We're looking for a set of 3 images of a character that matches the description below. Character is a member of an elite special ops force. The final image should be anime-inspired but slightly Western-looking. Focus should be on the gun and gear almost as much as the girl. This isn't meant to be porn, she should be cool and tactical first, hot second.
Visual references are included in this link: https://www.figma.com/file/HMREPLwXZwug5TD2YVSkMd/CivitAI-Brief-1?type=whiteboard&node-id=0%3A1&t=7IXUHBCUWqV0jjvj-1
Name: Quinn
About: Friendly, positive, patriotic, lawful good. Most likely to follow rules of engagement
Cares about appearance- Takes selfies mid-combat, beckons, and addresses player directly “anon”
Tier 1 counter-terrorist; neutralized infamous terrorist leaders
Face and head
Green eyes and red hair
Thick Warpaint under eyes that does not reach tear ducts and matching eyeliner
Goggles on head
Military headset with cat ears
Glowing RGB colors on front-facing parts of headset
White and blue Sailor-style school girl top called a seifuku made from tactical shemagh.
Red bow on the neck
A collared flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up above the seifuku.
The shirt should be multicam arid and then darkened a few shades.
Like a Tier 1 OperatorBlack and white American flag patch on the left arm. Delta Force patch on the left arm. The arms should have enough room for velcro, and the patches
Pleated miniskirt with two horizontal lines at the bottom. Like a schoolgirl skirt but with a wider flare.
Tactical belt holds up miniskirt
Black thigh-high pantyhose
Tactical kneepad on left knee
Holster and sidearm (Beretta 9mm) on right thigh
There should be a gap of bare skin between top of pantyhose and bottom of the skirt.
Red, white, blue coloring but not overtly USA-coded
Kevlar over a flannel with a carrier under bust
Smiling, peace sign, looking friendly and inviting mouth open
HandsBlack fingerless gloves
Bust size
See reference. Large but should not be falling over the underbust carrier
AR-15 platform Magpul grip on magazine
Heart-shaped red dot sight
suppressor, side-mounted flashlight
two-tone tan and black
No laser
Heart-shaped red dot