surrounding her.
She lifts her breasts in her hands, squeezing them, pushing her nipples up and out.
Suddenly, a presence. She is not alone.
Movement. Rustling leaves, a slithering.
Something brushes her ankle.
"Holy shit. Oh my god!" Aimee looks down and is in utter disbelief.
A long snake-like thing, smooth,wet. But, not a snake. No, something very different.
Her brain's immediate response is fear. Danger. A threat, or imminent harm.
But those thoughts are overrun. She is weirdly attracted to this creature, watching its serpentine, muscular, purposeful movements.
"What the hell are you?"
It seems curious, tentatively exploring her skin.
It feels cool. Slippery.
Instinctively, she remains still, allowing it to linger.
"I... I don't mind... It's ok ..." she finds herself saying, her body's heightened arousal increasing by the moment.
More sounds of motion in the undergrowth. Her eyes widen as one more, then another, and another - emerge from somewhere below in the moist foliage.
They gather around her, seeking her flesh, exploring the shapes and curves of her body, coiling around her toned calves and thighs.
What would otherwise feel bizarre or strange only heightens the sensations, and her desire.
These creatures - tentacles - seem sensual, erotic, reaching erogenous places that arouse and excite.
More and more of them appear, rising up from the flowers, curling and writhing.
She realizes she can't see where they end! They just extend off into the dark jungle.
She feels a tentacle reach the top of her shorts, brushing her quivering stomach.
"Oh! Jeez! You're, so close... to my... body. And so many..." she mutters deliriously.
Their sensuous movements mesmerize and excite, lustful urges building
An understanding crystalizes in her rapturous mind.
She knows. Aimee knows why she is here.
"It's... it's you then? You're the reason? You are why my body is... so ready, so wet, so tense ... that I can't think of anything else but... but... ", she trails off.
She gingerly reaches out to touch this very alien thing slinking up her body. Its cool, slick flesh feels both impossibly smooth and impossibly firm.
"Amazing... So... jeez, so fucking hot!" Her tongue glides over her lips.
The long creature undulates and rubs against her fingers in response to her touch.
She wraps her fingers firmly around its muscular form, craving and desire mounting, feeling it in her grasp.
She succumbs to the intense, urgent sensations that continue to build.
It's as if these creatures know her, the aching deep inside her.
And, Aimee knows the curves of her body create lust, desire, craving. She embodies sexuality. That is what she saw in Claire's eyes.
"Ok then... You want this? You want this body? My tight little body?"
She runs her finger along her flat tummy.
"Of course you do. Just look at it!"
A logical part of her researcher brain struggles to regain control.
She shakes her head.
"Jeez, wait! What am I ... I shouldn't..."
But her body is in control, consumed by lust and passion.
Her eyelids droop. She grins seductively.
"Or... should I? Oh fuck yes... yes I will."
She bends over seductively, intentionally, moaning in response to her own motions.
She presents her firm ass, pushing it higher, offering it, enticing them.
"See how my body wants you? Craves you? I do hope you like me. I want you to appreciate me, this body."
She senses a hesitation. The creatures seem to pause - waiting.
"Oh, no, don't... please don't stop. I want you to. I do. Very much. Can't you tell?"
The slick creatures resume with purpose, gliding over the curve of her ass, sliding in the sweat between her round cheeks.
"Mmmm, yeah... there see? You like it? That firm ass? You do. I have a great ass. I'll share it with you. I will... here it is."
She arches more, lifting her toned ass higher, rubbing it against the increasing number of them.
They hear Aimee's sultry voice, and respond.
The creatures' movements intensify, rustling and slithering. Wet erotic sounds fill her ears.
"Yes, yes, my loves. My body is yours. I am yours. You know what it wants."
They gently curl around her wrists, lifting her to her feet.
Building Tension
The creatures peel her clothes away as they continue to explore, groping, fondling, caressing her yearning body, her desire ever increasing.
She groans softly, eyes rolling, moist lips parted.
Without knowing how she got there, Aimee finds herself in a warm lagoon, tentacles sliding up and down her slick smooth skin.
Creatures slither under her drenched thong, the last remnant of her clothing, teasing her pussy lips.
"Yes ... God yes. Just look what you are doing to this body! So hard... and smooth... and wet! Like you..."
They pull her dripping thong away, exposing her entire body.
Her skin completely naked now, she feels the lips of her pussy continue swelling, expanding.
Her clit is engorged, protruding above her pussy. She looks down between her quivering thighs.
"Jeezus! My little clit, it's never been so big ... "
Her warm juices flow in a constant stream.
She hears her pussy's voice inside her head:
"Let them inside me... oh please? I know you want it too. You need to feel the pressure, filling us, touching us inside."
Aimee finds herself whispering back:
"Oh, yes. YES! I do want that for you. Very, very sweet pussy!"
Impossibly, she feels her pussy expand even more, labia almost rigid, the rosy swollen flesh glistening with her juices. Between her thighs, her pussy lips spread open like an enticing flower.
She can feel the pressure of her pussy walls, quivering in anticipation. She senses fluids oozing from deep inside her.
She hears a rhythmic sound, and realizes it is her own rapid, panting breaths.
She hears the voice purring in her ears:
"I am ready... I'm so, so ready. Can you feel me? Can you feel how ready your pussy is?"
Moans and gasps erupt from her wet mouth, as a sly smile emerges, her eyes half closed.
The creatures are drawn to Aimee's sexual energy and desire.
By her will, they obey and swarm over her.
They wrap around her smooth lean thighs, closing sensuously around her body.
"There... there it is ... see how open my pussy is? How wet, dripping, slippery? How ready we are for you?"
Suddenly, she watches as a hard, thick, slick tentacle pushes its way through her taut dripping pussy lips.
