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Epi's Embedding Maps and Graphs

Epi's Embedding Maps and Graphs


Beta version

A faster version can be found here:

It does a better job at rendering really large maps - I will replace all links on this page with the new one after I've updated it to have better feature parity.

Going forward I will include the full feature vector for each embedding space in the dataset - this allows us to do vector similarity search. You can focus items on the map by clicking them - and if the loaded space has the full feature vectors included, the most similar entries will be shown.

You can select "show similar only" to only view the most similar items. This highlights one fact of dimensionality reduction - the closest items on the map - are not always the truly most similar items when the full feature vector is considered.

When "show opacity" is set items opacity is set scaled to the cosine similarity to the focused item. This can visualize how/if one items full dimensional similarity spreads across the 2D plane of the map in a non-linear way.

Including this data does however mean that the maps source data becomes larger.

You can try the beta version with a space which includes the new vector data here.

👋 I would really appreciate if you'd consider leaving feedback on the beta version in the comments, thank you!


✨ Request maps and graphs you would like to see in the comments! ✨



