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TWO DAYS LEFT TO VOTE: Poll for what to convert to ILXL

TWO DAYS LEFT TO VOTE: Poll for what to convert to ILXL

I think I’ve finally cleared out most of what I wanted to make, know for sure is possible to train PDXL on with reasonable effort, and can get enough training data for, and I also want to finish off some of my video game backlog before the Steam December sale. Thus I think I’m going to take December off from making LoRAs. I’ll still post images and collect buzz for those days as well as check in to maintain my public collections, but not going to be spending the time I'd otherwise have spent gathering, cleaning and tagging data (I stand by my estimate in my guide of half an hour for making a LoRA if gathering the training data isn’t a problem and I focused entirely on it, but most of the characters I do now don’t fall under that condition and as its ultimately a hobby I don’t push myself to do them super fast anyways.). After December however I plan to use all that buzz I gathered (and didn’t spend) for mass conversion of my PDXL character models to ILXL throughout January and February. The hope is I’ll be able to As of December 15th I've got enough post a “new” LoRA every day for at least the first two weeks of the year, and I should be able to do one every day of January, interrupted only by a genuinely new LoRA I have planned in honor of something’s major anniversary (and maybe site contests) unless something terrible happens to blue buzz rates/costs.

Since I know in advance I'll be doing almost nothing with my buzz for a month, and have no preference on what priority to convert stuff, I figured I’d post a poll to let me people tell me what they want converted. I don’t really want to do a series piecemeal (and want to keep the number of poll options reasonable) so characters that are part of a series will be done together. I’m planning on starting with training the highest ranked series, then highest ranked standalone, then second highest ranked series, and second highest ranked standalone and so on till I’m forced to slow down or have completed everything.

If there's any considerations I need to know when training for ILXL over PDXL, I'd like to hear them now before I start the conversions.
(note: These polls allow up to 4 options to be picked)

Update Dec 15: Buzz hoarding is going smoothly, but the poll hasn't gotten new responses in a while. Particularly annoying is that first place is in a three way tie and I didn't think of a tie break (I guess I'll do oldest LoRA and its series first), so please vote if you haven't yet.

Update Dec 28: There's only two days left to vote. Please vote so I don't have a two way tie for first.

Despite having made two LoRAs during my Hiatus for contest purposes, I've piled up enough blue buzz to train 31 models. Since I'll need to make new gallery pictures and daily posts it will actually be slightly less than that though the rest of December will cancel that out, and I'll still be getting Buzz throughout January and February. I'm fairly confident I should be able to convert everything by the end of February bar site changes. I've got two specials planned for release on their IP's major anniversary in January (one will appear within a week), and a third for early March (don't think it will take that long, but mentioning it just in case) . These will both get PDXL and ILXL versions the same day, but I'll be interrupting conversions for them. After all the conversions, I've already got 15 ideas for LoRAs to try making.

What character series to convert?

What standalone LoRA to convert?

