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Show us your Kawaii! (あなたのKawaiiを見せてくれ!)

2,000 BUZZ
Started: Jul 15, 2024
Bounty Type
Image Creation
Base Model
SD 1.5
Jul 15, 2024
Aug 11, 2024

About this bounty

Show us your Kawaii! (あなたのKawaiiを見せてくれ!)

 I want inspiring ! look at illustrations of kawaii waifu, characters, and potential moms(by Char) - 琴線に触れるような、嫁やママになるかもしれないキャラのイラストを募集します


Note : Japanese explanation of this page at down scroll

※ 日本語の説明は下部にあります



 I believe that numerous models have been released since the SDXL generation. I have devised my own training and merges as I am sure many of you have. I have now completed a model that I am satisfied with, and I am now generating all of my own work using only my own model.

 I have just released a new checkpoint with a new style of painting by further training and merging, and I would like to hold a bounty the release of the new checkpoint. The new checkpoints are "BGM," an anime-style SDXL checkpoint with slight deformation elements, and "BnD," a PONY checkpoint with an artistic style. Please try them out.



-my subjective choice - 2000Bazz (Bounty Award)

-Some entries will receive a prize of 100-500Bazz.

 The winning entries above will be pinned to the Checkpoint page.

 These decisions are completely subjective. I will never rely on ratings or votes from viewers. The ratings are my personal preference and you may not like the results.


Available Checkpoints.

[PONY & SDXL] XL_caulkinum AnimeLine for 2D Anime Characters.

Additional features availab

Wildcard set mainly for random generation of Kawaii girls (主に美少女ランダム生成のためのワイルドカードセット)



  • One entry per person, up to 10 submissions.

  • Please submit your work to both this sweepstakes page and the checkpoint page you used.

 If you are using my wild card set, you may submit to that page as well

  • use the two checkpoints listed above

  • All additional networks such as LoRA, embedding, etc. are not allowed

  • Only pure text-to-image (t2i) is allowed.

 No modifications of any kind, including ADetailer. I don't know anything about ComfyUI, but I can participate as long as the image is submitted to CIVITAI and the checkpoint information is automatically determined.

  • If you submit a work that you feel is the best, we will decide before the deadline and may close the contest.

 The good entries will also receive a Bazz at any time, but will still have a chance to win the Grand Prize separately. The best entries will still have a chance to win the Grand Prize separately.


About Request Illustrations

  • Portraits, mostly of people.

  • Any race, ethnicity or gender

  • Vertical and horizontal images are acceptable, but vertical images are preferre purposes.

  • Preference is for Japanese anime style illustrations, but other styles are of course acceptable.

  • No rating is required (as long as it will not be deleted by CIVITAI).

  • extra fingers and other body structures that are a bit odd ? OK OK !


 Such a few Details!

     Doesn't matter!




   /     i f ,.r='"-‐'つ____

  /      /   _,.-‐'~/⌒  ⌒\

    /   ,i   ,二ニ⊃( ●). (●)\

   /    ノ    il゙フ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \

      ,イ「ト、  ,!,!|     |r┬-|     |

     / iトヾヽ_/ィ"\      `ー'´     /


Excluded from evaluation (NG Illustration)

  • Pictures sexual acts or genitalia

  • Discriminatory

  • Landscape only, pea-sized figures, text, no background (boring)

  • No reproducibility (it's OK if you can create it in Forge, try it out, and generally reproduce it)

  • No generated data (out of the question)

  • Illustrations deemed socially objectionable will be judged at any time.


Other notes

  • I'm mob to this so please tolerate any problems

  • I'm not a native English speaker, so some of the expressions may not be correct



あなたのKawaiiを見せてくれ! (Show us your Kawaii!)


 I want inspiring ! look at illustrations of kawaii waifu, characters, and potential moms(by Char)






  • 私の主観で選んだ最優秀賞に2000Bazz (Bounty Award)

  • いくつかの作品には懸賞100~500Bazz贈呈





[PONY & SDXL] XL_caulkinum AnimeLine for 2D Anime Characters.


Wildcard set mainly for random generation of Kawaii girls (主に美少女ランダム生成のためのワイルドカードセット)



  • 1人1エントリー、10枚まで投稿できます

  • 作品はこの懸賞ページと使用したチェックポイントページの両方へ投稿してください


  • 使用するチェックポイントは先に挙げた2種類のみ

  • LoRAや埋め込みその他の追加ネットワークは全て使用不可

  • 使用可能なのは純粋なテキストtoイメージ (t2i)のみ



  • 最優秀だと感じる作品が投稿された場合には期日前に決定し終了することがあります




  • ポートレート的、人物が主である

  • 種族、人種、性別問いません

  • 縦横問いませんが掲載の都合上縦画像が好ましいです

  • 好みは日本のアニメ的な絵柄ですがそれ以外ももちろんOK

  • レイティング不問 (CIVITAIに削除されない範囲)

  • 指の本数やちょっとくらいおかしい身体構造もまま有り!







   /     i f ,.r='"-‐'つ____

  /      /   _,.-‐'~/⌒  ⌒\

    /   ,i   ,二ニ⊃( ●). (●)\

   /    ノ    il゙フ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \

      ,イ「ト、  ,!,!|     |r┬-|     |

     / iトヾヽ_/ィ"\      `ー'´     /


評価除外 NGイラスト

  • 性行為、性器を描いている

  • 差別性を感じさせる

  • 風景のみ、人物が豆粒サイズ、文字が入っている、背景がない (つまらないです)

  • 再現性がない(Forgeで作成して試し概ね再現できればOKです)

  • 生成データがない (論外)

  • 社会通念上好ましくないと考えられるイラストは随時判断



  • 不慣れなので問題があっても大目に見てください

  • 英語はネイティブではないので表現がおかしいところがあるかもしれません



 ◆ We look forward to receiving your application! ◆

 ◆ それではご応募お待ちしております! ◆



Introduction of Products (製作物紹介)

Wildcard set mainly for random generation of Kawaii girls (主に美少女ランダム生成のためのワイルドカードセット)

Characters LoRA(キャラクターLoRA)

Poses LoRA(ポーズLoRA)



caulkinum Series Checkpoint (caulkinumシリーズ チェックポイント)

XL_caulkinumAnimeLine SDXL & PONY for Anime Style

XL_caulkinumRealLine SDXL & PONY for Realistic Style


caulkinumV2 series for Anime Style

caulkinumV1_RL series for semi Realistic Style

caulkinumV1_S series for Realistic Style



Support Request (支援のお願い)

 Please post what you generate. It is a great pleasure to see them in use. It is a great pleasure for us to see them in use, because their energy will be the power to create something new.



Coffee will increase work efficiency and motivation.


Dogecoin : D5JK4DX5MPCRsuXRwZLGn3Qa6SkDbKiwgK  

Monacoin : MLFEyNf9JsgzK6vNzty5QxhjKizB3d9nxP  


Thank you for reading to the end.

We hope there is one person who will use it.



