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Frevo Style

Jul 17, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Steps: 1,000
Epochs: 4
Trigger Words
wearing frevo clothes

I present you with another Brazilian clothing lora.

tl;dr: dresses with trigger wearing frevo clothing, frevowear, colorful top, colorful skirt. You can try (colorful) umbrella, but it doesn't always work. Dancing and Jumping seem to work. There's also "colorful pants" that might work with male characters.


What is this about?

Frevo is a vibrant and expressive style of music and dance originating from the state of Pernambuco, in the Northeast of Brazil. The word "frevo" is said to come from "ferver" which means "to boil" in Portuguese, accurately reflecting the high energy and heat of the dance. Frevo is traditionally associated with the Carnival festivities in the city of Recife and has even been designated a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The music is typically fast-paced and intense, usually featuring brass instruments like trumpets, trombones, and saxophones. The frevo dance is as dynamic as the music itself. It features high-energy, acrobatic movements similar to capoeira and even includes flips and other spectacular maneuvers. Dancers, also known as "passistas", typically move forward in a march while performing these complex movements, creating a thrilling spectacle.

A traditional frevo dancer costume is very colorful, reflecting the energetic and lively spirit of the dance itself. The female costume usually features a short, frilly skirt, a tight blouse, and sometimes a small hat or headpiece, again, in bright colors. The male costume often consists of baggy pants, a loose, short-sleeved shirt, and sometimes a hat - all in vibrant colors. The costumes may also include shiny details or sequins to add more flare.

One of the iconic elements of the frevo dancer's ensemble is the small, colorful umbrella that they hold while dancing. The frevo umbrella is a symbol of the dance and is used to enhance the dancer's movements, twirling it in the air, using it as a prop for acrobatics, or even mimicking the act of stabbing the ground as if defending their space on the crowded streets during Carnival.