Welcome to the Anime/Manga category of The Harrlogos Create-A-Logo Contest!
Using the Harrlogos LoRA, invent your own Anime/Manga, along with a super uwu logo to go with it. What would your cover look like on Crunchyroll to bring in the most viewers?
1. This Article is the home base of the Logo Contest. Here you'll find links to the other 3 categories, details rules, and how to submit.
2. One image per person, per category. Use nothing but a Checkpoint/VAE, and the Harrlogos LoRA (Other LoRA's are okay as well). No inpainting, post processing, nothing. You can only win 1st place in one category.
3. Whoever gets the most reactions on their entry by the time the bounty closes, you win 5000 Buzz!
Here is an image with a very simple ComfyUI workflow in it, to get you started. Just drag and drop this image into your ComfyUI window: