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Updated in about 7 clicks, the strongest remake method for PD6 series (muon method)

Updated in about 7 clicks, the strongest remake method for PD6 series (muon method)
約 7clic で更新、PD6 シリーズ の最強リメイク法 (muon 法)
Updated in about 7 clicks, the strongest remake method for PD6 series (muon method)

@@@ LoRA 特に問題なく使用できました @@@ 20241130

@@@ I was able to use LoRA without any problems @@@ 20241130

日本語の説明は 後半 にあります 作業時にはタイトル画像を開き照らし合わせてください

This is an English text translated by machine. When working, please open the title image and compare it.

I love each tool: A1111 (One for All, All for One), Forge (OLD), Super-merger, Train-Train, Kohya_LoRA_param_GUI, EasySdxlWebUi.

We would like to thank all the various creators, including PonyDiffusionV6XL. Civitai, Civitans, thank you for giving us this opportunity.

||| What you get |||

PD6 is a great model and you will be able to unleash its full potential. By resetting overfitting, all harmful effects are eliminated. Training will be faster and more accurate, and colors will also improve.

Specifically, we will improve hands and fingers, improve linear expressions such as umbrellas, and improve seeds that do not change even after learning (become able to change/change based on learning in seeds that always become anime faces or real faces) etc.), improvement of the so-called "PONY eyes", improvement of the background, etc.

These distortions occur due to overfitting, and by alleviating the overfitting state, the original performance can be achieved. PD6 is a really great model.

||| Preparation |||

SuperMerger, PonyDiffusionV6XL (hereinafter referred to as PD6), Addict-muonFiX, and the model you want to update, (Blue text is a link / If you have not yet obtained it, please download it from the link)

||| Procedure |||

1. Open SuperMerger from TAB and set it to Merge mode.

2. Model-A: Addict-muonFiX, Model-B: Model you want to update, Model-C: PD6

3. Set Merge Mode to "Add difference" and Calculation Mode to "normal".

4. Use Merge Block Weights Alpha: "1", and set Options as necessary (if you want to save at the same time as merging, " Please put a ✔ next to "☑ save")

5. Orange button Merge! Or press Merge&Gen... That's it, thanks for your hard work!

(To save the merged model, use save above. You can save it later with Merge!)

*For details, please check the SuperMerger readme etc. for operating instructions...

||| Description |||

This operation is a differential merge.

The content is a calculation that subtracts model B by model C and adds it to model A.

I'll talk about it in a little more detail. "Model C" is the element that forms all the elements in PD6.

"Model B" is a derivative or improved version of the PD6, with something added to it.

"Model A" and this is the most important part of this article, is a reconditioned version of PD6 itself.

PD6 is in a "white haze" state, which I imagine is probably an overfit state.

Model A is the model that removes the overfitting state.

In other words, the method is to extract only the elements that make PD6 model B and replace them with model A (muonFiX).

Well, if you compare it to a car, it would be like transplanting the engine to a new car body.

No, it's like installing a new graphics board in your PC.

In any case, your favorite model will now be "reborn into the strongest model."

*I imagine that LoRA updates can be done in the same way. Applying LoRA to model B, extracting LoRA from the new model... It's easier than learning LoRA all over again, but it still takes time. It would be nice if it could be used to adjust the applied weight without doing anything. I wonder if I can come up with any ideas? There seems to be a method called LoRA for subtraction.

||| Inspiration Story |||

Just the other day, I failed twice in a row with the latest version of my model.

The second time was overlearning. It's based on FFT, and it takes time to redo it...

At this time, I had an idea to create LoRA using the same image set and try subtracting it.

And I remembered PD6, with whom I spent a lot of time. What if...

Fortunately, even the failed model was able to take shape, so I took on the challenge of realizing my idea.

At first, it was implemented in LoRA, so the readjustment of IN00-03, OUT05-08, was not possible.

Then I had another flash of inspiration...and thus the "Addict-muonFiX" model was born.

||| information |||

Before this method, I also created a pseudo LoRA of ZtSNR n Vpred.

This is an interesting feature that greatly expands the color gamut. Please try it.

||| For those of you who have experienced merging for the first time |||

Everyone is a "beginner" at first. I'm still a beginner too. How was the merge?

It's not that difficult to use the tool, so why not give it a try?

I think new models will continue to be created one after another.

At that time, I want you to be active in merging, creating LoRA, prompting, new ideas, etc.

