Thanks for voting on this week's Competition! You all voted for Team Rocket cosplay but I'm going to remix this competition!
Post art of any Pokemon trainer: they can be official, made up, or even from another franchise.
To be a valid Pokemon trainer the character must meet at least one of these criteria:
Be holding a Pokeball or have a Pokeball on belt/necklace/etc
Have a companion Pokemon in the image
Be wearing the Team Rocket uniform
You must use my Zankuro style for your Pokemon Trainer. Trainers can be cute or mature. Sweet or sexy.
I have a lot of examples that can be remixed if you need inspiration:
Also there are a lot of great examples posted on the Zankuro style itself.
Should you choose the path of evil I have a Team Rocket Lora that you can use if you want.
Side note: YeiYeiArt has a 30k Buzz bounty so you could easily use the same art in both our competitions if you follow Yeiyei's rules.
Feel free to post NSFW or SFW, but please follow a few rules:
Show generation details in your entries (your image will be disqualified if its missing generation details)
No inpainting or img2img- for this competition any inpainting or img2img is allowed.Please only post one image per entry.
50 Entries per user - Please post a lot of images!
Reviewing my Lora or posting images to my Loras is appreciated but is not required for this winning this bounty. I'm asking for art not reviews :P
I make art competitions every week please check here for more:
Thanks for reading to the end! Hope you have a nice day 😁