She groans as she feels the pressure of it.
"Ohhhhh...mmm... fuck!"
It slides deep into her hungry pussy, her own juices flowing around it.
Her pussy whispers again:
"Oh, my sweet... oh yes! You do like this... we need this. Can you feel it? Filling us? Pushing inside? "
The tentacle begins a steady, rhythmic, hypnotic, pumping - deep inside her, moving in time with her own body's responses.
The pace and force steadily increases.
Her pussy muscles clench and pulse, sending spasms across her body, wetness flowing from her.
Her eyes roll back as she lets out an involuntary, primal, prolonged moan, the pitch rising and pulsing with the motions.
Impossibly, inevitably, the pressure and the sensations
She succumbs, the muscles of her body in control. Her body takes what it needs, what it demands.
"Your pussy needs it, so badly. Fuck me. Please, now. Come inside, lovers. All the way...all the way inside my willing ready body."
Her hips and ass pushing into it, the hard tentacle ramming into her pussy.
The rhythm is... perfect. Tuned to her frequency.
"Yes... YES.... YES! Fuck it! Fuck my pussy!" she shouts.
Her eyelids flutter, unable to breathe, as her body hurtles to the inevitable.
She gasps and screams out:
"Yes ...yes!
I'm cumming!
Oh... Fuck! Ohhhh ....yes....."
Her pussy shudders with orgasmic waves, over and over.
The hard tentacle continues its rhythmic pumping into her body.
Her own voice and her pussy's whisper blend in her head.
"Oh... oh god. Again?! I'm cumming again?! I'm going to cum for you again, my sweet!"
The waves of contractions seem to slow, to ease, the pulsing starts to subside.
But the tentacles are relentless, sensing her craving is unquenched.
The tentacle begins twirling inside her, thumping her g-spot.
Her eyes widen, unable to believe how her pleasure keeps increasing.
"Unhggg.... Ohhhh ...god...."
Another rush. A wave of heat.
Her muscles tense, her toes curl, her heart flutters.
"Oh... fuck yes...yes yes yes... Don't stop...
She is insatiable, her body the essence of sexual desire.
The spasms become continuous, her eyes close, her mouth open wide in ecstasy, head tilting to the side.
Her engorged clit protrudes from her pussy lips, throbbing in time with the pulses of her pussy.
Her hips thrust up and down on their own, her pussy impaled on the rigid tentacle.
After what seemed timeless waves of pleasure and ecstasy, slowly, a quiet descends.
The tension fades, slowly, steadily....
Aimee's body shivers and quakes, as the overwhelming sensations dissipate.
Hot fluids continue to drip from her engorged pussy lips. Her skin glistens with warm sweat.
She sighs and breathes deeply, her heart rate gradually slowing.
The tentacles soften, a warmth emanating from them. They feel comforting on her skin.
Awareness of her surroundings gradually returns. She hears birds far off, the trees rustling, water dripping nearby.
Aimee whispers to the creatures:
"You love this body? This firm, taut, hot body? Mmm... yes. I think you do."
She glides her fingers over her smooth, swollen, warm breasts.
"I do too. It brings me... great pleasure."
Giving Back
And then, a new urge grows inside her.
She licks her lips, her tongue tingly in the misty air.
She feels her heart flutter under her breasts, its beating rapidly increasing in response to desire growing again.
"Now, you. I want to do this for you too. I can give as much pleasure as I feel."
Aimee reaches out to a tentacle, and it slides toward her, anticipating her, ready for her.
In seconds it has swollen and become rigid. Her eyes widen in delight. She tightens her grip.
"Oh my! You are ready aren't you? Well... "
Her lips spread into a gorgeous, lustful smirk. She runs her tongue over her upper lip.
"I want to see what you do... when I do... this?"
She extends her hot, wet tongue, and slowly strokes the tip of the rigid creature quivering before her face.
The creature shudders in response, bouncing on her tongue.
Large drops of clear fluid spurt from the throbbing tip, splashing on her tongue.
She giggles in surprise, her breathing deepening, heart pounding.
"Oh damn! Fuck yes... mmm... That's what I want... "
She continues stroking it with her tongue. The coils of the tentacle around her body vibrating and writhing.
She runs her tongue down its length, lapping up the juices.
"Oh yes... so sweet, so thick... I can taste how ready you are, my love. It's delicious..."
Other tentacles grab her body more firmly, squeezing her. Encouraging her.
"I am ready again too. See?"
Aimee reaches between her legs and spreads her hot, wet, still engorged pussy lips. Her pussy throbs in response.
The sound of her moans and breathing intensify.
"Now... together... let's do it together."
She hungrily licks the sweet nectar, and then pushes the creature into her warm mouth.
Another thick tentacle slithers to her pussy lips, then rapidly glides fully into her body. She pushes up against it even more.
The creature in her mouth twirls against her tongue, tickling the sensitive top of her mouth.
The pumping rhythm begins again...
In moments, she feels the inevitable throbbing of her pussy as her pleasure soars.
Moans escape her lips, fluids dribbling down her chin.
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Part 2: Return To Camp
The story continues, in which Aimee returns to camp, only to find her body still craves more.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental.
All images generated locally by DarkFun with ComfyUI, using txt-img and img-img, and the amazing SatPony-Niji checkpoint.
Author Comments
It's my first time writing erotic fiction like this, although I have other writing experience.
When I generate images like these, I've usually got some scenario in my head, but never to this level of detail. I honestly got way more enjoyment <smirk> from creating and editing the story as from creating the images.
If you enjoyed it, please like, and follow.
Would seriously appreciate comments too.
I plan to do more of these for my other x-rated work.
Have also started a CivitAI collection to gather like-minded works.
Check out my profile for similar imagery.