I would be happy if we could move forward while acknowledging and praising each other's good points without criticizing others.

If you have the time to go out of your way to give bad reviews to others, it would be better to use it to create LoRA.

I think A1111 is the "center" of that connection. Including the name.

The reasons I have written down are my encouragement to those of you who are taking on the challenge for the first time.

(I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to Kohya-Script, which is the main tool for merging etc.)

||| Finally |||

Thank you again. Actually, when I first tried it, it was only AMD2400G.

Starting AI generation without an nVidia graphics board.

At that time, Toshiaki and his friends helped me and I am grateful. This method would not be possible without them.

I would like to thank everyone who helped me use SD15 on AMD2400G.

I would also like to thank Samael1976 for previously consulting on FFT on a separate matter.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone mentioned on this page, including the tool authors.

   SDXL addict: muooon would like to express his gratitude to all the PD6 users... That's it.

以下、日本語原文 (Japanese readme Original text)

A1111 (One for All, All for One), Forge (OLD), Super-merger, Train-Train, Kohya_LoRA_param_GUI, EasySdxlWebUi, 各ツールを愛用しています。

PonyDiffusionV6XL, を始めに、様々な製作者の皆さま本当にありがとうございます。Civitai, Civitans, この場を与えてくださりありがとうございます。

||| 得られるもの |||




||| 準備 |||

SuperMergerPonyDiffusionV6XL (以下 PD6)、Addict-muonFiX、そして更新したいモデル、


||| 手順 |||

1、SuperMerger を TAB から開き、Merge モードにしてください


3、Merge Mode を "Add difference"、Calculation Mode を "normal" にしてください

4、use Merge Block Weights Alpha:"1"、Options は必要に応じて設定してください

  (merge と同時に save する場合は "☑ save" に✔をつけてください)

5、オレンジボタン Merge!または Merge&Gen を押して… 終了ですお疲れさま!

  (merge したモデルを保存するには上の save を。後からでも Merge!で保存できます)

  ※詳しくは SuperMerger の readme 等で操作方法を確認してください…

||| 説明 |||

この作業は、差分マージ です。

その内容は、モデルB を モデルC で減算し モデルA に加算する、という計算です。

少し詳しく話します。モデルC は PD6 ですべての素になる要素です。

モデルB は、PD6 の派生、つまり改良バージョンで、PD6 に"何か"を足したものです。

モデルA は、これが今回の最重要部分になりますが、PD6 そのものの再調整版です。

PD6 は"白いモヤ"のかかる状態で、おそらく過学習(OverFit)状態だと想像します。

その過学習状態を解除したものがモデルA muonFiX になります。

つまり PD6 を モデルB にする要素のみを抽出し モデルA に載せ替える という方法です。


いやいや、PC に 新しいグラフィックボードを載せる感じでしょうか。


※LoRAの更新も同様に行えると想像しています。モデルBにLoRA適用モデル、できあがった新しいモデルからLoRAを抽出する、、、LoRAをもう一度学習するよりは手軽… ってそれでも手間かかるよね。何もしなくても適用ウェイトの調整等で使えると良いんだけどな。何かいいアイデア浮かばないかな。減算用LoRAという方法もあるような。

||| きっかけ |||


2回目は過学習でした。FFT によるもので、それをやり直すのも時間がかかる…

この時ひらめいたのが同じ画像セットでLoRAをつくり減算してみよう… でした。

そして 長い時間を共に過ごした PD6 を思い出しました。もしや…。




||| お知らせ |||

このメソッドの前に、ZtSNR n Vpred の 疑似LoRA というのも作りました。


||| 初めてのマージを経験したあなたへ |||



これからも 新しいモデル は次々と生まれると思います。

その時、あなたも マージ、LoRA作成、プロンプト、新しいアイデア、等で活躍して欲しい。





(マージ等のツールの中心、Kohya-Script にも 最大の感謝をしますありがとうございます)

||| 最後に |||

再びの感謝になります。 実は最初に触った頃は、AMD2400G のみでした。

nVidia 系 グラフィックボードを持たない状態からの AI 生成の開始です。

その頃、トシアキ たちに助けられ感謝しています。このメソッドは彼らなくして生まれません。

AMD2400G で SD15 をつかうことを助けてくれた方々へ感謝を返します。

別件で以前に FFT の 相談に応じてくれた Samael1976 にも心から感謝します。


   SDXL 中毒者:muooon から PD6 愛用者の皆さまへ感謝を込めて… 終わり。

