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SDXLMixSampler 1.1
The node updated to accept loop:number rather total_steps:number
The total_steps would be calculated as mix_steps*loop
add final_only input to determine output multiple images or only the final loop image
If fina_only set to no, it would produce each loop image in output
The concept is to make one node to use both base+refiner like simple sampler.
Let me explains some parameter.
total_steps: total steps would run with this sampler. default is 20.
mixing_steps: total steps of one loop, loop = total_steps / mixing steps
base_steps_percentage: the percentage of base model's steps in each loop, the refiner would take the leftover
The whole pocess would only add_noise at the first base model sampling, other would disable_noise. The return_with_leftover_noise would be false at the last refiner node.
Why would I create this node? I was testing around generating text and I found it helps to generating text in multiple loop of the base+refiner process and I think it could done by 1 node.
All my custom_nodes would goto the flowing git page: